Jun 29 2007

Two Suspicious Cars In London

Published by at 2:30 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

In addition to the actual car bomb found in Picadilly there seems to be two more suspicious cars in London as police have cordoned of a section of Park Lane and Fleet Street. Note that the hyped title of the article is highly misleading.

Major Update: Second car had bomb materials inside.

43 responses so far

43 Responses to “Two Suspicious Cars In London”

  1. thecentercannothold says:

    link not working

  2. thecentercannothold says:


    Larry Johnson exposes the hype of the “keep ’em scared”
    UK imperialist government.

  3. jimbo1 says:

    Don’t you ever give it a rest..

  4. Explosive Find in London…

    Law enforcement and intel officials note that there was no intel on this given incident – meaning they didn’t know that this particular plot was ongoing until it was discovered this morning….

  5. MerlinOS2 says:

    Dont know if this is in any way related



    (LOS ANGELES, CA, 6/29/07) – The Greater Los Angeles area chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) has been informed that a Muslim citizen of the United Kingdom is being held following his arrival yesterday on a flight from London. CAIR-LA is investigating the reason for the man’s detention. The 57-year-old man is reportedly scheduled to be returned to Britain on a flight later today.

  6. For Enforcement says:

    AJ, is any of this stuff made up? I’ve never doubted you on subjects such as this, but with all the hype and made up stuff, (which I specifically quoted to you on immigration threads) it makes me wonder.

    I mean, it does come from the (formerly) MSM and I don’t know if those folks can be trusted or not.
    (I’m questioning sources accuracy, not yours)

  7. MerlinOS2 says:


    It’s multi sourced and the real deal.

  8. colin says:


    I hope you’ve seen this:


    It deals with Barot, the guy who this un-named suspect currently in British custody is connected to, and the previous plot which looks like it gave rise to this current foiled attack.

  9. For Enforcement says:

    This is the times when we should all be very happy we have Pres Bush, a man that understands how important it is to carry on the GWOT. I’m afraid some others would still be treating it as a law enforcement deal and vigilance would be very decreased and the bombing may well have occurred.

  10. For Enforcement says:

    Colin, and there are some that would not permit questioning of high value prisoners at Gtmo. Seems this was some good info and may well have been instrumental in the surv. that resulting in this avoidance. Good info Colin. thanks.

  11. Suspected bomb found in London (UPDATED. ANOTHER BOMB FOUND)…

    From BBC:

    Police say the area will be closed for some time

    Police have made safe a suspected car bomb in the heart of London.Officers carried out a controlled explosion afterreports of a suspicious vehicle parked in The Haymarket shortly before…

  12. browngreengold says:


    You are absolutely correct.

    I give thanks every day for George Bush being our President especially when it comes to the issue of terrorism.

    I can remember vividly on the morning of 9/11 what one of my first thoughts were. “Thank God George Bush is in the White House.”

    Don’t get me wrong, I am not a empty headed Bush-bot by any means. I think he was dead wrong on McCain-Feingold, big spending, and of course border security.

    Especially border security.

    During a time of war I just cannot fathom why he hasn’t taken that issue by the horns and fixed it. He could have deployed the National Guard to both borders years ago. There are so many things that he should have done to get the holes plugged up. I get so frustrated just thinking about it I could scream.

    You can always predict the reactions from the left when these types of terror plots are revealed:

    If the plot is busted up then it’s just a scare tactic.

    If the plot is successful then Bush new about it in advance.

    It’s just a matter of time until the contortions on the left begin. One of their own takes them to task here.

  13. MerlinOS2 says:

    Well it seems or crack ace ex superspy Larry Fatboy Johnson is already on the case talking to Keith O about the “Non Event in London” and HotAir has film at 11.

  14. MerlinOS2 says:

    May not be related, but here is a breaking story of some guys driving a burning Jeep into an airport entrance in Britan today.

  15. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Merlin: it IS related:


  16. MerlinOS2 says:


    The PC press over there uses the term asian different than we do, which tends to make us think of Japanese, Chinese or Korean.

    Usually it is the code word in their stories for areas like India, Pakistan or any of the other named stans.

  17. thecentercannothold says:


    This is the times when we should all be very happy we have Pres Bush, a man that understands how important it is to carry on the GWOT. I’m afraid some others would still be treating it as a law enforcement deal and vigilance would be very decreased and the bombing may well have occurred.”

    On the contrary; Bush lied about WMD intelligence then changed his position to dovetail with the Patriot Act. He has created a police state
    which the masses do not respect, while continuing an Islamophobic
    policy and baiting the Moslem world. Days ago he said it
    should copy Israel.

    Bush is helping kill US soldiers in Iraq and creating optimum conditions for more blowback here.

  18. MerlinOS2 says:

    The blogsphere is hot on the trail of the Glasgow attack.

    Little Green Footballs has video 


  19. MerlinOS2 says:


    Word of advice

    Quit speaking out of your a$$ an put down the day old cold pizza and move out of your mother’s basement and try the real world.

  20. ivehadit says:

    Center, if you believe all you’ve written, you prove you do not know George W. Bush personally. And you an official member of the Pathological Ones.