Mar 13 2008

al-Qaeda In Iraq Under Saddam – Eyewitness Account

Published by at 10:41 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT,Iraq

An article out today destroys the liberal mythology regarding the war on terror in two areas. In the previous post I noted Iraqi security is working with us here in the US to stop attacks on America. This exposure of a real threat now in country demonstrates why Congress needs to stop playing games with FISA-NSA and let our security forces protect us to the broadest extent possible.

But the second area of leftwing fantasy this article demolishes is in regard to al-Qaeda’s presence in Iraq under Saddam Hussein:

Al-Magid:Al-Magid: Al Qaeda and other people who believed the same as Al Qaeda had been in Iraq for many years. When I say “believed” I mean people who hated America and wanted to destroy the U.S.

Saddam had this in common with Al Qaeda and this is why he provided them protection.

Around 2003, as I have mentioned, I met Mr. Gaubatz. My family and I wanted to help the Americans and we went to a base to speak with someone who could work with us. Dave knew our family had already saved some American soldiers’ lives and we started working together. I can’t mention some things right now, but I can say we talked about Al Qaeda and the Iranians being in Iraq before 2003. Saddam used some of these groups to terrorize the Iraqi people so they would not go against him.

I have discussed some points about Al Qaeda being in Iraq for many years before 2003. This seems to only be a surprise to Americans, but everyone in Iraq knew Al Qaeda was being protected by Saddam in Iraq. The Al Qaeda people had their own mosques in Nasiriyah and only Al Qaeda could go to the mosques. One of their mosques was near the Saddam hospital that Private Jessica Lynch was being held as a prisoner.

Americans do not understand how much they helped the Iraqis when they removed Saddam.

So al-Qaeda was an arm of Saddam’s internal forces. This kind of arrangement could be considered by some as ‘different’ from planning attacks outside Iraq. The thing people forget about Iraq is that it was not invaded because of 9-11, it was the prime risk as a nexus of resources and support for future 9-11s. After AQ demonstrated their credibility with 9-11 the risk was states which had been adverse to putting themselves at risk with some rag-tag group of fanatics would see AQ as a useful tool to attack the US for their own benefits.

Only liberals look at Iraq and define it as payback for 9-11 and do not see it as one of the top potential risks that could be woven into a series of future 9-11s, something the US government was doing (and has done) to make sure would not happen.

23 responses so far

23 Responses to “al-Qaeda In Iraq Under Saddam – Eyewitness Account”

  1. 75 says:

    AJ, the recent premature “leak” from an “unnamed” source to McClatchy regarding al-Qaeda not being in Iraq appears to be a continued tactic the left uses to pre-empt official reports not in their favor. The NIE leak before the official release and the Wilson/Yellowcake leak are very similar examples of unnamed leaks from government agencies that just “happened” to come out shortly before the original release of the official report. Odd that the papers printing these stories are all of the same stripe, huh?

  2. dave m says:

    sooth will not be happy.

  3. Where is the little Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Democratic Nutbag Traitor anyhow, I miss him!

  4. 75 says:

    He’s already unhappy. All lefties are. Dismal group they are.

  5. Soothsayer says:

    As you boneheads ought to know, the Bush Administration has tried to prevent the Institute for Defense Analyses Iraqi Perspective Project, Volume I, from being made public, because it makes clear, after examining over 600,000 captured documents, there was no functional link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda PRIOR to the US invasion of Iraq.

    The executive summary of the report is available here, however.

    The Pentagon had indicated the report would be made available on its website, but plans to send out a press release announcing the report’s release were abruptly cancelled, and DoD will no longer make the report available online.

    The report was to be posted on the Joint Forces Command website, followed by a background briefing with the authors. Although the full report won’t be emailed to reporters and it won’t be posted online, it will be made available tothose who ask for it in writing, being sent out via U.S. mail from Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Virginia.

    And speaking of the Bush crime family operations, anybody care to opine as to why the White House has refused to remove a loophole quietly inserted into a budget rule allowing contractors abroad to keep silent if they observe fraud or abuse on US government contracts?

    The rule, put forth by the White House Office of Management and Budget last year, exempts all companies who do work overseas from a new regulation requiring US contractors to report waste, fraud or abuse they encounter while doing work for the government. More than $100 billion in contracts have been awarded for work in Iraq and Afghanistan in the last five years.

    Even the Bush Justice Department opposes the exemption, which was slipped into the proposed rule last November. No one has come forward to admit the insertion. The exemption has riled the Justice Department, which opposes limiting the rule to domestic contracts and led members of Congress to call for an investigation amid concerns that someone inserted the exemption as a favor to the contracting lobby that has major interests because of the ongoing wars.

    Your tax dollars at work, supporting fraudulent war profiteers.

  6. Terrye says:

    If you l0ok at this article from 2002, it is reported that Abu Nidal was killed in Baghdad because he refused to train AlQaida for Saddam. No one thought such a claim outrageous at the time.

    I think that some people think that unless the regime of Saddam Hussein actively worked with AlQaida to plan attacks on America then they do not have “operational” ties. The point is they were fellow travelers. Just like Mr. Nidal, who supposedly killed himself by shooting himself in the head three times.

    For instance, one man escpaed justice after the initial attack on the World Trade Center during the Clinton administration. His name was Yasin. He fled to Iraq and was sheltered there. I even remember 60 Minutes going there and doing an interview with him. So far as I know there is no indication that Saddam had anything directly to do with that attack either, but he certainly did hide one of the people who did.

    Saddam was like one of those Mafia Dons who always found a way to cover his own tracks, even though everyone knew what he was and what he was up to.

    Suffice to say that he was a supporter of international terrorism, about that there is no doubt.

    And he did offer AlQaida sanctuary back in the 90’s when he was doing everything he could think of to piss off the United States.

  7. Terrye says:

    I forgot to include this link to the article I mentioned. It was in the Telegraph.

  8. AJStrata says:

    Excellent post Terrye – but don’t expect the left to open their eyes (or minds) at this late date. Their fragile egos are on the line and they will never face up to reality.

  9. kathie says:

    Different bodies, same mind set.

  10. Soothsayer says:

    Gosh, who to believe – a bunch of anecdotal toadies, an out-of-date 6 year old article in the right wing rag Telegraph or a report issued after close examination of 600,000 documents?

  11. there was no functional link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda PRIOR to the US invasion of Iraq.

    Left by “Bootlicker”


    Once again, I must point out a Blatant, Anti-American, Pro-Jihadi, Leftist Democratic Traitor Nutbag LIE, by none other than “Bootlicker”, the rectal manipulator of Leftist Sock-puppets “N(W)orm” and “THECENTERISABUNGHOLE”

    This report, never said any such thing, as stated by “Bootlicker”!

    What the report actually said, was:

    in reviewing over 600,000 Saddam era Documents, it could find no evidence of an “OPERATIONAL” link between the Saddam era Government and Al Qaeda.

    NEVER, NEVER, NEVER was the term “functional link” ever used; it’s a completely different thing, and it is a LIE, that “Bootlicker” has perpetrated on this board.

    In addition, to any Rational sane American (something “Bootlicker” is NOT); it also means that there is NOT evidence out there, not assessed that could prove an “operational link” between Saddam and Al Qaeda.

    They didn’t review the 600,001st or 600,002nd and so forth!

    In addition, because you ARE an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag Democrat Traitor BDS-Afflicted card-carrying-Socialist-member-of-Academia totally ignore the EVIDENCE and FACTS such as this: which was in Iraq, and allowed to operate with Saddam’s knowledge, or you also ignore this: with Zarqawi in Iraq as early as 2002; and you will certainly ignore this: and in addition, you will ignore ALL the evidence of other Saddam-Al Qaeda connections that do in FACT, disprove the allegations in the new report that not even an “operational link” existed between Saddam – Al Qaeda:

    Pay particular attention to the contacts between Saddam Officials and Al Qaeda Officials from 1995 onwards.

    In addition, YOUR “President” the draft-dodger and Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Nutbag, Bill Clinton, used the justification to bomb the Al Sifa Pharma plant in Sudan back in ’98, by saying that is was producing Chemical weapons (WMD’s!!) and it was a cooperative effort between Al Qaeda/Bin Laden and Iraq/Saddam!


    Finally, Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Democratic Traitor Nutbag O’ mine, this will be very difficult for you to follow, because it contains FACTS, something that you and your Traitorous ilk are incapable of absorbing:

    Ramzi Yousef and his Uncle, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, bomed the WTC in ’93!

    Ramzi Yousef, came to NYC from where??

    He came into the US on an Iraqi Passport, and his trip originated in Baghdad, via Amman, Jordan!

    Wow, what a freaking coincidence, huh Nutbag?

    In addition, his Uncle, MSM WAS part of Al Qaeda; get it so far, Traitor?

    And guess who was one of Ramzi Yousef’s “contacts” he was supposed to call when he got to the US?

    Bin Laden’s Brother-in-Law!

    Wow, imagine that, Leftist Nutbag? Another “coincidence”, correct?

    If you read the articles closely, especially in the “Wiki”, they will lay out the arguments for the Ramzi Yousef – Saddam ties, and then they attempt to refute them as well!

    Typical, from a Leftist site, but what can you expect?

    Interestingly, none other than the Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi MSM bootlicking papers, the WashPost and NYT, BOTH made the arguments that there was a Saddam-WTC’ 93 Link, very vociferoulsy, after the attack!

    They only changed their minds, 10 years later, when they decided they hated Bush, and were against the Iraq Invasion of 2003!

    Wow, imagine my shock!

    Even BDS-afflicted, Anti-American Leftist Pro-Jihadi Clintonite, Richard Clarke, sung a different tune back in 1999:

    Wow, a Clintonite, and an Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist, changing their tune to suit their lying hypocritcal political ends; imagine that, hey Nutbag?

    Color me surprised!

    Read this traitor, and enjoy about your Idols, the Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag Clintoons:

    Read this one and weep, too, Fool:

    Again, more lies and hypocrasy from you Leftist Anti-American Nutbags!

    or from the Traitor NYT on 1998:

    or check all these other MSM reports of the links between Bin Laden and Al Qaeda, that for some reason, no longer “count”, because George W. Bush is President:

    WOW; how’s that grab you, you freaking lying Moron?


    and MORE:


    They are ONLY ignored by Lying freaking moronic Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Traitor Democratic Nutbags, such as YOURSELF, and your bretheren!

    Read ’em and weep, the truth hurts!

  12. AJ: I know it’s long, but the evidence to rebut the Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag Traitor is probably stuck in your Spam queue! I’d appreciate if you could release it; I’ve proved he is a liar once again, and I ‘ve absolutely CRUSHED, as usual, every single nonsensical statement he’s made on this thread.

  13. the struggler says:

    Yeah, what Dale said.

  14. Whippet1 says:

    Great job! Of course most of us here know all this but the Sooths of the world aren’t capeable of “comprehending” it. It’s too painful to accept and to do so would give them such hysteria that they couldn’t function. It’s easier to put it out of their weak little minds, work constantly to try and disprove it or better yet project their inner fear and hatred towards the Man and Military that’s trying to save their sorry asses. It’s BDS in its purest form because they can’t handle the truth. Unfortunately they’re trying to take the rest of us with them…

  15. DubiousD says:

    It seems to me that there’s a simple, straightforward means of cutting through this B.S. once and for all:

    Under Saddam, all the newspapers and televisions were state-controlled, yes? You couldn’t run an editorial criticizing Saddam or praising the Bushes or defending Israel without getting your family jewels run through a paper shredder, right?

    Well, now that Saddam is gone and Western reporters are in Iraq, has anybody bothered to go back through archives of old Iraqi newspapers and television reports and review precisely how al Qaeda was treated by Saddam’s media machine? How did the Iraqi MSM report 9-11? Was Bin Laden ever criticized in print or on tape? You’d think that if Saddam hated AQ as much as he hated us he would have made no secret of it, and the Iraqi media would have been his megaphone.

  16. Whippet1: well said; Anti-American/Pro-Jihadi Leftist Nutbag Traitors such as “Bootlicker” and “N(W)orm” can surrender to the Jihadis, report for duty, and get their heads cut off any time they like.

    That’s the Right that people such as myself, having worn the Uniform of a Marine, have given them with blood, tears, toil and sweat!

    However, idiots such as “Bootlicker” do NOT have my permission, to destroy this country, nor surrender the country on my behalf!

  17. Whippet1 says:


    Agreed! And thank you for your service and for protecting this country and my family. God bless you.

  18. 75 says:

    Dale, the Frontpage interview was very enlightening. Thank you for sharing it. I find it tragic that the left has degenerated so badly in our country that an Iraqi policeman under Hussein has a firmer grasp of the truth, reality, and freedom than Soothsayer. If I didn’t see this sort of stupidity daily I wouldn’t have believed it. But all is not lost. Leftist democrats someday will be nothing more but a tragic and disgraceful chapter in America’s history.

  19. 75 says:

    oops…very sorry AJ. I see now that the Frontpage interview was linked in your original post. Very sorry for the slight.

  20. Terrye says:

    Dale has pointed out an obvious fact that so many ignore: No matter who had won the election in 2000, the prevailing attitude toward Saddam would have been that he was a menace and a liar and a terrorist enabling dictator. Now if the press had put one iota of the effort into undermining the Clintons that they have George Bush…maybe the world would have been less likely to believe that, but I doubt it. It was just the reality that we all knew.

    And unless Soothie was in gradeschool, or rehab back in those days..he/she knows that too.