Feb 08 2008

Hannity’s Afternoon Meltdown

Published by at 4:34 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

Boy, oh boy. Something is happening with the ‘true’ conservatives on AM Talk Radio. I tuned into Hannity see what had happened today and the guy just went off on what can only be described as a lick-spittle tirade! Apparently Rich Galen wrote a piece today and noted how conservatives tearing down McCain is basically doing the liberal media’s work for them. It is a fair if slightly exaggerated point to make, especially after years of the right tearing down El Presidente Jorge Bush for disagreeing with them.

But something inside Hannity snapped over this and he was in the throws of insanity. He claimed those who question his actions are pompous, arrogant, hanger-ons who are simply trying to angle for jobs in the new administration and have sold their principles for money. And he was just getting started! The most hilarious (and pathetic) part came where he declared himself and other angry and raving talk show hosts the future of America! You could almost see him stand up and salute himself.

Clearly Hannity and his sharp-tongued friends are not as able to take criticism as they are at dishing it out (with insults and demeaning undertones). Geez, it was just one man’s view of the coalition self-destructing. I think what was most bizarre was how he kept trying to claim he was upbeat and things were great through out his tirade (Dude, there was so much anger and hurt I don’t know who you think you are kidding?). He also started the whole thing by claiming he got all these media calls today – as if to prove to himself he is still relevant. He then went on to say he had the power of the airwaves and people in DC better be careful or he would close their access. The threats were really something else and went on for quite a while.

I am not saying he is not relevant, but his emotional implosion was for the history books. It was sad on many levels, one of which is he was scheduled to have Gen Petraeus on to give an update on Iraq – but who could sit through an hour or more of this man’s mental meltdown and wait for something newsworthy? If he keeps this up he will be irrelevant and fast.

So that is enough on the symptoms we heard today, what was the cause? Haven’t got a clue. But it is something big and clearly shook Hannity up.

I will note this, though. I am seeing shades of Lieberman and Lamont here. Recall Lieberman was attacked by the rabid left for being a traitor, etc on the Iraq war. The dems took him out in the primary and the voters stuck him back in office in a landslide (for a 3 way race) in the general election. It was a clear repudiation of the fringe left.

The far right, as it inches closer or leaps over the cliff, is repeating this scenario with John McCain. They are claiming McCain cannot win without them, but bashed him and his followers (I am not one of course, though I see a lot of potential in a hero-patriot candidate). I am certain the far left felt the same way with Lieberman. The American people are intelligent and have minds of their own, and they don’t take well to brow-beaters. Hannity is one example (Levin is even worse) of where the conservative movement went off track. The movement is not dead, maybe it is just shedding the latest malcontents?

I agree with Rush Limbaugh on one point – the GOP and conservative movement will never be the same. I would assume we will see the end of anger wrapped in the mantle of Reagan lashing out at the GOP allies pretty soon. The people are not only not buying it, they are rejecting it – big time.

Sorry, but a I can’t resist this one: Sean, calm down. Or as I would say: Take chill pill.

44 responses so far

44 Responses to “Hannity’s Afternoon Meltdown”

  1. Cobalt Shiva says:

    The most hilarious (and pathetic) part came where he declared himself and other angry and raving talk show hosts the future of America! You could almost see him stand up and salute himself.

    Vishnu on a pogo stick, that must be some of the funniest damn audio in the history of radio.

  2. Terrye says:

    I always did think that Hannity was a jerk.

    The thing is that McCain got the nomination, for Chrisake it is not the end of the world.

    I hope that things improve in Iraq enough over the next months that even if a Democrat wins they can not completely screw it up…but I am also wondering about any agreements made with the Iraqi government about a base there. Will the Democrats ignore that? We have a base in Kuwait and Qatar and the Sixth Fleet is in Dubai.

    But one thing is for sure, McCain can’t count on any help from guys like Hannity. If McCain wins, Hannity will look like a moron.

  3. lurker9876 says:

    Well, McCain will definitely count on Bush’s help. It’s obvious that Bush has the ability to raise money and loves to campaign.

    He really was a shy young boy in 2000. Now he’s a very confident and comfortable man – feeling great about himself.

    I’m so glad to read how the audience cheered for him, “Four more years!”. Man, I wish he could do another term. Hypothetical question, if he was allowed to run, could he win another term?

    Now I think so. Another term would have restored the Bush Doctrine and embolden Bush to do more and better and stronger.

    Too bad that he’s gotten too weak this year as he knows he’s on his way out.

    The audience reaction shows that he will NOT be forgotten after he leaves the office. Surely that’s a sign to him that he’s already built his legacy, which will slowly be appreciated by more and more over time.

    He knows that he’s done his job well and he’s promised to continue his legacy even after he leaves the office. He’s kept most of the campaign promises to us and more. 9/11 changed him the most and all of us but him the most because he’s had to make the most important decisions for our country. We made decisions for ourselves but he made decisions for the country according to the limited roles and responsibilities and purpose of a Commander-In-Chief as defined by our Founding Fathers.

    What an amazing man.

    He will be treated by history kindly and in reverence.

    I will cry the day he leaves the office.

  4. owl says:

    I always did think that Hannity was a jerk.

    I disagree. He is a saint up against many leading this parade.

    Since I don’t listen to him on radio (but have watched him on FOX for years), I missed the meltdown. I’m not surprised it happened though because he was more upset last night on his show than I have ever seen him.

    The Left hates Hannity and Rove. He is their major target. He has backed himself into a corner when he let the Shamnesty Shouters lead him over that cliff.

    Hannity is a major troop supporter. He works at it constantly. He organizes fundraisers to benefit them. He loves the troops. He actually likes McCain even though he disagrees with him. Hannity will come around because he really does support the troops. He is not petty like his movement leaders. He is just wrong.

  5. ivehadit says:

    Great posts today! And Lurker, I will be weeping with you! I already miss him. Where did you see him regarding the ovations?

    Owl, I think you are right about Sean. He is just grieving now, imho.
    I love seeing Karl on Fox. What a mind he has for politics!

  6. Klimt says:

    When I came to this blog most of the posts had substance to them. More and more this blog is shifting to being no more than an attack machine at the GOP, the far right, and talk radio. I don’t listen to the far right or talk radio, and could care little about what they are saying. I’m sick of all the name calling and attacks on every side. Is that all bloggers do?

    This isn’t my blog, but as a frequent visitor, I wish we could get back to real issues that matter. Lately there has been less and less of that here.

  7. Terrye says:


    I am just talking personal reaction. I could never stand the guy. He just got on my nerves. That means I did not spend much time listening to him.

  8. Terrye says:

    Yeah Klimt that is right, politics and the war don’t matter.

  9. crosspatch says:

    I think it goes something like this:

    Republican voters reject the more “conservative” candidates.
    Hannity et al go stark raving mad about it on the air.
    They begin to see their daily ratings drop.
    They panic and try to stir controversy to get people listening.
    The see their ratings drop farther.

  10. the struggler says:

    I’ve been fed up with Laura Ingraham and Hannity for awhile now.I listen to Rush at midday,but the radio stays on rock-n-roll before and after.I’m burnt out on political T.V. too.Nowadays it’s reruns of The Family Guy.

    Giggidy Giggidy

  11. the struggler says:

    What burns me about Ingraham is she’s always talking about the elites in D.C. and doesn’t seem to realize that that is how SHE comes off.I’d rather listen to Les Nessman’s Hog Report.

  12. Klimt says:


    I don’t call this politics; I call it annoying. And it’s one thing to report what’s going on with talk radio, and another to join in the fray you say you so despise. I don’t understand why it’s so important to give us daily updates on what Rush, Hannity, or Ingram is saying this afternoon. Every other post is about some hyper-partisan, fringe conservative, a “pure” conservative or some other rant about the how people in the GOP are traitors. Are you intoxicated with this stuff? It gets old just like repeating McCain’s voting record.

    I would rather talk about things that are meaningful. Perhaps a post on what the future of the GOP may look like without the word hyper-partisan or attacking someone. How about an assessment of a Hillary, Obama, McCain presidency detaching yourself and being as honest as possible.

    How about more posts on Mexico, China, Russia, and with Iraq/Afgan not ONLY posts on its successes but where we are failing.

    It’s not my blog, but as a reader the quality of the posts since elections has gone down from about a B- to a C-. This is nothing personal, I would rather just get back to the important issues. Updates are fine, but joining in the fray is just annoying.

  13. Terrye says:

    That is right, it is not your blog. Aj posts on what interests him, not you. Maybe he thinks this is meaningful.

    And considering the fact that an election is looming and all the things you find so riveting will be effected by that election, perhaps the tawdry world of political intrigue will play a part. After all, this is the kind of thing that can make a difference. This is the kind of thing that can help decide who does and does not get the Independent vote. Most voters are not full of themselves. They do not consider themselves great intellectuals, they can vote on all sorts of things including personal impressions. That explains a great deal of Obama’s personal appeal.

    Therefore when people who fancy themselves spokespeople for the Republican party, or the conservative movement begin to act like a bunch of spoiled children…it can have an impact.

  14. Terrye says:

    And btw, I think that we hear a great deal about where we are failing.

    For instance in Afghanistan, the left insisted we make that conflict an international effort, but the problem is the international community does not want to be bothered keeping up its end of the deal. Nor does it support eradication of the poppy fields. They do however, preach a great deal.

    As for Mexico, it is home to the richest man in the world, but it is hampered by a feudalistic economy and no strong tradition of property rights. It is corrupt and inefficient and considering its natural resources and the capacity for hard work of its inhabitants, can not seem to rise above its history of poverty.

    Russia has a lot of oil but no tradition of democracy, in fact they have a tendency to support autocratic regimes and strong men. I loved Crime and Punishment and Anna Karenina. Like Russia both novels are introspective and brooding with a strong strain of fatalism. The Russians will always see themselves as rivals of the United States.

    How is that for a start?

  15. Klimt says:


    AJ can post what he wills. Daily updates on talk radio, hyper-partisans, fringe conservatives, and traitors make him sound like an attack machine. You can’t claim talk radio is losing its influence and at the same time report on it daily as if they were enormously influential. If it is that influential and important — I am wrong then — because I don’t listen to it and could less about how he attacked McCain today.

    So, perhaps I am wrong. I didn’t know people held the their opinions with such importance and high regard. But if it’s not that influential, let’s move on.

  16. Terrye says:


    The news media is talking about the same thing. Talk radio is talking about talk radio too. Cable new, etc.

    It is not as if this blog is the only one talking about talking radio having the vapors, it is all over the internet.Political junkies find this kind of thing interesting.

  17. AJStrata says:

    Klimt – what about it? Everyone is for beefing up the border. It is what to do with the long term illegals that has the party divided – why do you think the far right calls it ‘shamnesty’?

  18. Klimt says:


    Those articles indicate a problem much more serious than illegals… We have terror organizations right in Mexico just as bad as al Qaeda — crazy, crazy stuff!

  19. Klimt says:

    For example — this sounds just like the work of al Qaeda in Iraq:

    “Hundreds of police officers and soldiers waged a three-hour gun battle against heavily armed men…residents of a normally quiet neighborhood ran for their lives. The working-class neighborhood…resembled a war zone.

    “Crying children streamed from an elementary school, escorted by terrified parents. People lay on sidewalks and streets as bullets flew overhead. Some huddled inside their homes.”

    “The six abducted men were found handcuffed, blindfolded and shot execution style, federal authorities said.”

    In fact, this is happening right in Mexico — even along our borders. This is just as bad as what is happening in Iraq!