Feb 12 2008

Obama On Iraq Is Like Big Bird On Iraq

Published by at 9:56 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions,Iraq

In his speech tonight Obama said Bush-McCain will continue “a war that never should have been fought, never should have been authorized!” I could not help finish his thought for him: “a war that never should have been fought, never should have been authorized, and never should have been won! Vote for me and we will lose Iraq to Bin Laden, as it should have been!”. Why can’t we all just be friends?

Obama is looking easier and easier to beat. Tax hikes, surrender, government run health care, and peace on earth and money for all! Sounds like Sesame Street politics – how naive does he think Americans are? He will not wear well on America, he is all BS promises and nirvana. Ugh! Maybe Hillary actually was the tougher candidate? I think I will anoint Barack Obama “Big Bird” Obama because of his Sesame Street solutions to our nations problems. Maybe he can send Elmo out to al-Qaeda to make amends for all our sins since 9-11.

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Obama On Iraq Is Like Big Bird On Iraq”

  1. Terrye says:

    I do not doubt that if Bush had it to do over again he would do things differently in Iraq, however, Obama never talks about what Bush should have done, just what he should not have done. Hindsight and all that.

    As far as Iraq is concerned, he is all over the place. First he says he will leave, but on 60 Minutes he waffled. Those anti war people are going to be pissed if he backs off his pledged. Whatever it is.

    How do you conduct a war that you do not want to win and don’t even believe we should be fighting?

  2. Terrye says:

    Remember, his strongest support comes from the 18 to 30 year old group. They do not know how old all this rhetoric really is.

  3. WWS says:

    Obama waffles on everything – he has specific answers to nothing.

    I think the key to his appeal is that he is a walking rohrshach ink blot – people see in him whatever they want to see. But he’s going to have to nail down his positions sooner or later – and then the heisenberg uncertainty principle will do him in. (upon observation, a range of unlimited possibilities will collapse into a discrete, limited reality)

    I’ll bet both Clinton’s are ruing the day they decided to make black voters the linchpin of their support. Obama is the guided missile designed to take them down.

  4. Whippet1 says:

    I like the ink blot analogy!

    Fox News had another focus group on (this is the second time with Obama and Clinnton supporters). For the second time those voting for Obama couldn’t list one accomplishment credited to him. Of course several noted being a black man elected Senator…that was it!

  5. kathie says:

    At least we won’t have to deal with the Clintons again. They must be thinking how could a democratic party elect such an empty suite when they have so much.

  6. Whippet1 says:

    Yeah, empty suit vs. empty skirt. Choices, choices…!

  7. Frogg says:

    Well, frankly, it doesn’t matter how clueless Obama is on any of these matters that face the nation to his supporters…..once that beam of light zaps you…..there is no choice but to pull the lever for Obama:

    “… a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany … and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama”
    – Barack Obama Lebanon, New Hampshire.
    January 7, 2008.

  8. kathie says:

    That beam might might light the sky in the primaries, how will that beam look when policy has to be put to that beam. Bring the troops home from around the world and pay for health care, college education, bring jobs home, tax the rich, turn green. The Dems won with promises in 2006……..empty promises.

  9. Frogg says:

    Kathie, David Brooks wrote a good piece called “When Reality Bites” about just that (Iraq will look different to Obama in the WH, and there will be no money to fund all the promises)….


    However, that Obama light beam is pretty strong:


  10. Frogg says:

    John McCain’s Potomac sweep speech:


    Not a bad speech. Not bad, at all.

    He better be ‘fired up’ because he’s got a huge task ahead of him in knocking those ‘beams of light’ out of Obama supporters and knocking some sense into them, instead.

  11. wiley says:

    I think AJ described Obama well. He really is a naive “babe”, but unfortunately it’s not toyland that he’s propositioning for.
    Let’s hope the MSM surprises us and does it’s job (it hasn’t yet) and makes Obama answer some real questions.

  12. Terrye says:

    The Israelis got the guy who killed our Marines back in the 80’s.

    This is something else that worries me. There are people who think that Bush and Condi have been too hard on the Isrealis. That is ridiculous, the Bush administration has been the most proIsrael American administration that I remember. However, Barack Obama has some real problems when it comes to Israel.

    As far as I am concerned, if Israel is one side of the debate and Hamas the other, an American president should not have to wonder which side is our ally. It should be a given. Sucking up to Hamas will not change who they are.