Jun 28 2007

Guess We Need To Dump Some More Hypochondriacs!

I was in meetings all day, but I suspected the vote would not make it based on some early morning indications. I will be looking at the votes but it would seem more far left and far right folks moved to leave us in the same mess we have had for 20+ years. Well, there is only one answer: get rid of the fringes left and right.

The motto for 2008 should be “Stay Out Of The Fringes!”. For me that means I would rather see Webb (D) stay on for a while longer – at least until we can get this immigrartion issue fixed. And of course I will support Warner (R) if he runs in 2008. But if Warner retires all bets are off. The Dems probably will not run a liberal in VA so it will be up to the Republican options to see which way I would vote. But if we ended up with a Mark Warner type vs. an Allen/Sessions type VA would probably be all Democrat at the top of the ticket in 2008. I don’t have time for an analysis of where it makes sense to trim the fringes, but I am sure there are plenty of opportunities out there.

Until then I plan to thank the GOP for every victim of a crime by a repeat offender illegal alien for doing so much to allow these animals to stay in our country. The DO NOTHING NOW! crowd one this round. But each round takes a toll on them and they loose more credibility and support. It is just a matter of time before enough get tossed out before we can try again. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want a Clinton or Levin or any liberal in office. But the Dems are willing to let moderates into their caucuses more than the frantic right.

Besides, the far right has run its course. They have nothing to offer new and if we need to protect the gains we made we can do that when needed. Yes, we may lose some ground, but that was happening anyway. You need to align with folks who will give you some part of your goals. With the GOP caving on stem cells and other matters their utility is about used up. They are victims of their own success. We have 90% of the stuff proposed by the Contract with America and Bush’s pledges – so take the progress and find opportunities for more. The one open issue is Iraq.

But if Bush’s Surge has done what is needed to stabilize the situation, then that too can be a success fairly immune to Congressional meddling by 2009. That I will watch. If Iraq does stabilize then al bets are off. Might be time to give the Dems another shot. Who knows. But anything is better than NOTHING NOW! – the new and everlasting GOP mantra. This was interesting – can’t wait to do it again.

169 responses so far

169 Responses to “Guess We Need To Dump Some More Hypochondriacs!”

  1. Cobalt You and others like you are an ass.

    All we have to do is apply the same laws Mexico does. I just love it when your kind throw out all this hypthetical illogical crap which has nothing to do with reality.

    All that is needed is judicious application of FORCE. something this cowardly country and president is to wimpy to do.

    ( I also voted for him twice but I would never lack the courage to do what I think is right not based on what other so called republicans or conservatives do)

    Why is it with all the manufacturing that has gone to mexico that we have to have them come here? How is it free trade when a treaty has to be signed i.e. ” Nafta?”

    When people have no respect for a thing it is treated like shit.

    That is what these folks are here for they care not a bit about us. Just to make a buck and send it back home.
    We should tax them at a 50% rate through Western Union and the like..

    Day in and Day out they run scams we are not allowed to do.
    Commit crimes we cannot.
    Get away with what we cannot

    I have no problem shooting a few at the border. Then I will shoot some smugglers so as not to let them feel left out.

    They are invaders pure and simple. Not law abiding people who are waiting in the millions to come here.

    I am sick of the criminals in DC and their sob stories no one helps me a umemployed disabled City employee kicked to the curb with no pension but hey lets let them become eligible minorities for benefits I cannot get.

    All civilizations die the trick is to see when you reach the half way point and stop it.
    The Declaration of Independence obligates us to remove a government when it sytematically suppresses it’s consituents

    Fools like you AJ, Terrye and your blind totally unappreciated nor respected kindness will get us all killed or our ancestors at least.
    They intend to take over this counry, They teach it in schools in Mexico. They brag about it in public. What I do not understand is your illogical cowardly excuses in helping them.

  2. biglsusportsfan says:

    “If talk radio is only preaching to the choir, just how did they change any minds?”

    Talk radio in the end changed few minds at all. I mean to the opposition to any Regularization of the illegas no matter what has become Gospel among the hard right and many that listen to Talk radio. In the end talk radio has a audience that is pretty much set.

    Again poll after poll shows that the concepts in the bill , including Pathway were not opposed by the majority of Americans. We are now on the third year of this and still we are not seeing Americans attitudes change on that issue very much.

    However in the end that eventual legalization” is a non go always for many. They are too emotionally invested in it

  3. MerlinOS2 says:


    See my comment above about problems with the zcard and legal hispanics to Terrye.

    That is where the whole zcard house of cards falls.

  4. Immigration Bill Dies Again…

    The immigration bill died yet again. Down in flames might be an apt analogy, but this is the bill of the living dead – it keeps managing to come back to life despite the overwhelming failures and inadequacies to deal with the issues at hand – securin…..

  5. biglsusportsfan says:

    “They intend to take over this counry, They teach it in schools in Mexico”

    Good Grief.

  6. Bikerken says:

    BIGLSU, As usual, you’re wrong again. You mentioned the conservatives in Southern California losing because of this, I beg your pardon, the conservatives who ran hard anti-immigration as you can get and they WON. Where do you think Brian Bilbray came from. He ran against a woman, Ruth Busby, who was the biggest illegal ass kisser who got caught in a meeting of illegal aliens telling then, “you don’t need papers to vote.” and she got clobbered!

    Brandon is right, the republican party is going to be stronger because of this, not weaker.

  7. SallyVee says:

    A few drive-by comments, scanning through this thread…

    FE: I just love it! Now you’re the Bouncer at the door of this establishment? Crikey, how many badges do you need? Sometimes you’re almost a perfect caricature of the wooden, authoritarian Republican. I guess anyone who puts enforcement in his screen name is pretty committed to the concept. So you’re consistent anyway.

    Besides I don’t hang out at places like Kos and Huffingtong post. These days you can read a lot nastier stuff about the GOP on the right wing blogs.

    Amen, Sister Terrye. I’ve been saying that for over a year now, but very few people on the righteous Right seem alarmed or the least bit troubled by the ugliness in our own hemisphere. But they do keep their Bibles prominently displayed and frequently invoke patriotic themes and the name of Reagan between vomiting episodes. I guess it’s like buying carbon credits or something… to mitigate the damage of their other activities.

    As for Quisling. I believe Michael Savage has trademarked that word. It’s been omnipresent in Right Wingdom for a long time. I’ve been called that and damn, I still haven’t looked up the historical reference to see how insulted I should feel.

    Cobalt: excellent snapshots of the righteous wingers in full frothing mode. I had saved a bunch of horrible threads on Lucianne last year but eventually trashed them because they were upsetting to me. I got many nicknames including “Axis Sally” which I admit my husband has taken to calling me at certain times, just to needle, and with great effect.

    Oh, and: 491 DAYS! 491 DAYS! 491 DAYS! Better start mending your relations with the Hispanics while you’re hollering at Congress to go faster on the fence.

    Aitch, the problem with that challenge is the wingers will tell you that Hispanics would never vote Republican under any circumstances. Wingers simply refuse to deal with the concept of voting Hispanics at all — they’ve wished that demographic away in their minds.

    BloodySpartan – whew! What bunker in the Pacific Northwest are you posting from? I know, if you told me you’d have to kill me. I’m curious whether you checked in with the house bouncer… I’ve never seen your name before. FE, this is a job for you!

  8. patrick neid says:


    “Silly me I thought I wanted the Verfication and ID card enforced. I must have a personality disorder ”

    while you may have a personality disorder you certainly have a comprehension disorder. verfication and id cards have nothing to do with fencing the border and visa enforcement.

    what they have to do with is rubber stamping and walgreens making a mint on passport photos……like the senate you never “got it”. you did today though!

  9. biglsusportsfan says:

    “BIGLSU, As usual, you’re wrong again. You mentioned the conservatives in Southern California losing because of this, I beg your pardon, the conservatives who ran hard anti-immigration as you can get and they WON. Where do you think Brian Bilbray came from. He ran against a woman, Ruth Busby, who was the biggest illegal ass kisser who got caught in a meeting of illegal aliens telling then, “you don’t need papers to vote.” and she got clobbered!

    Brandon is right, the republican party is going to be stronger because of this, not weaker.”

    No Bikerken I am not wrong. If Bilray had lost in such a Republican district as that we would be in real trouble. However in other areas we lost. See Hayworth in Arizona as well as Graff.

    There will be areas of course where the hardline stance is a winner. However When I was mentioning those States I was thinking of State line races. That is the reason I mention Maine and Washington where we we have relative moderates in Democrat leaning states that must be protected next election cycle.

    If you think Bilray can beat Feinstein or Boxer put him up. Right now I think only a moderate can will statewide there in a major office.

  10. For Enforcement says:

    FE: I just love it! Now you’re the Bouncer at the door of this establishment? Crikey, how many badges do you need? Sometimes you’re almost a perfect caricature of the wooden, authoritarian Republican. I guess anyone who puts enforcement in his screen name is pretty committed to the concept. So you’re consistent anyway.

    thanks for the kind words, in fact way over a year ago, when immigration was a hot button issue is when I adopted the name “for enforcement” of existing laws on immigration. That’s still my position. I wish I could return the compliment, but. no wait…. I can, you’re a really good suck up to AJ.

    Now this was a little surprising: you said:As for Quisling. I believe Michael Savage has trademarked that word.

    I’m a little surprised that you’re a regular on Michael’s show. I heard him a couple times several years ago. He doesn’t seem like your type.

    But anyhow, thanks for the title. Bouncer, I’ll wear it with pride.

    Someone had to be here to answer all the crying, AJ is hiding out, I guess, in his fallout shelter to avoid the falling sky.

  11. For Enforcement says:

    “See Hayworth in Arizona as well as Graff.”

    I think you’ve run a wheel off, or slipped a cog. Hayworth lost to a guy that was MORE ANTI-immigrant than him. You might want to check out the details when you’re trying to make a point.

  12. retire05 says:

    Um, let’s see. The Republican Party is now in the tank. Why? Because we have “lost” the Hispanic vote that we might have had 20 years down the road. I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked.

    Maybe it is like how we have garnered the black vote. Oh wait, even though the slaves were freed by a Republican president, we still have not taken the major portion of the black vote.

    Anyone who thinks that Hispanics would have voted Republican in the near future is using waaaaay too many drugs.

  13. biglsusportsfan says:

    “with fencing the border and visa enforcement.”

    Fencing the border as some envision it I fear will become a conservative boondoggle. Lots money and mot much results. Visa verfication and making sure we keep track of who is here and that people don’t slip through the cracks is important.

    My point is that you I think you are way off that the conservatives and Republicans that supported this bill did not want its provisions enforced. I am not sure what you are basing that on at all.

  14. hehe….Great Day to be a Republican. We won…RHINO’S lost. WoooHOOOO….

  15. thecentercannothold says:

    Of course warmonger For Enforcement doesn’t mention that
    Haworth’s opponent was not saddled with the unwinnable war
    which Bush waged. He’s still one of the 25% who support it I suppose.

  16. biglsusportsfan says:


    I am quite aware of what happened in the Hayworth race. I was following that race as well as the Graff race closely.

    I am still astonished that this rumor of Mitchell being more “anti -immigrant” than Hayworth has still such currency

    But since you say I slipped a Cog and I need to check the details out
    Besides the numerous Newspaper articles that disprove that , all we have to do is go to his campaign web site

    His views nearly mirrored that of Bush and Rep Flake and Kolbe

    From his web site

    “Secure Our Border and Stop Illegal Immigration

    Every sovereign nation has a responsibility to secure its border. In Congress, I’ll make it a top priority to secure the U.S.-Mexico border and stop illegal immigration.

    I’ll deliver results, not rhetoric, and will work with both Republicans and Democrats to get the job done. This includes both securing our border and offering realistic solutions for the immigration problem our country faces.

    Specifically, I’ll work to

    Station more Border Patrol agents along the border;
    Put more high-tech tools along the border so we can better monitor border activity;
    Extend existing fencing in urban areas;
    Establish a temporary worker program that allows us to keep track of who crosses our borders; and
    Hold employers accountable for whom they hire.

    I oppose amnesty and will not support it. Still, we must deal with the millions of illegal immigrants who are already here. Catching and deporting 11 million illegal immigrants, as some have suggested, is neither realistic nor wise. I believe we should give families an opportunity to gain legal status if they pay a penalty for breaking the law, pay their taxes, learn English, and hold a job for a period of years.

    Illegal immigration affects Arizona more than it does other states – more than half of all illegal crossings over the U.S.-Mexico border happen here in Arizona. In the State Senate, I worked closely with Governor Janet Napolitano to increase the penalties for violent human smuggling, and I supported her decision to declare a state of emergency along the border. I saw firsthand how Washington’s complete failure to do its job continues to hurt our state. We need representation in Washington that secures our border and offers realistic solutions to our current immigration problem. I will bring that tough, yet realistic, voice to Capitol Hill, just as I did as Mayor and State Senator.

    MORE: Read Harry’s Arizona Republic op-ed on immigration enforcement.”


    I don’t think anyone was any under illusion that Mitchell favored a Comprehensive approach while Hayworth was fighting it tooth and nail

  17. xennady says:

    Well, I guess I wasn’t banned the last time I attempted to comment. Anyway, AJStrata your posts have been the weakest, most insult-filled reason-free arguments I’ve seen on this issue since the last time I heard Tony Snow. Just grow up, OK? The folks that oppose this amnesty bill don’t hate immigrants or Mexicans.I’m an immigrant and I’m certainly in favor of immigration.But I don’t believe the current government has any intention or desire of making the US border secure.The Democrats just get too many votes from illegally registered illegal aliens to close it and Bush-well, weren’t the democrats going to impeach him? For example, my mother- never a US citizen- was able to register to vote thanks to the motor voter bill. Do you think this should happen? I don’t- and I’m her son. If US law doesn’t matter there- why the hell does it matter any where else? If illegal aliens don’t have to follow US law- why the hell should I? There are many stupid laws I don’t like- if I was an illegal alien I could just ignore them. That’s my basic problem with this now dead bill- they get rewarded for ignoring US law. Cobalt shiva-I’ll bear any burden and pay any price to get the border secured. Got that? If my stance damages the Republican party too bad. 491 days? The future runs much longer than that.This bill would effectively result in a permanent rolling amnesty that continued forever. The left and George Bush want that. I don’t. If the American people as a whole want this I’ll happily remain in the minority. But polls and phone calls to congress indicate they don’t. I would have cheerfully accepted any bill that granted amnesty, citizenship, and a vacation at Disneyworld to current illegal aliens as long as it secured the border from FUTURE illegals. This was not acceptable to the left and George Bush. Too bad. It seems to me this is a situation like where a home builder keeps insisting you build the roof of a house before you build the foundation. No matter how many times he gets told you need to build the foundation first, he keeps insisting that roof must come first. Even though I want both a roof ( final disposition and likely amnesty for illegals) and a foundation (a secure border) I’ll be damned if I want to build the roof first.

  18. DaleinAtlanta says:

    APACHE: get that darn website up and running NOW!

    I’ve had it over here with all these crazies!

    AJ’s echochamber is so loud, I feel like Quasimodo ringing the bells!

    The bells, the bells, the bells…

  19. biglsusportsfan says:

    Sally V

    I noticed that Big Lizards has a common sense post up

    It is some sanity and I hope we start seeing more post like that. It is a mode we much switch into and soon

  20. apache_ip says:

    Registration is open. Enjoy.