Jun 22 2007

CAIR Tied To Al Qaeda

Published by at 12:16 pm under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

It is about time CAIR cleaned out the terrorist sympathizers or just shut its doors if the connections to al-Qaeda turn out to be true:

It started out as an investigation into U.S.-based financing of Hamas terrorist operations, which was bad enough. But as federal investigators developed a matrix of suspects, they discovered a possible 9/11 connection.

The Holy Land Foundation terror case has already touched the top Muslim lobby in Washington — the Council on American-Islamic Relations — which U.S. prosecutors recently named as an unindicted co-conspirator.

A former senior CAIR official is among five indicted figures in the major terror-funding case. It turns out he is related by marriage to a key suspect in the conspiracy — a radical Muslim cleric and activist who authorities have linked to al-Qaida.

In fact, they say the cleric is closely connected to the spiritual adviser to the 9/11 hijackers.

Federal investigators have learned that imam Mohammed El-Mezain — who goes on trial next month with one of CAIR’s founding board members — once lived in the same small Colorado apartment complex with another imam accused of preparing some of the hijackers for their “martyrdom” operation.

El-Mezain and imam Anwar Aulaqi later moved to San Diego, where Aulaqi held closed-door meetings with the al-Qaida hijackers. The two radical clerics also organized pilgrimages to Mecca together, including one made just months before the 9/11 attacks.

ast decade, CAIR received seed money from the Holy Land Foundation. And federal tax records show CAIR has donated money to the illegal Muslim charity.

For example, CAIR’s regional office in Northern California sent at least $500 to the Holy Land Foundation’s post-office box in Richardson, Texas, in 1999. Signing off on the transaction was none other than Ahmad, the co-founder and past chairman of CAIR. He is listed as a director of that regional chapter, which is based in Santa Clara, Calif., where he lives and worships at a mosque that has held numerous fund-raisers for the Holy Land Foundation.

Ahmad, in fact, is a longtime member and leader of the large Wahhabi mosque — called the Muslim Community Association, or MCA — which last decade also raised thousands of dollars for a special invited guest: Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, the second in command to bin Laden.

There is evidence that Ahmad has had a personal hand in raising funds for Palestinians during their intifada, or anti-Israel uprising.

I doubt CAIR was staffed top to bottom with terrorist allies. But the concept of the ‘useful idiots’ is not far fetched by any means. Far left groups can easily be duped by what can only be called al-Qaeda spies because these groups are so anti-Bush they forget sometimes they might be playing into sinister hands. But one thing is clear – CAIR is rife with what can only be seen as traitors to this country.

30 responses so far

30 Responses to “CAIR Tied To Al Qaeda”

  1. retire05 says:

    OMG, AJ, this is just TOO funny.

    SanFranNan is touting veteran’s benefits on her web site with a picture of a military personel sitting with a doctor. Only problem, she shows THE WRONG ARMY. The woman is in the CANADIAN military.


    Is she touting Canadian socialized medicine or is it possible, she and her staff are actually this clueless?

  2. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Retired; could you put the link to the specific page; I can’t find it!

  3. kathie says:

    The only way to stop this is to deport Saudi Imams.

  4. The Macker says:

    I recently saw some stats showing a huge drop in CAIR membership since 911. That’s a good thing.

  5. MerlinOS2 says:



    Try this link , it’s already been pulled from Nancy’s site


  6. Soothsayer says:

    George Bush Tied to al-Qaeda

    Yes, its regretfully true, a member of the infamous bin Laden family was a prime investor in George Bush’s failed Arbusto Oil Company, and bin Laden family cohort Abdullah Taha Bakhsh was a prime shareholder in Harken Chemical when George Walker Bush sat on the audit committee of the Harken Board of Directors.

    Addititionally, FBI documents released recently indicate that the chartered flights that whisked bin Laden family members and other potential al-Qaeda members out of the US following 9/11 were chartered by al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and okayed by the Bush White House.

  7. thecentercannothold says:

    When Strata starts complaining about AIPAC’s ties to Israeli state terrorism , then noting its control of Congress in the same detail as above, he can legitimitize his plaints about CAIR’s ties to Palestinian freedom fighters.

  8. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Dear “Bootlicker” and “THECENTERISABUNGHOLE”:

    da dee da dee dee deet….BREAKING NEWS!

    This JUST IN!:

    The Leftist mammalian mole-rat hive-mind cranial rectal inversion symbiote (h/t R05), known as “Bootlicker/THECENTERISABUNGHOLE” is tied to Benedict Arnold!

    Why, because “it’ is a traitor, an Anti-American, Pro-Jihadi/Anti-Semite Leftist!

    PROOF you ask? NONE NEEDED, they’re Leftist Nutbags, why would you need proof…okay, one bit only:

    “about AIPAC’s ties to Israeli state terrorism ..”

    Ah, ‘Nuff said on that!

    Oooops, here’s another bit of “proof”

    “Palestinian freedom fighters..”

    Ah…YEAH! Okay….chirp…..chirp…….chirp!

    And not only are they Traitors (like Benedict Arnold); they’re also LIARS! (Sorry AJ, had to use the “L” word on them!)

    To wit:

    “out of the US following 9/11 were chartered by al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and okayed by the Bush White House. ”

    1) the first is completely fabricated, as proven in the past days by the Judicial Watch documents; the flights were chartered by the Saudi Government, NOT “Bin Laden”, it was “speculation” in the JW docuemnts.


    2) it was RICHARD CLARKE, Clintonite, liar, fraud, so-called CT “expert” and person who along with George Tenet, and Bill Clinton, and Sandy Berger, and Tony Zinni, gave Bin Laden about SIX FREE PASSES in the 90’s, so he could committ 9/11!

    And surprising, RICHARD CLARKE has admitted he let the plane loads of Bin Ladin’s relatives leave the country, WITHOUT first consulting with the FIB Director, nor the WHITE HOUSE!

    da dee dee deet….THIS JUST IN!


    For their next act, “Bootlicker/THECENTERISABUNGHOLE” will attempt to impersonate AMERICANS with SPINES”……

    Oh wait….sorry, what’s that…???? Hmmmmmmm……

    Okay, sorry about that, that last statment has just been provent to be an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY, sorry, “Bootlicker/THECENTERISABUNGHOLE” CANNOT impersonate “AMERICANS with SPINES”; sorry for the confusion; I return you to your regularly scheduled programming, which is us REAL Americans, kicking Jihadi ass….

    da dee dee deet…

  9. Soothsayer says:

    Somebody get Dale his meds . . . in the literature, I believe he would be described as presenting with hebephrenia . . .

  10. crosspatch says:

    I think Fred Thompson’s recent remarks show a huge hemorrhage in both membership and contributions of CAIR. In fact, according to Fred, CAIR is claiming to represent more US muslims than there are muslims in the US so I think Toto has managed to pull back the curtain and expose what has been going on behind it to some extent.

    And “Thecentercannothold” … I would like to inform you that not only can it hold, it will soon be ruling as it is getting larger than either the left or the right. The center is the fastest growing political demographic in the country.

  11. thecentercannothold says:


    Superannuated Dale-rat of course has more spine than the
    72% of American troops who told Zogby in January 2006,
    they no longer believed in Bush’s “stay the course” no-win
    Iraq War, and would give it until December 2006 to prove
    its self capable of pacifying Iraq.

    Hey, Ratlanta-dale, still “no peace no justice” In Iraq.
    Three-quarters of the troops want out . Why don’t you
    volunteer to replace them, along with the drug addicts the
    army is now accepting out of desperation?

    You da man!

  12. DaleinAtlanta says:

    “THECENTERISABUNGHOLE”: you quote Zogby?

    To me?

    A freaking Jihadi sympathizer, and his brother actually is a Jihaid?

    Are you kidding?

    More Leftist Nutbag Luancy….


  13. thecentercannothold says:

    lying nutbag -Zogs would sue you if he could get you out of the

  14. BarbaraS says:


    I know you like for the left to spout their garbage so we can see how stupid they are, but don’t you think we have gotten the message by this time. I wish you would ban these idiots or as I believe this one idiot with multiple names. He/she/it/they take away from all discussions with their idiotic rants. I got sick of them a long time ago.
    They are so patently unamerican and they rejoice with every bit of bad news we get or make up bad news.

  15. thecentercannothold says:


    Hats off to Ron Paul of the Right as well as Dennis Kucinich of the Left!

  16. thecentercannothold says:


    Strata says the US is defeating al Qaeda in Iraq. Not so, says
    CBS which says Bush has created a big problem there!

  17. DaleinAtlanta says:

    Can you spell: T….I….N……F……O…..I……L…….H……A……T??

    Do do do do, do do do do, do do do do…You’ve entered the Twilight Zone world of “Bootlicker” and “THECENTERISABUNGHOLD”, where everything is a conspiracy theory, caused by the JOOOOOOSSS and the Evil Redneck Imperialist Cowboys of Texas!

    Oy vey and Hot-diggity-dog; we’s gonna shoot us some Ayrabs and skin ’em and serve ’em with gifilte fish and motza balls, and use their blood for Passover treats!


  18. For Enforcement says:

    Somebody get Dale his meds . . . in the literature, I believe he would be described as presenting with hebephrenia .

    Funny how it sounds different when you read it rather than write it, isn’t it? That’s what you and Certerisabunghole sound like routinely

  19. For Enforcement says:


    In Iraq.
    Three-quarters of the troops want out .

    I may be wrong, but I don’t think the military has become a democratic organization. It is more of a dictatorship.
    They don’t get an option of bailing out.

  20. thecentercannothold says:

    For Enforcement

    Right, FE! You could keep ’em in as long as they did in
    Vietnam and be rewarded with fragging.