Jun 06 2007

More Hypochondriac Misinformation

Published by at 3:22 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

My site has been plagued by false claims of pending doom on the immigration issue. These false profits of doom keep emphasizing the empty rhetoric Bush so accurately called the immigration bill’s opponents on. For example, if you hear gang members and sex offenders are exempt (as many a Chicken Little posted in my comments sections) don’t believe a word of it:

The close vote on a proposal by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, to bar felons—including those court-ordered to be deported—from legalization reflected the delicate position of the contentious immigration bill, which remains under threat from the right and the left.

The vote was 51-46 against the amendment. Democrats succeeded in sucking support from Cornyn’s proposal by winning adoption of a rival version that would bar a more limited set of criminals, including certain gang members and sex offenders, from gaining legalization. The Senate backed that amendment 66-32.

See, all that happened is the immigration hypochondriacs did not get their version of the amendment, clearly a better and more broadly supported version was adopted. The credibility of the shrill-seakers on right is toast. They keep making wild claims which are proved wrong and so they go onto making more wild claims. I guess Chicken Little is the wrong analogy. They are more like the little boy who cried ‘wolf’!

98 responses so far

98 Responses to “More Hypochondriac Misinformation”

  1. biglsusportsfan says:

    Aj your famous

    TO bad it is not last year. IF it was you would have a lot more readers from FR. THey have pretty much run off anyone that is vocal about Comp form and purged all the Rudy Folks and others for not towing the party line.

    Free Republic I hate to say is a example of a echo chamber where all dissent is quashed. Too bad it was a great forum. I shall have to take a look at the comments

  2. stevevvs says:

    Free Republic is an Excellent Source of Alien News from Coast To Coast. Like Lucianne.com, it’s just a place to go to see the news that isn’t in your local paper. They post everything, including things they don’t agree with, such as AJ’s stuff. I went to post a reply, but I’m not registered, so I said forget it. I was just going to say that AJ is a Nice Guy. I really think that. I just don’t always agree.

  3. biglsusportsfan says:

    LEts look at the comments

    “I got a good laugh at the term “WSJ Republican.” I guess these guys are the ones who will support any amount of treason if their maid service and lawn maintenance is cheap enough.”

    Treason 🙂 I see things have not changed

    “That comment is actually by a former freeper, as scary as that may be.”

    There are so many former freepers, including moi, that we would a nice size city

    “I am sure the author lives in a gated community. I am witnessing first hand the flood of illegals and the accompanying crime and decay of civility”

    Civility? Wait what was that treason remark. I am sure the poster will call out other un civility in this thread

    “I suspect many conservatives could live with much of the present immigration bill. IF we thought its provisions would actually be enforced.

    Since we have been repeatedly lied to about enforcement, why should we believe the most recent claims?”

    Some reason over there at FR still

    “Wake me when he starts taking hostages.”

    I dont get it

    “Hmm, “WSJ Republican”. I guess it saves a lot of typing to use the letters W-S-J than to use C-O-U-N-T-R-Y-C-L-U-B.”

    Goodness- I am quite suprised that people in this and age think the Wall Street Jouranl is only read by the Country Club folks As small business is more interacting with the global community I find that false

    “It’s these RINO libs who stabbed us in the back in the 2006 election. Now they want to blame us for not buying into their liberal policies”

    Oh those rinos. At FR people with hundred percent ACU ratings are Rinos. RINO IS LIKE THE WORD NAZI. THe first to use either term in a debate should lose.

    That being said the pserson that posted this article over there “jmc813” if I remember him correctly is actually one of the sane ones and is interesting.

  4. biglsusportsfan says:


    That is true. Even though their numbers are down I do you use it to get a quick rundown on the news and they do have people over their that have different things that they are interested and they do post some good articles

    Ona side note, one thing that FR never did that they could have was use that for state by state activism when it was in its hayday. For some reason the State by State forums are not that active

  5. stevevvs says:

    biglsusportsfan ,
    Obviously you don’t like them It may not be Treason, but it is breaking their Constitutional Duty:

    “The United States SHALL GUARANTEE to EVERY STATE in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and SHALL protect EACH of them against INVASION.”
    U.S. Constitution,
    Article IV, Section 4

    Sounds pretty clear to me, how about You?

    Facts are so inconvenient!

    If the Dem’s had any sense, they could have Impeached ol George on this. But then they would loose their future Welfare Dependents and Voters. So, they too, turn a blind eye.

  6. biglsusportsfan says:

    SO Reagan was guilty of Treason? Reagan should have been impeached?

  7. stevevvs says:


    That State by State thing sounds good. They are an equal oportunity anoyer, as far as the posting of articles goes. I loved their Pre War Doc’s back before Bush caved to the NYTimes and shut that down too. And Their Global Warming Stack as well.

    I’m going to watch a little TV. Take Care Everyone, I enjoy your Conversations. Have a Nice Evening.

  8. stevevvs says:

    According to their Constitutional Duty, I’d have to say yes. Wouldn’t you? It Says what it says, it meens what it says. Pretty black and white.

    Take Care, see you later.

  9. biglsusportsfan says:

    No I would not agree. This is basically labor so I dont think this under the law can be called an invasion. Also Bush is actually trying to do soemthing about it. It appears to me that under this standard manyu Presidents would be called for treason

    I just thinks it Cheapens the Word

    I check in later too

  10. retire05 says:

    Guess who is behind the pro-illegal immigration movement? Yep, you got it right. Far left people like George (open borders) Soros, the Tides Foundation and other far left wing groups that want open borders.

    Welcome to the New Socialist Democratic Party of America.

  11. ivehadit says:

    Steve and others, in case you haven’t noticed corporate America AND many entrepreneurs of which I am one employ millions of people. They have retirement plans and health plans and many other great things at great prices for people. So stop with the bashing of WSJ republicans. What, you wanna take out Wall Street and maybe have a world-wide depression? You are attacking the financial center of the United States…just like the terrorists tried to do??

    This class envy is really unproductive and comes from a great big chip on the shoulder, imho.

  12. Aitch748 says:

    Right, let’s impeach President Bush for the invasion of America by Mexico. I’m sure the entire country is so enraged about illegal immigration that they’d be pleased as punch to see the President on trial before the Democratic Senate because he didn’t do enough to stop large numbers of Mexicans from committing misdemeanors by being in this country.

    Sheesh, you’d think Mexican Special Forces were busy blowing up bridges, sabotaging gasoline stations, and cutting power lines in the American Southwest.

  13. momdear1 says:

    Everyone seems to be shocked! Shocked! that John McCain is showing his mean, nasty, vindictive disposition in public. Where has everyone been since 2000 when Bush beat him in the state of SC and went on to win the nomination? He has done everything he could to throw monkey wrenches into the machinery and make life miserable for George Bush. Remember when he tied up the Senate with his George Soros backed Campaign Finance Reform bill which made it illegal for anyone but Soros and his minions to voice an opinion during an election campaign? Thanks to McCain, Soros now controls most of the “legal” campaign money and is telling the Dems what to do. McCain tied up the Senate until the Dems could work out a deal to get Jeffries to switch sides and give control of the Senate to the Dems. Top Dem. officials even went to Ariz. to meet with McCain because they thought he too was going to switch parties. If McCain is spurned again this time you can bet we will really see his wrath. But this time it will be against the whole country not just George Bush.

    Does anyone know anything about the friendship of McCain’s father in law, who owns a liquor distributorship in Arizonia, and Canadian, Maurice Strong, who was the puppet master of Kofi Annan? It’s been a long time since I heard this being discussed but no body is even mentioning it this time around. Strong was supposed to be one of the Ring Leaders in the New World Order, one world government movement.

  14. retire05 says:

    I posted an article by the Washington Post that laid it out, loud and clear, who is funding the pro-illegal movement. I guess it didn’t make the cut.
    Does George (open border, legalized drugs) Soros ring a bell with anyone?

  15. retire05 says:

    MomDear1, Strong is also the power behind Al Gore’s Inconvenient Lies and the global warming issue, while Strong made his billions in the (yep, you guessed it) oil industry.
    Strong and Soros have just joined hands to import a Chinese car into the U.S. called the Chery. Strong said that it was their intention to kill the auto industry in the U.S. because if the U.S. auto industry goes belly up, the power held by the U.S. will be gone.
    These are two dangerous men.

  16. stevevvs says:

    Carnigy Foundation, Ford Foundation, Soros, nice crowd.

    Rush Today:

    I think one of the things that’s happening is that more and more people are finding out how abominable this thing is. They didn’t want this to be known. Their plan was to negotiate this behind closed doors, in secret, and then ram it through with no debate, as McCain called it, no extracurricular politics, to try to keep people from finding out what was in it. Last night McCain admitted at the debate that it was not the bill he would have written, but until somebody got a better idea… I got a better idea, enforce the current law that we’ve got now. Common sense, though, has no place in this, obviously.

    “The Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation and Democratic activist George Soros are among the liberal funders that have donated millions of dollars to pro-immigration groups. Three of the nation’s biggest and most influential pro-immigration groups — the National Immigration Forum, the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund, or MALDEF, and the National Council of La Raza collectively received more than 3.25 million from Ford Foundation since 2005. Soros has given 825,000 between ’02 and ’04 to the National Immigration Forum and other amounts of money.”

  17. stevevvs says:

    One More:

    headline: “Immigration deal survives GOP threat.” Listen to this. “A bipartisan immigration bill narrowly survived a potentially fatal challenge on Wednesday when the Senate turned back a Republican bid to limit the illegal immigrants who could gain lawful status. The close vote on a proposal by Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, to bar felons — including those court-ordered to be deported — from legalization reflected the delicate position of the contentious immigration bill, which remains under threat from the right and the left.” So Cornyn proposed an amendment barring felons, and it loses! “The vote was 51-46 against the amendment. Democrats succeeded in sucking support from Cornyn’s proposal by winning adoption of a rival version that would bar a more limited set of criminals, including certain gang members and sex offenders, from gaining legalization,” which is hooey because it’s not going to do that, either.

    There’s no incentive to do any of this in the bill. We’ve got plenty of immigration laws on the books now, and because they’re not working, we have do this? What’s the magic in this new set of laws? So Cornyn proposes an amendment that would bar felons including those court-ordered to be deported for legalization, and it loses! It loses. Did you hear me? An amendment to bar felons and those who are court-ordered to get out of the country failed! We welcome you felons into America, and if you’re a felon and an illegal already here, we want you to stay. United States Senate, June 6th. You know, if anybody’s still alive out there from D-Day, the anniversary is today, 63 years ago, what are you thinking here? More on that as the program unfolds.

  18. retire05 says:

    Steve, anyone who doesn’t think that there are sinister forces trying to demolish our nation as we know it is just plain stupid or needs to come out of their cave. The movers and shakers are behind the scenes with the money, funding it to organizations that will carry out their plans. LULAC, LaRaza are just two and they are very, very active here in Texas.
    I have always been a big Ford person, but considering the actions of the Ford Foundation has caused me to not buy that new F250 diesel that I had planned on. Now, I will just drive it until the wheels fall off and then pay a mechanic (a legal Texan) to put new wheels on it.

    There are also those who say that LaRaza and other pro-illegal, open borders organizations are just the fringe. Perhaps they have not paid attention to what is going on around them. It was the pro-illegal movement that caused ballots to be in Spanish, signs in Wal-Mart in Spanish, etc. Can anyone look at the immigration issue and not say that it is being driven by Mexico? Not if they have two grey cells to rub together. If this is not a Mexican issue, then why don’t we have signs and ballots all over the U.S. in Chinese? There is a large group of illegal Chinese here.
    I have to rebuilt a stair case in my 110 year old home. Just for grins, I got a bid from a guy I know that hires illegals with only one English speaking foreman. Surprise, surprise. The bids I got from two other companies that DON’T hire illegals were actually cheaper.
    I am waiting for those who are buying into the Immigration Kool-aid plan to talk about the $100 million the Senate says they will use to improve the situation at the border. BFD, Texas just put into it’s new budget $100 million for the same thing and that is just one damn state, not the whole federal goverment.

  19. DaleinAtlanta says:

    AJ: you’re reaching now AJ, every post you make, you try to tie it into the Immigration fight, and blame it on the people who disagree with you; you’ve lost all pespective on this issue, and your infatuation to PROVE you are right, and your own analysis, borders on Narcissism!

    AJ, here’s a definition that fits you on this topic, I’m afraid:

    ZEALOT: “he”, who haven forgotten his purpose, Redoubles his efforts!

  20. Jacqui says:

    Drudge is posting a news item he’s developing saying the the immigration bill is collapsing in the Senate… will be interested to see what info he has.