Oct 18 2007

Who Will Defect More – Dem or Rep Women On Hill?

Published by at 1:07 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

A Clinton pollster is predicting 25% of Rep women will defect to support Hillary. Not sure what he is smoking (or selling snake oil to) but I doubt that many Rep women will lose the moral compasses and vote on pure gender similarities. Just can’t visualize them to think so non-sensically.

It is not a question of some crossovers, there always are some. Who will lose more – that is the question. My bet is the number of Dem women who are unnerved by Hillary and Bill back in their pre 9-11 mindset running the country (and risking the lives of our children and family) will prove to be Hill’s big problem. I still think when all is said and done more Dem women will defect that Rep women. But we shall see.

23 responses so far

23 Responses to “Who Will Defect More – Dem or Rep Women On Hill?”

  1. Terrye says:

    I think people are over estimating this whole sisterhood thing. I am a woman, and I don’t plan on voting for Hillary.

  2. gwood says:

    A true Republican, (for that matter, a true American) no matter the gender, will crawl on hands and knees to vote AGAINST Hillary.

    Perhaps the polling reveals that some women who have voted Republican in the past, will pull the lever for her for whatever reason. I’m with Terrye, the whole thing is overblown because any reason you can think of that a certain voting bloc will go Hillary can be counterbalanced by another that will change sides to vote AGAINST her. I still believe, if she runs she loses, and the reason will turn out to be personal qualities, specifically her phoniness, and her abrasiveness.

  3. MerlinOS2 says:

    The candidate who supposedly empowers thinking women supports the view they are really automatons ripe for manipulation.

    How quaint.

  4. WWS says:

    Who’s old enough to remember that this was why Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro were going to win?

  5. MerlinOS2 says:

    I’m old enough to remember why Eisenhower was going to win.

  6. MerlinOS2 says:

    In other news

    HLF verdict is in will remain sealed till Monday.

    Rep Peter Stark totally looses it during the SCHIP debate this morning prior to the defeat even after being admonished by the chair about earlier remarks.

    Butto bombing attempt in Pakistan

  7. MerlinOS2 says:

    Also Chris Dodd has placed a Senate hold on the FISA bill

  8. Terrye says:

    Stark is such an ass. That is why Republicans do not need to go after the Frosts. All they have to do is hang tight, talk facts and let the Democrats make fools of themselves.

  9. The Macker says:

    What a surprising prediction from a Clinton functionary! And with it the usual elitist condescension by demeaning GOP women as not having the ability to sort things out rationally.

  10. MerlinOS2 says:

    LGF has the audio up from AAR with Randi Rhodes talking about her take on what happened from the sounds of it she blanked her one eye and I gather ruined what seems to be an upper set of false teeth if I hear her correctly. At least she concludes BlackWater was not on the job.

  11. TomAnon says:

    Marc Penn is credited with the statement on Hillary taking Rep. Women. Be carefull when he makes statements and watch for him to take a bigger role in Hillary’s campaign. As described here http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aOOcRBgoYXPw
    He is something of a Carl Rove for Hillary.

  12. WWS says:

    achtung herr TomAnon! Hiss name ist Karl!!! (ist nicht dat pansy frog namen “carl”. )

  13. TomAnon says:

    Achhh! mein Gehirn wird gebraten

  14. BarbaraS says:

    Hah!! The dems lie again. Either that or they don’t have a clue how much republican women despise this woman. In fact, a lot of dem women hate her. There’s just something about her…………….

  15. MerlinOS2 says:

    Herr Spark eine grosse scheizekopf

  16. W-GIRL08 says:

    As a Republican Woman, I am seriously considering placing that “emotional woman’s vote” for Hillary ….I am just waiting for the Rodham/Pelosi Ticket for 2008 …..before I actually commit !!

  17. KauaiBoy says:

    So some guy has actually figured women out and how they think!!!

    All I know is women are harder on other women and I hope this trend continues.

  18. Crzy4politks says:

    Most of the Republican women that I know would never be caught dead voting for Hillary. And I agree with BarbaraS, a lot of Dem women don’t like her either. Her campaign and the DNC are running on very unstable speculations.

  19. Soothsayer says:

    Dem women defect to any of the Republicoid candidates? All of whom oppose S-CHIP?? You think Democratic Moms want to let poor & middle class kids die while we waste the $$$ waging a futile and pointless war in Iraq?? Yer crazy!

    Smoking crack again in the Stratasphere. Defect to vote for McCain – a crazy old coot? Or Thompson – a lazy old coot? Or Rudy – the serial adulterer who tried to move his mistress into the mayoral mansion while his wife and kids were still there?? Are ya kiddin’ me? Mitt the Mormon? Think again.

    The Republicans have to find an actual candidate before they can even think about picking up Democratic women’s votes.

  20. BarbaraS says:

    Don’t be so dramatic. There are billions in this program to take care of border line poverty middle class kids. Above that line parents should get health insurance for their kids. I had it for mine and I have always been lower middle class. I certainly did not make anywhere near $42,000 during that time and had one old car. That 35 billion increase is just the democrat’s second step toward national health. The first step was have such a high level of qualification. $84,000 wages would encompass a lot of the middle class.

    No one said anything about dem women voting republican. There is about as much likelihood of that as there is of republican women voting demotcrat. We assume they will just stay home rather than vote for Hillary?.

    Frankly I have never seen why the dems think this woman is in anyway qualified for the position of president. The only thing she has accomplished is evading the law.