Apr 03 2007

The Gathering Iranian Nuclear Holocaust

Published by at 9:37 pm under All General Discussions,Iran

The wake up call on Iran’s nuclear weapons capability is at hand:

ran has more than tripled its ability to produce enriched uranium in the last three months, potentially enabling the Islamic regime to develop a nuclear bomb by 2009, much sooner than previousely though, a media report said yesterday.

Tehran has added 1,000 centrifuges which are used to separate radioactive particles from the raw material, which means the country could have enough material for a nuclear bomb by 2009, ABC Television network reported quoting sources “familiar with the dramatic upgrade.”

The sources said the unexpected expansion is taking place at Iran’s nuclear enrichment plant outside the city of Natanz, in a hardened facility 70 feet underground.

A spokesperson for the United Nation’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) declined to comment on the report citing the “extreme sensitivity” of the situation with Iran.

Tehran has already declared that its above-ground operations at Natanz have some 320 centrifuges.

The addition of 1,000 new centrifuges, which are not yet operational, means Iran is expanding its enrichment programme at a pace much faster than US intelligence experts had predicted, ABC said.

If the error bars around this estimate are off by 6-12 months (as they were with India and Pakistand and North Korea) then we are on the precipice of something really horrific. Tehran’s actions with the UK Sailors and Marines is but a pittance of what the world and humankind would face with a nuclear armed state preparing for martyrdom.

24 responses so far

24 Responses to “The Gathering Iranian Nuclear Holocaust”

  1. MerlinOS2 says:


    I won’t go into the numbers for reasons that should be clear, but I will just state the more centrifuges you can get working in a cascade the more you can do.

    Having said that , you have to be able to produce in quantity the feedstock for the cascade to keep it flowing. It can’t be interrupted.

    Also you have to evaluate the source of the primary data.

  2. MerlinOS2 says:

    My gut feeling is their declared location is a red herring.

    Only the intel guys can “hopefully” have a better clue on this issue.

  3. Carol_Herman says:

    Iran doesn’t have a delivery system!

    And, you’re confusing apples with oranges, when you point to the way Britain is being humilated. Long after it stopped policing its own streets! And, destroyed its own navy. Because having one is TOO EXPENSIVE! Gone are the profitable days, anyway. When “the sun didn’t sent on England.” Gone. You hear that?

    Into WW2, while FDR only provided arsenal (from 1939 thru 1941). England went to the verge of bankruptcy. Which is WHY FDR went to “lend lease.”

    As he explained it to the American people, “you lend your neighbor a garden hose, when his house is on fire.” If the hose gets destroyed? Then? Someday your neighbor can replace it. Meanwhile, if the hose survives, your neighbor returns this. But it’s not a cash transaction. It’s “lend lease.”

    America had an ability to produce war armaments that eventually shocked the germans. How so? Following D-DAY we put on shore, on the continent, something like a million tanks and trucks. It literally ran the distance from the french coast, into germany, filling all the roads. Bumper to bumper.

    So, take a minute. Bush is not going to do anything, now! Because he is not going to let America’s enemies (including those who are home-grown), into picking our battles!

    Yes, the Brits are sore asses. Blair, in particular, is FURIOUS at Bush. And, would love to rub his “nose in it.” But so far? He’s not getting to square one.

    And, what if iran has the nuke? (Which it doesn’t.) It’s in better shape than North Korea?

    So far, the nukes are supposed to threaten cooperation from others. It’s a tool of BLACKMAIL. I don’t think it’s gonna work for the iranians. And, there’s a lot that can happen.

    Was there ever a time diplomacy worked?

    We’ve seen a lot of failures.

    Take Israel, for instance. And the bold moves made in the 1980’s, to go into Lebanon. Where Arik Sharon tossed the ugly fish, arafat, OUT. And, sent him packing to Tunis. No thanks, EVER, fromthe Lebanese.

    So we got to last summer. And, 3 hostages taken. # Israelis, now, probably dead.

    Abbas? Is furious with Merkel. Who is also making headlines. He said germany is too close to Israel. And, all Merkel wanted to do was talk about Shalit. (Whom the gazoo’ians killed.) So while all the deals sound rich; they cannot be accomplished. Since Israel won’t do a thing until they get back their hostages. Healthy.

    From this tidbit you now know Blair doesn’t have a friend, yet, in germany, either.

    Just a weakened state. Where the Brits are hated by the arabs, anyway.

    There are no surprises.

    You want to think that iran is on the verge of a break through? I noticed that there was even a shortage of “seething street performers” in front of the British embassy. (Only 200 hired goons. Way off the tens of thousands that once came out against us.)

    Even with the headlines going to Blair; they are weak headlines.


    His best option is to sit on his hands. And, make sure there’s enough aircraft carriers of ours in the region, that the oil is transported safely.

    Yes. This particular crisis raised the price per barrel of oil, up over five dollars, EACH ONE. That’s a gift to the iranians. And, right there gives them reasons to celebrate.

    The other thing? The House of Saud hates the iranians. And, are also perverts. Who have tried to push Bush into giving them syria, for instance. But the pressure on Olmert? Just dropped his popularity numbers into the single digits.

    What remains odd, is that though leaders have low popularity numbers dragging them down, they’re not yet out of their fancy offices. And, most elections, if they were held, will still produce wins for them.

    It’s almost as if all the news has NO EFFECT! You’d think that people we be forced to fold. Instead? the providers of news services are learning that the audiences aren’t making them rich, anymore.

    By the way, what are iran’s options when it comes to the hostages? At some point the group that got captured are handsome people. AND, the woman IS THEIR LEADER! Indicating? What affirmative action looks like when it becomes operational. Not exactly heroic, by any measure.

    hitler, by the way, refused to pay of germany’s WW1 debt. And, spent every penny he could lay his hands on, on war planes. And, build up.

    Still? He never matched FDR! America outperformed the germans on a scale you just wouldn’t believe.

    And, what gave hitler his start? All those tanks and planes he had available to use in aggressive military tactics.

    All the iranians have are lots of tablecloths. They can propel their women through cannons, I guess? But they really are not prepared!

    And, the screaming bullies in the press haven’t got the kinds of advantages necessary, should Bush decide, one day, NOT to sit on his hands. We’re just not there, yet. It isn’t practical.

    By the way, Lincoln and FDR both had enormous patience. Since victory is NOT around the corner! One of Bush’s strengths is that he can wait while others bluff.

  4. crosspatch says:

    If NATO and the EU and the UN’s reaction is silence to this event, imagine their reaction to a nuclear Iran. This is going to be bad. Really, really, bad. The Democrats better get on board quick otherwise we are going to find ourselves under nuclear blackmail from a lunatic mullah with a bomb.

    And he Taliban might have control of Pakistan’s bombs by the end of summer.

  5. Soothsayer says:

    Take a pill . . . and chill.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that Iran would use a nuclear weapon against the United States, knowing – as the Soviet Union and China have known for the last 60 years – that the use of a nuke against us would mean instant and total destruction.

    If you’d had your way, we’d have already bombed Iran for the Brit hostages – who – according to CNN are being granted “amnesty” and will be released:

    “I declare that the people of Iran and the Government of Iran in full power and given their legal rights to place on trial the military people, to give amnesty and pardon to these 15 people. And I announce their freeing and their return to the people of Britain. I request the government of Mr. Blair not to question these people or to place them on trial for speaking the truth and I request Mr. Blair, rather than to increase the international controversy or call for the occupation of other lands, to take them toward peace, truthfulness and justice to serve the people of England.”

    -Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

  6. ivehadit says:

    Naive children…or cynical teenagers, these Leftists.

    Not a one of them do I want protecting me, my children and grandchildren. Not one. For in reality, they WANT to see my America the Beautiful brought to her knees. Pathological and destructive, these Leftists.

    They apparently are so far on the dark side that they can’t even see the monster (who many know to have been the one who held our people hostage during the awful carter years) at the so-called helm in Iran.

    And we know how much they gave to Saddam…

    There is evil in the world and I, for one, will not accept it’s definition of what our world should be.

  7. Carol_Herman says:

    Yeah, go and shake your pill bottle, sooth.

    What you’re missing, though. Is that there is COVERAGE when the lame brained idiots get together; and say they’ll go “noo-clue-ya. Even the saudis dance to this tune.

    And, it doesn’t mean accidents can’t happen.

    Russia’s tossed off enough noo-clue-ya materials into outerspace. And, into the depths of our oceans. Just because, by habit, things the russians do, are poorly built.

    And, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t “advantages” to those who run with their propaganda!

    Actually, what’s amazing IS. WHAT. HAS. FAILED!

    Because? For a time there was hope.

    Hope’s out the window, now. Post Oslo. Post all the crap we get from the idiots in gazoo.

    Too bad, though, that Bush is only in this to be the Saudi’s Realtor. He’s stuck out there, now, though, like his dad was. The Gulf “excursions” will do the presidencies no good.

    Even Clinton’s forays, beyond Monica, look distorted and un-real, now.

    While people are “playing” UN hocus-pocus. Lying. Like full frontal nudity, is now “accepted” as art.

    While, the most interesting facet, actually still belongs to the Iraqis. Not quite up to par as a tourist attraction. But then, neither is Dubai!

    What Bush wanted? In one fell swoop, he wanted to hand the Saudis the Mideast. As a package. Didn’t get there. And, he’s whalloped from side-to-side.

    Is pelosi stealing a gimmick? With her attempts to bring “dialogue” between syria and Israel? Who the hell knows?

    The syrians don’t want to have their country handed to the Saudis! And, from the looks of things last summer, Assad came out ahead. Bush did NOT.

    There’s also a piece of news out there. Now that Abbas is screaming mad at Merkel! She just repeated that Abbas and his goons “had to return Shalit FIRST.” How can they return a dead man, huh?

    But the way the arabs used to gain advantages has been tossed.

    No need to send sympathy cards.

    But up ahead? Let’s see what the french do, okay? Because they’ll need TWO elections; one won’t be “close enough.” To decide if they jump into the socialist’s snake pit with a woman. Or they go with Sarkosy/sarcastically. Following chirac’s long goodbye.

    Merkel, however, is setting the standard. But she has no one else on the scene yet, to play Ronald Reagan’s role.

    And, someday, ahead? You’ll discover that this Bush, a great fan of affirmative action, is about as close the donks will ever get to lead with inneptitude.

    All we have to do is wait. Two years. And, then Bush #43 joins Bush #41. Only to discover that there are very few invitations coming in, in the mail.

    While Bandar? He loses the first lady (Laura Bush). As hostess.

    If we’re really very lucky all the money that Saud’s paid, will lead them to discover, that they are a delusional, ugly breed. Eygpt and jordan, too, may end up going down the perverbial drain. Which would mean a LOSS OF STOCK to the House of Saud.

    They’re not really players. If we didn’t have all our shipping inside the Gulf’s bathtub, their oil wouldn’t be shipped around the world so fast. That it is. And, that they feel no need to say “thank you” … only means ALL the soldiers we send to Iraq, come back with a stronger distaste for arabs, than you’d need. If you were building tourist attractions.

    Meanwhile, too, the good thing about the pressure of politics? Maliki has to make the best of it in a very cruel world. Up until you see this pressure, he wasn’t even cooperative! Now, he is. So, what’s changed? Don’t bother to ask George Tenet. Or Judith Miller. Both of those two losers bet the wrong horse.)

  8. For Enforcement says:

    Gosh, never thought I would see the day Carol_F admitted Bush has a strength. but she did, she said:

    “One of Bush’s strengths is that he can wait while others bluff”

  9. For Enforcement says:

    SoothieKen, that’s an idiotic statement.

    There is no evidence whatsoever that Iran would use a nuclear weapon against the United States,

    What evidence would we be looking for? A mushroom cloud over DC?

    what an idiot.

  10. ivehadit says:

    FE, that’s exactly why I don’t ever want a Leftist to be in charge of protecting me, my children or grandchildren. They hate America, the Beautiful and want to see her brought to her knees…

    Their covert hostility is toxic as it comes. And there is no hope for covert hostiles as they will NEVER be reasoned with.

  11. crosspatch says:

    Sooth, one doesn’t go through the trouble of developing a weapon as fast as Iran is, at the cost Iran is, with the potential pushback that Iran could face … if they don’t intend to ever use it.

    While they might not strike the US, they can reach many of our European allies and all of our Middle Eastern allies with the missiles already in their arsenal. If the Azeris in Iran get restless, maybe Iran threatens Azerbaijan … if the Kurds cause problems, maybe they threated Iraq … the Baluchis … maybe Pakistan. The regime in Iran isn’t particularly well loved by Iranians, let alone her neighbors. And Iran’s recent reckless actions of crossing international boundaries and snatching British sailors should tell people that Iran has no regard for international laws or agreements. Listen to the language that Iran uses at the UN. “Go to hell” Iran says. You want that country to have a nuke? You want the Revolutionary Guard to have their hands on that?

    Soothsayer, I understand your politics but in this case simply opposing anything the Republicans might have on their agenda might not be a good idea. Bullets and radiation kill Democrats as well as Republicans. Iran doesn’t care if they are wiped out, they are prepared to martyr themselves for their “cause”. There is no deterrent. So they must not be allowed to have anything approaching the destructive power of a nuclear weapon until they show that they respect life more than death.

  12. Soothsayer says:

    The doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction worked perfectly for over 50 years. It kept the Soviet Union and Red China from getting too far out of line, and prevented idiots from hitting the nuclear trigger.

    Iran – and every other nation on the planet – know that if they use nukes on the US there will not be enough of them left to scrape onto a dustpan.

    The idea that Iran is going to attack the US is total idiocy. It will never happen – they are not that crazy. As a matter of fact, the whole Brit hostage deal was settled easily – in spite of the fact that many nutcases around here were all set to go to war.

    Take a pill – and chill.

  13. Carol_Herman says:

    Yes, Bush has strength! But he is also beset with problems! The worst of which is that he is surrounded by lackluster executive choices to head governmental agencies.

    His pick of Harriet Miers? Showed you his propensity to think the presidency was his personal domain. And, he could do whatever it was he wanted.

    Condi? Well, there ya go. You either like the bullshit of affirmative action. Or you puzzle and reflect that why Bush behaves as if he’s a democrat, by using affirmative action hires. You’d also recognize that Bill Clinton DID NOT! His secretary, who cleaned up his sink, doesn’t count.

    What will Bush’s legacy be?

    I think it was important to exercise our military. And, while Bush didn’t know what hit him, after he went into Iraq; taking out Saddam. And, letting the Iraqis pull the cord that made him swing; are BENEFITS. All around.

    Americans have to learn about how the world’s changed. The old conventional warfare manual bit the dust.

    But Bush is very flawed. He can’t give a speech to save his life.

    And, mainstream; including people who vote for the GOP, really don’t like this man at all.

    While in England? I’d bet ya, these days, Tony Baloney Blair isn’t popular, either.

    It’s been a long time since anyone, in particular, has walked the world’s stage, as loved as Reagan was. And, as loved as Margaret Thatcher. Though politics being what it is, the insiders did everything possible to trip these people up.

    Bush is leaving “something” in his wake.

    And, it is NOT the growth of the democrapic party, either!

    I think there’s been a shift. Especially one that veers away from Special Interest Politics. And, weak choices, sent to Congress, for the senate’s stamp of approval.

    How will the change take place? By watching how the primaries work out. Starting early. In Febrary 2007. Because? It takes the weight away from Iowa. And, New Hampshire.

    What we don’t know? Is how the politicians, and the murderers in the CIA, will react to the choices the people want to make.

    Like Donald Rumsfeld said: There are unknown unknowns.

    Bush has very little idea, how to use the talent that came to work for him in the White House. In other words? He crapped on his own legacy. Because? He’s a “C” student to the end.

    Some truths are just self-evident.

  14. Soothsayer says:

    Bush has strength? Don’t make me laugh. Why do you think the Iranians released the 15 Brits? Because Bush ordered the Iranian diplomat seized in Iraq recently to be released – which triggered the release of the Brits.

    Bush folded – and negotiated with terrorists. How strong is that?

  15. crosspatch says:

    Reza Pahlavi says it best in this speech

    How can assured destruction deter those who glorify self-destruction and call it martyrdom?

    That is the crux of the problem. Once Iran has such a weapon, they can not be deterred from using it. They don’t care if a neighbor has nukes or has a friend that has nukes. They are prepared to martyr themselves and their citizens … or so they claim in their rhetoric.

    So if Iran gets a bomb and Israel says “if you use it on us, we will hit you back with 20 of them” Iran says “so, what” and strikes Israel anyway. There is no way to deter someone who glorifies death. That only works for people who value life and I have seen no evidence that Iran values human life more than martyrdom.

    When you have clerics who see it as their religious duty to destroy Israel as soon as they have the capacity to, and would regard a failure to do so as a sin and the reward for doing so is life everlasting in paradise … and they are clerics who really believe this … and the words of human beings have no value against the word of God as they see it … then there is no hope. They would HAVE to use it if they have it and they really don’t care. As they said … we could summon all our nations and “all our ancestors from hell” and attack them and it wouldn’t make any difference.

    We must not allow them to possess nuclear weapons. They certainly will use them if they have them. In their minds, they have no choice. They must be stopped. Oh, and by the way, most Jews in the US are Democrats. I don’t understand why the Democratic party leadership isn’t behind Bush WRT Iran. Only Lieberman is. The Democrats are very, very sick people. For their own domestic political reasons they would risk millions of lives.

  16. crosspatch says:

    And Soothsayer … you are wrong on this. I don’t mean politically, I mean at a very basic level as a human being. This should be an issue we are agreeing on. The the same of millions of children who belong to no political party both Iranian and of other nationalities. On this one you are just, plain, wrong.

  17. crosspatch says:

    “The the same”

    Should be “For the sake”

  18. crosspatch says:

    I also agree with this article by Victor Davis Hanson. If the rest of the world simply treated Iran economically as if it were a large lake, the regime would be gone in short order.

  19. Soothsayer says:

    Reza Pahlavi? Reza Pahlavi?

    Reza Pahlavi’s father stole $12 Billion from Iran when he fled the Peacock throne – and young Master Pahlavi wants the old job back. Give me a break about quoting a wanna-be monarch.

    He’s fomenting trouble between Iran and the US in hopes that we overthrow the government and install him on the throne – with full license to steal – jsut like we did hi family in 1953 – that STARTED the bad blood between the US and Iran.
    Reza Pahlavi – as if!

  20. crosspatch says:

    Sooth, yes, he is not his father. He was a little boy when his father let and HE has never taken a dime from the Iranians. You, Sooth, are a supreme jackass with no human compassion.