Dec 05 2007

Tancredo’s Lies Are Too Much

Published by at 2:18 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

Tom Tancredo helped spearhead the effort to stop legislation that was going to pass Congress this year which would have secured the borders, created a guest worker program that would not provide a path to citizenship, would make it easy to deport criminal elements, and one thing he did not want – fines and milestones for those here long term AND WITHOUT VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS to remain here. The country agrees on everything listed here (and more) but not the last item. The idea people who committed a paperwork offense could get away with a fine and paying back taxes is not enough for fanatics like Tancredo.

So he stopped ALL the good elements of the bill so that those here long term could not be given a path to stay here longer. That is the only point of contention. And I said when he and his ilk did that THEY would be responsible for every criminal act committed in this country by immigrants we could have and would have deported if this bill had passed. We HAD the plan to sift the criminal elements from those who have become hardworking elements of our communities – but no. Tancredo is so obsessed he could not live with the idea foreigners could stay here even though they did nothing wrong beyond make a living without a permit.

Now Tancredo is trying to blame others or the violent criminals HE CLAIMED could be handled under current law – OK, he lied but who cares right? Well watch this new ad of his and I’ll tell you who cares:

Folks, if you watched it I have to say something because it has to be said. Tom Tancredo is a manipulating, power hungry, piece of scum. The reason we still have violent criminal illegal (and legal) immigrants in this country is thanks to spineless Tom. Spineless Tom cowers in fear when foreigners are around. He must hide is family when faced with spanish speaking people in fear of what they might do to his pure white family (and yes, I am caucasian). How dare he say he backs ridding the country of violent criminals when he fought the bill because it did not punish LAW ABIDING immigrants!

That is the nasty tasting crap in Tancredo’s crawl. He was more than happy to let violent criminal immigrants (legal and illegal – and that was the power of the bill he led the charge against, even legal immigrants who crossed the line got the boot) on our streets so he could block a path for those who were not violent criminals to stay. For him to come out and lie to America like he does in this ad, where he pretends his hands are not stained with all the victims of a second, third, fourth violent crime by an immigrant is just too much. Everyone wanted the deportation Tommy – you were the one willing to kill it so you could go after the nannies and the hotel maids. Tancredo is one reason this proud independent will never join the GOP. No way could I associate with that kind of two faced politician.

16 responses so far

16 Responses to “Tancredo’s Lies Are Too Much”

  1. Terrye says:

    I saw an interesting survey done by Pew that shows just how out of the mainstream Tancredo really is.

    I think the thing I resent the most about the man is that he assumes that anyone who is not a Tacredobot does not care about crime or securing the borders or illegal immigration. Tancredo has also made a point of going after all immigration, calling for a time out, blah blah. That puts him at odds with about 96% of the population.

    He is a demagogue, he uses this for his own political gain. Why would he want a solution? A solution would take away his issue.

  2. dbostan says:

    Tom is a great American patriot speaking the truth, many do not accept for different reasons.
    i wish every politician in America would be like Tom.

  3. AJStrata says:

    DB – Tancredo is a terrible American.

    And his is lying. He stopped the bill that would allow us to deport legal and illegal immigrants with violent criminal records. So his ad is a big pile of that BS you admire.

  4. WWS says:

    Tom’s speeches sound better in the original German.

  5. AJStrata says:


    Damn that was funny – my sides are still hurting!

  6. momdear1 says:

    Do you really think that Amnesty bill which was disingeniously call “Immigration Reform” would have made it easier to deport criminals? Once they get legal status they get all the rights that the ACLU can dredge up from the bottom of their already overloaded bag of tricks. Not only would their litigation overload our judicial system, their right to free cousel would add another cost onto taxpayers already straining to pay for their medical care, schools and other social services. In addition, legalizing them would give them rights to government welfare programs. and other benefits and attract more of them.

    I am not really familiar with Trancredo’s politics but if he is against all immigrants because he is afraid of them, you can add me to the list of his supporters. With the daily news filled with stories for murders, rapes, child molestion, drunken driving deaths and repeat offenders with multiple deportations, it is enough to scare the wits out of civilized people who never had to deal with such problems until we became inundated with illegals who are all over the place. Every where we go they are there. . In the past 50 years we have overloaded this country with non productive immigrants from third world countries while limiting immigration from countries with civilized cultures similar to ours. We now have communities of second and third generation foreigners who do not speak English as their primary language or want to conform to our culture. For the life of me I do not understand a policy that will seek out people who despise us and our culture, transport them over here, set them up in public subsidized housing, let them bring in all their relatives and then support them all with social service programs. We should never have allowed hundreds of thousands of female circumcising, radical Muslims “refugees” from Somalia to relocate here in the 1990’s when it was the Muslims who were doing the genociding to nonmuslims in Somalia. The news story from Atlanta reporting that a band of 200 Muslim men from the 200,000 refugees relocated to Atlanta from Somalia in the 1990’s, were roaming the streets of Atlanta “circumcising” little girls who had not already been “circumcised ” indicates that our leaders have lost their collective minds. We should never allow anyone who believes such a barbaric practice into this country to introduce our impressionable masses to their “culture’.”

    We are committing national suicide with our present, open borders, come one , come all, immigration policies. As our population nears 400 million due to unfettered immigration, let me remind you that in 1953 China’s population was only 500 million. Today is is almost three times that and people haven’t been beating down the gates to get into China.

    I don’t care how hard working they are or how miserable conditions are where they come from. I am fed up with them. I dont’ want to have to deal with them, take care of them, or get out of the way for them. And I damned sure don’t want to pay more taxes to provide them with health care, schools, translators, housing, food stamps, and other social services.

    Thank god for a politiciam who will speak up for us Americans.

  7. AJStrata says:


    yes it would have. It was clearly going to allow the deportation of illegal AND LEGAL aliens for one violent crime conviction.

    Tancredo is lying to you. If that is what you like in leader then so be it.

  8. stevevvs says:

    Tom is a great American patriot speaking the truth, many do not accept for different reasons.
    i wish every politician in America would be like Tom.

    A- Men. He’s the only one telling the truth about Aliens And Jihadists!
    AJ likes to bloviate a lot.
    It’s funny all the things he like to Ignore, such as the Center for Immigration Studies analysis of just who is here, based on Census Data. It says over 50% of “Immigrants” here today, are Illegal. And just think, if you were here illegally, would you fill out this Census Form Honestly? I doubt it. Which in all likelyhood means that even more are here illegaly.
    Or the Electrolux plant in Tn. that has over 90% illegals working there. And the “Immigrants” buying false documents to get jobs there, at the expense of actual citizens. Or that they pay their Illegals less.
    Or the hospital in Texas that can’t afford to keep treating Illegal Cancer Patients because they are call ready $80 Million in the red.
    Or El Presidente Bush going to the World Court to save the life of an Illegal in Texas who murdered actual citizens, when he did not like the Texas Juries decision.
    Or the Brazilian Illegals self deporting because , in some areas, we are actually checking their documents now.
    Or County and city leaders from several Virginia jurisdictions have formed a group to push for tougher measures against illegal immigrants.
    Or Johnny Sutton and George Bush’s giving an Illegal Alien Drug Smugler Immunity, and prosecuting two border agents, and hiding info. from their attorneys.

    No, all this and so much more is ignored, glossed over, or explained away.

    By the way, The Charlotte Mecklenberg County Jail has some interesting Inmate Numbers:
    Black 65.5%
    White 14.6%
    Latino 18.3%
    Other 1.6%
    source: http://www.crimeincharlotte,com/

    No, Tom Tancredo is the Enemy. Aj, Terrye, they are the Patriots.

    And yes, a “Time Out” is warrented, and if you knew the history of this Country, you’d know it has been done many times in the past. And it’s been done to try to Assimilate people.

    I had hope to come here today and be able to say, great post AJ, but for reasons I can’t understand, he continues down this line on this topic.

    Take care, guess I’ll just head out for the day.

  9. stevevvs says:

    Why is it Rudi, Mitt, Duncan, Tom, John, all take positions oposite yours?

    Just wondering?

    I know that Rudi, Mitt, and John a phonies on this issue, but they don’t seem to utter your words now do they?

  10. stevevvs says:

    You need to stop reading White House Press relases.

  11. AJStrata says:


    Tancredo is a lost cause – get over it and stop insulting people who find your hero more jerk than hero.

    I do this because I have my views and one of them is Tancredo is as close to a KKK candidate as they come these days. And I knew those types all too well when I was younger and they were more visible.

    This is my blog, my views. And trust me, I am not all of a sudden wrong on this as opposed to other topics.

    Tancredo torpedoed the new laws that would expedite the deportation of immigrants who are convicted of violent crimes – he has no place blaming others for his own actions.

    Remember my one rule – you can disagree but don’t insult the host or I will boot you. This is my house.

  12. stevevvs says:

    Remember my one rule – you can disagree but don’t insult the host or I will boot you. This is my house.


    I just can not for the life of me understand your position on this topic at all. There are so many voices just crying out trying to get the American people to realize we are loosing our country to uncontroled immigration, legal and illegal.

    Tancredo, and hundreds of other congressmen and senators torpedoed this horible legislation because it was amnesty, and because millions of ordinary citizens rose up. Most people are just plain tired of press one for english, press two for spanish. They are tired of people standing on street corners waiting for that home builder to stop by and pick them up, day after day. Mst people are tired of their emergency rooms being closed. Most people are tired of their friends and neighbors being killed bydrunk illegals. Most people are tired of bi-lingual eductation, crowded schools, portable class rooms, etc. Most people want the distinct American Culture to survive. Most people want to encounter people who they can communicate with, thru a common language. Most people are tired of Illegal Gangs. Most people think Sanctuary Cities, that are in violation of federal law, need to be stopped. Most people are concerned about Illegal Voting in our elections. Yes, all this and so much more.

    So, I don’t mean to put down the host, I just can’t see how the host can be oblivious to the mood of the citizenry, not just across the country, but in his own city as well.

    Take care, I wont bother you again today.

  13. MarkN says:


    Wading into the immigration debate again. You are a glutton for punishment. The middle road on this issue is a very tricky labyrinth that in most cases ends up with the participant being gored by an ugly bull.

    Basically, we have a war between the amnesty advocates and the deportation advocates. The German comment was spot on funny because some deportation advocates I know want to round them all up and put them on cattle cars to ship to some point south of the border. I usually stand there in stunned silence wondering whether they’re serious or seriously pulling my chain. And then I’m even more stunned when it dawns on me that they are deadly serious.

    The major stumbling block I see is that we just had a blanket amnesty about 20 years ago with the promise by the feds that the illegal problem will no longer rear its ugly head. The fact (yes I mean fact) that that promise was broken so horrendously and quickly is precluding any sensible solution to this issue.

    That is why the conflicting polls showing support for immigrants (even the illegal kind) and support for the “great wall of America” and employer verification procedures. It is the American people saying we are in favor of immigration, however the feds must make good on their promise of 20 years ago.

    It is a contradiction to support an amnesty while at the same time support a trickle down deportation. But it is the Federal Government’s fault. If AJ can find a way to navigate a solution to this contradiction through the hallowed halls of DC, more power to him.

    My advice – good luck.

  14. stag9634 says:

    AJ, for all your prolific writing on the IA issue, you sure come across as naïve. Why do focus only on IA’s with violent criminal records?

    It was not Tancredo, it was the Democrat’s filibuster threat that prevented this and many other defects from consideration. Bob Novak’s column exposed the Senate Immigration Bill’s prohibition of local police arresting illegal aliens for civil offenses. Dana Rohrabacher’s largely ignored Washington Times May 25 column identified many other defects in the Senate bill.

    • While American citizens do not have to be paid prevailing wage, temporary guest workers would have to be paid the prevailing (union) wage.
    • While American agricultural workers can be fired for any reason (at will), agricultural guest workers could be fired only for just cause.
    • Illegal aliens and their children would be eligible for Social Security and survivor benefits respectively.
    • Employers would be made exempt from civil and criminal tax and criminal liability.
    • Radical left-wing groups will be paid to help illegal aliens adjust their status.
    • Illegal aliens will be made eligible to pay in state instead of cross-state tuition.
    • The Basic Pilot Verification Program was gutted.
    • Before physical or virtual fencing can be constructed, consultations must occur between United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels. (Courtesy of Sen. Chris Dodd)
    • Local police would be prohibited from enforcing civil violations of immigration laws.
    • For companies it forgives all civil and felony law violations for hiring illegal aliens in the past.

    If the Senate bill’s defects can’t be corrected and the House bill can’t pass, then would we not be better off with 1986 IRCA?

    The reason for such a bad bill may be as follows. The Senate bill is really the next step after The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPPNA) agreement between President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to implement the 2004 Congress of Foreign Relations (CFR) five year plan to integrate the three countries within a common perimeter with a single currency the “America”. The CFR goal is “a space in which trade, capital, and people flow freely”. The CFR plan calls for massive U.S. foreign aid to the other countries and the full financing of 60,000 Mexican students in the U.S. colleges. The CFR document compromises US sovereignty by calling for “a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution”. Members of both political parties including Bill Clinton’s immigration chief Doris Meissner wrote the CFR plan and it was presented to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 9 June 2005. To ensure that the U.S. government carries out this plan within five years, the plan calls for a non-governmental council “along the lines of Bilderberg” to promote and supervise the plan.

    In VA you may be concerned for only IA’s with violent criminal records, but in border states we are concerned with IA’s who are urinating and defecating on our lawns, tearing down fences and outbuildings, letting livestock loose, spoiling wells, leaving water running, overpopulating schools, hospitals and jails, taking jobs from skilled workers, usurping our social services, carrying drugs, killing citizens and illegals by speeding down freeways on the wrong side trying to escape the border patrol, etc. They are more than just robbing, raping and killing (3/night) each other coming across the border.

  15. stag9634 says:

    AJ, for all your prolific writing on the IA issue, you seem to be profoundly naïve. Your ignorance is outweighed only by your invective. But, this may not be your fault, considering the media suppresses so many facts in favor of mean-spirited bias. I have confidence you are not going to suppress the following facts as the media has.

    Allowing “for those here long term AND WITHOUT VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS to remain here” was only one issue. Bob Novak’s column exposed the Senate Immigration Bill’s prohibition of local police arresting illegal aliens for civil offenses. Dana Rohrabacher’s largely ignored Washington Times May 25 column, identified many defects in the Senate bill that should have been addressed in hearings.

    • While American citizens do not have to be paid prevailing wage, temporary guest workers would have to be paid the prevailing (union) wage.
    • While American agricultural workers can be fired for any reason (at will), agricultural guest workers could be fired only for just cause.
    • Illegal aliens and their children would be eligible for Social Security and survivor benefits respectively.
    • Employers would be made exempt from civil and criminal tax and criminal liability.
    • Radical left-wing groups will be paid to help illegal aliens adjust their status.
    • Illegal aliens will be made eligible to pay in state instead of cross-state tuition.
    • The Basic Pilot Verification Program was gutted.
    • Before physical or virtual fencing can be constructed, consultations must occur between United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels. (Courtesy of Sen. Chris Dodd)
    • Local police would be prohibited from enforcing civil violations of immigration laws.

    The Democrat’s schedule maneuvering and filibuster threat prevented the many defects in the bill from consideration and possible removal. Well informed and well prepared Republicans were excluded from the committee drafting the bill. Tancredo and others tried to compromise to pass an acceptable bill. Reid and the polarized democrats refused because they wanted an issue to lambaste the Republicans. For them it was “all or nothing”.

    AJ, if the House bill can’t pass and the Senate bill’s defects can’t be corrected, then would we not be better off with 1986 IRCA?

    The reason for such a bad bill may be as follows. The Senate bill is really the next step after The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPPNA) agreement between President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper to implement the 2004 Congress of Foreign Relations (CFR) five year plan to integrate the three countries within a common perimeter with a single currency the “America”. The CFR goal is “a space in which trade, capital, and people flow freely”. The CFR plan calls for massive U.S. foreign aid to the other countries and the full financing of 60,000 Mexican students in the U.S. colleges. The CFR document compromises US sovereignty by calling for “a permanent tribunal for North American dispute resolution”. Members of both political parties including Bill Clinton’s immigration chief Doris Meissner wrote the CFR plan and it was presented to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on 9 June 2005. To ensure that the U.S. government carries out this plan within five years, the plan calls for a non-governmental council “along the lines of Bilderberg” to promote and supervise the plan.

    AJ, In VA and other liberal North East states you may, for now, be focused only on IA’s “without VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS”, but border state residents have been struggling for decades with escalating problems. IA’s “without VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS” crossing the border have been urinating and defecating on our lawns; destroying fences, outbuildings and play equipment; letting livestock loose; spoiling wells; leaving water running; overpopulating schools, hospitals and jails; taking jobs from skilled workers; usurping our social services; carrying drugs; killing citizens and illegals by speeding down freeways on the wrong side trying to escape the border patrol, stealing and hijacking cars; camping in nearby canyons and parks, etc. IA’s “without VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS” are robbing, raping and killing (3/night) each other (and us) coming across the border.

    VA may not yet be faced with the cost of IA’s “without VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS” Health Care, Education, Welfare, Crime Prevention, Vandalism, Imprisonment, etc., that is excessive and not reimbursed by the federal government that claims responsibility and prevents states from intervening, but many other border and non-border states are. LA has lost about 91 Hospital Emergency Rooms because IA’s “without VIOLENT CRIMINAL RECORDS” are unable to pay. Due to this unreimbursed cost many hospital chains are not expanding or adding new facilities in spite of population surges.

    I pray for you AJ and other legal VA citizens that you don’t have to experience the same IA problems as many of us have to live with because of REID.