Jun 06 2007

I Agree With Reid

Published by at 8:59 am under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

End the debacle on immigration reform now. GOP: we have heard all your posturing, your chicken little stories, your demeaning comments. We realize the immigration hypochondriacs have declared the end of common ground for the conservative coalition which brought the Congress and Presidency into GOP hands. Fine. End it. Stop with the lame amendments. Vote up or down. The GOP now owns the immigration issue and the result we will be stuck with for the next decade or more. Ried is right. The GOP is stalling and we are getting nowhere. Kill it or pass it. You want fixes, add them later. Take responsibility GOP. You own this issue and the fate of it. No whining. Just a gut check vote. Leave us with the same mess and destroy conservatism for years to come or suck it up and act like a true coalition partner where you give some to get some. Time to test your mettle.

36 responses so far

36 Responses to “I Agree With Reid”

  1. stevevvs says:

    So, pass this bill no one seems to like NOW, and we will “Fix it” later.

    Are You Serious? Do you honestly believe Harry will alow amendments AFTER passage?

    I’m shocked that in a “Democracy” 10 to 20% could stop this. Just amazing is it not.

  2. jwb says:

    Sometimes a slip of the tongue can reveal great truth:

    “…bring the 12 million undocumented Americans out of the shadows…”

    Ried is right? LOL

  3. AJStrata says:


    Did I say Reid was right about that? Of course not. How did you get so confused so quickly? Did you miss the point where I was saying Reid was right to bring this to a vote?

  4. Brandon says:

    Maybe we should just anex Mexico…

  5. For Enforcement says:


    Not really, AJ is for ‘shut up and vote’ This is not America, this is a dictatorship, so just shut up and like it.

    Teddy has come out with the PERFECT bill, nothing in it can be improved and those that think it could are not entitled to be heard so just SHUT UP AND VOTE.

    Teddy just said on the floor of the Senate, 2 minutes ago that gang members won’t be allowed to get the work cards. Hasn’t he read his bill? It says all they have to do is sign a renunciation and they are eligible. Sen Cornyn wants to pass an amendment that says gang members can’t qualify, Sen Kennedy says his “tough” language can’t be improved on.

    I say the lady drowner is right, gang members should be allowed in, Support Teddy on this. STFU and VOTE.

    “You want fixes, add them later”

    Yea, follow the sterling example of the ’86 bill, which has been fixed and is now an example of magnificent statesmanship………no, wait……..that bill hasn’t been fixed

    Oh well NO WORRY I’m sure there’s an example of some bill that was changed and made better later…..hmmm
    OH that’s right, the fence bill…… it got changed to NO FUNDING and that means no fencing Yea , I knew I could come up with a bill that ‘got fixed’ later.

    Hey I found a good amendment for the bill over at SCRAPPLEFACE, here’s a link:

    It proposes an amendment like the ones in the bill and it should work to get the US born criminals that are in the shadows out. It uses the same techniques as the illegal alien bill to get illegal criminals out of the shadows and if one will work, the other will work .

    here it is:

    Those affected by the measure are natural-born citizens who have successfully eluded arrest after committing crimes. Their legal status often forces them to move about, doing odd jobs, getting paid under the table, or even dealing drugs in order to support their families.

    Under the terms of the bill these “unpunished Americans” could come forward, pay a fine and processing fees, and immediately receive a special Y.O.Y. visa that would allow them to stay out of prison, and put them back on “the straight and narrow.”

    NO ! NO ! NO ! we have the perfect bill …….
    no more discussion, STFU and VOTE !

  6. retire05 says:

    AJ, you whine that no one offers any other solutions. Here are alternative solutions from those who were the first line of defense. Bash them, why don’t you?


    And when you admit that you agree with anything Harry (Never met a real-estate deal he didn’t like) Reid, you have admitted you have finally jumped the shark.

  7. For Enforcement says:

    Sen Sessions just said that under the bill as it is written, that known sexual predators that have been convicted of sexual assault, on a minor, is eligible for amnesty if the conviction did not state the age of the minor. Sen Cornyn’s amendment would specifically address this oversight. He doesn’t think that sexual offenders, especially on minors, demonstrate good moral character… Sen Kennedy has no problem with that persons’s character, it’s no worse than his…..

    But this is just more chicken little stories, more demeaning comments. from theimmigration hypochondriacs crowd.

    NO ! NO ! NO ! we have the perfect bill …….
    no more discussion, STFU and VOTE !

  8. MerlinOS2 says:

    From the latest Rasmussen poll, looks like this isn’t a right wing only rejection as some seem to say, looks pretty widespread across all political groups


    As the debate has unfolded, Democrats have become modestly less opposed to the legislation while Republicans have trended slightly in the opposite direction. It would be a mistake, however, to see the difference as a typical partisan divide–just 29% of Democrats support the measure while 40% are opposed. Among Republicans, support is at 21% 57% are opposed. Only 17% of those not affiliated with either party support the measure. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of unaffiliateds are opposed.

  9. ivehadit says:

    No one can answer the question it appears: How can you get what you want in a bill through the senate and house NOW? Show me.

  10. ordi says:

    AJ better look at this new poll. It shows his opinion is out of the mainstream.

    Support for Senate Immigration Bill Falls, 49% Prefer No Bill At All

    Public support for the Senate immigration reform bill has slipped a bit over the past week. A Rasmussen Reports poll conducted Monday and Tuesday night found that just 23% of voters now support the bill while 50% are opposed. Last week, 26% supported the Senate bill while 48% were opposed.

    In the face of public opposition, some supporters of the legislation have argued that the compromise may not be perfect but doing something is better than doing nothing. Voters have a different view–a solid plurality believes it would be better for the country to pass no bill at this time rather than letting the Senate compromise become law.


    As the debate has unfolded, Democrats have become modestly less opposed to the legislation while Republicans have trended slightly in the opposite direction. It would be a mistake, however, to see the difference as a typical partisan divide–just 29% of Democrats support the measure while 40% are opposed. Among Republicans, support is at 21% 57% are opposed. Only 17% of those not affiliated with either party support the measure. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of unaffiliateds are opposed.

    As they say read the rest.


  11. For Enforcement says:

    Wait a minute, stop the presses……..

    Kennedy doesn’t want the Cornyn Amendment, he want’s the Kennedy Amendment instead.

    BUT, BUT,,, BUT isn’t it perfect the way it is? What Kennedy amendment? DON’T THESE PEOPLE RECOGNIZE A PERFECT BILL WHEN THEY SEE ONE????

    Sen Schumer says Kennedys amendment is a TOUGH amendment.

    BUT, BUT,,, BUT isn’t it perfect the way it is?

    So they think ‘SOME’ change may be necessary, but it is only as the guy that can’t drive across a bridge without drowning someone, thinks is necessary.


    STFU and VOTE

  12. For Enforcement says:

    MerlinOS2 , surely you don’t understand fuzzzy math. those numbers have to be interpreted as


    Rasmussen just didn’t ask the questions the right way. We know what he ‘MEANT’ to ask. had he asked correctly then surely the numbers would have come out differently…. you think?

  13. AJStrata says:


    If Reid said he cherishes the children of the world I would not be such knee-jerk fanatic to oppose his view just because he said it.

    And when I said options I meant things that would become law. Not into people’s bizarre fantasies. I prefer reality – which is where I live.

    Rassmussen has not asked the question: this or nothing? None of those Rasmussen results get to the heart of the question – and the fallout. But hey – the far right is getting what they want. More of what we have. A mess. Now they own it.

  14. For Enforcement says:

    Boo hoo, Sen Specter is gonna cry on the floor, he understands that Sen Reid is gonna take his bill down tomorrow and that would be a big mistake and he’s gonna cry about it. Boo hoo hoo.

  15. MerlinOS2 says:


    If the right and the center reject the bill in it’s current form by exactly the same amount and the right SUPPORTS the bill more than the center, just how far left to you have to go to get fast the Vast Unwashed Hypowhatevers?

  16. For Enforcement says:

    “reality – which is where I live.”

    Is that just west of Washington?

  17. ordi says:

    Sorry AJ your incorrect. Rasmussen did ask the question: this or nothing?

    You did not read the rest.

    some supporters of the legislation have argued that the compromise may not be perfect but doing something is better than doing nothing. Voters have a different view–a solid plurality believes it would be better for the country to pass no bill at this time rather than letting the Senate compromise become law.

    Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters prefer no bill over the Senate bill. Just 32% prefer the legislative compromise over inaction.

    Here is the question he asked.

    Which would be better for the country, passing the immigration reform bill or not passing any immigration reform bill at this time?

    Here is the answer to the question.

    Passing Immigration Reform Bill


    Not Passing Any Immigration Reform Bill at this time


  18. MerlinOS2 says:

    Heck they are even trashing the bill over at Daily Kos.

    Now someone tell me they are part of the extreme right.

  19. For Enforcement says:

    Everyone should watch the Senators posturing on the floor.
    It is a real education on some of these people.

    Sen Specter now thinks maybe we do need a few more days of discussion, that would be better than taking it down. Even tho the American people are getting ‘sick and tired’ of all this bickering, maybe we should keep discussing it til it either gets voted up or down.

    The Cornyn amendment? It denies legalization of convicted criminals and illegals that have violated or ignored court orders and gang members.
    Now who would want to deny those people, Down with that amendment..


  20. AJStrata says:


    The comments have been the extreme left and right are now equally bad for America. Not they are one in the same.