Feb 22 2007

Fly By 02/22/07

Published by at 8:35 am under All General Discussions,Fly By

I am just rolling my eyes over the Clinton-Obama bickering today. Is this really the most important news in the nation or world today?

Clinton-Obama Throwdown

The two leading Democratic presidential camps have gotten into a nasty row involving Hollywood kingmaker David Geffen. But neither side wins this fight.

Nasty? How about “petty and childish”? A supporter of Obama is not enamored with Clinton and Ms “Pouting” Clinton demands Obama distance himself and return a paltry $2300 donation (in a campaign requiring $100’s millions to play to the end). What is she going to do as President when Islamo Fascists throw out insults? What is she trying to run as Pouter-in-Chief? What a joke. The Democrat civil war is erupting and it is clear they are going to go at each other for the next year and half. Ugh!

And speaking of the Whine-a-lot Party, Dem Speaker Pelosi is crying that VP Cheney’s comments on her plans to assist al Qaeda to win in Iraq was an attack on her ‘Patriotism” when, in fact, it was an attack on her mental prowess and sanity. What is more personal? Does she think America will see the surrender-at-all-cost minority in this country as “patriots”? They can pretend all day that their tissue-thin rationalization they have concocted to ignore their Bush Derangement Syndrome (BDS) is in fact reality, but Patriotism is not defined as endless doubt and anger and embarrassment at your country and its role in the world. Hey Nancy, get over it. The VP thinks your idea stinks and will only help al Qaeda. And he is right. Sorry, but this looks really pathetic too. So what did Pelosi do? She tried to call the President to whine about being made to look bad in the eye of the Public. Ugh!

The Dems are whining as our nation is under attack (at least Nero fiddled!). We have two more terrorists uncovered in our heartland and the Dems are focused on their feelings being hurt! And the media is playing right along – just like the mindless puppets of the Dems they are. This is the serious stuff we need to be seeing on our newscasts:

Federal agents swarmed a suburban apartment complex and a house on the Northwest Side early Wednesday, arresting two cousins allegedly linked to a terrorism conspiracy to kill Americans overseas, including U.S. troops.

Zubair Ahmed allegedly wanted to learn to use a .50-caliber machine gun.

“Man, we’ve been waiting for this,” he said, according to the indictment.

Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi and Wassim Mazloum have pleaded not guilty and are expected to go on trial in Cleveland in the spring. They were accused of gathering information on explosives and tactics, planning to send money and computers to the Middle East and recruiting others to attack American forces in Iraq.

Recruits were “to train for violent jihad against the United States and its allies in Iraq, and elsewhere, and would propose potential training sites for use in providing ongoing firearms, hand-to-hand combat, explosives, and other paramilitary training to prospective recruits,” the indictment states.

Given al Qaeda’s clear call to attack America’s homeland, the fact is these Islamo Fascists could unleash their dead-ender killers at Americans anywhere. And attacks here in the US would be probably easier to execute than half a world away against our battle hard military units. What gives here? And this is not the only instance of terrorists in the US. The Dems are squabbling disaster right now. The media is focused on the Dems belly buttons and seem unable to report on anything else. And everyone is starting to wonder if these people have ANY clue what is going on out here in ‘reality’.

Hope you all have a good day – but the news today is not very comforting. The Congressional leadership and media are beyond being asleep at the wheel. They are completely distracted and unaware.

69 responses so far

69 Responses to “Fly By 02/22/07”

  1. dennisa says:

    The Clinton campaign coffers are loaded with money from past campaigns. And they’re whining about money given to Obama? Is this arrogance or insecurity? Or arrogance born of insecurity?

  2. BarbaraS says:

    Yeah, the jihadists are already here. I saw on John Gibson on Fox that the shooter in the mall who killed 5 people in Salt Lake City was a muslim who shouted Alheau (sp) akbar before he opened fire. Nothing in the media about this. Nothing about the muslim in the suv who mowed down students in NC, nothing about the suicide bomber with a backpack at the stadium in Oklahoma , nothing about the muslim who shot up the Jewish center. There were others but I can’t recall exactly. They are all around us and the pitiful thing is we don’t know who they are. The left is so busy protecting these people they don’t realize we are the ones in danger not them. The media doesn’t want us to bew awake to this danger. Their whole attitude is that there is no danger. Every time I see a muslim I get as far away as I can. This is just he way it is. I would love to let everyone live in peace but these extremists will not let us.
    There comes a time when people need to wake up and face reality and not insist that things are the way they want them to be.

  3. BarbaraS says:

    And what about the muslim cab driver who put one college student in the hospital in critical condition and tried to run over another one because of an argument about religion. Besides, I bet the muslim started the whole conversation. One of the posters here some time ago said he was in a cab and the driver wouldn’t let him out before he explained about religion. He said it was weird. These people are fanatics.

  4. Soothsayer says:

    The Clinton campaign coffers are loaded with money from past campaigns. And they’re whining about money given to Obama? Is this arrogance or insecurity? Or arrogance born of insecurity?

    I have to say I coundn’t agree with you more. in fact, it’s like the Certs is a breath mint/Certs is a candy mint controversy . . . you’re both right. It’s arrogance AND insecurity.

    Hillary is apparently unable to deal with the fact that if her husband could have kept his pants zipped, the entire George W. Bush presidency would have been a non-event. There’s no way Bush ousl have beaten GOre in 2000 if Clinton hadn’t disgusted a vast majority of the American people.

  5. MerlinOS2 says:


    Have you gotten if yet that you are a nothing and a nobody here.

    You are the like a bad paint job on a sad piece of drywall work.

    You have nothing to offer that anyone will accept.

  6. Carol_Herman says:


    And, given how well Drudge covers news cycles; AND HE NEVER PICKED UP THIS LIBBY disaster happening in DC: I wonder if his decision has anything to do with FIre Dog Lake?

    In other words? When the Libs think their stink is controlling the agenda, mainstream America stays away.

  7. MerlinOS2 says:


    He was twice elected never selected. Read them cards and weep to your crying jag heart out about all other alternatives.

    Give yourself the most immature reasons why you have to dispute this reality.

    If you suck the bottle enough it becomes a substitute for your mom.

    Not my choice I prefer the real mom.

  8. Retired Spook says:

    My favorite part of the Clinton/Obama dustup is this statement from David Geffen:

    After throwing Obama a big fundraiser Tuesday, Geffen lashed out at Clinton and her husband, former President Clinton, telling the Times, “Everybody in politics lies, but they do it with such ease. It’s troubling.”

    Coming from a guy that partook of the pleasures of the Lincoln Bedroom and raised $18 million for the Clintons, that is a mouthful.

  9. herzhonour says:

    Coming from a guy that partook of the pleasures of the Lincoln Bedroom and raised $18 million for the Clintons, that is a mouthful.

    Left by Retired Spook

    Now that is a mouthful!
    (pun intended)

  10. Retired Spook says:

    Now that is a mouthful!
    (pun intended)

    Heh, heh; to be honest, that hadn’t crossed my mind — should have, but didn’t.

  11. Retired Spook says:

    Just as a side note, the Hollywood Left is deserting Hillary in droves, and I don’t see how she even gets the Dem nomination much less wins the Presidency without them.

  12. Retired Spook says:

    Limbaugh is reporting that Terry McAuliffe is making public threats that Hillary will not forget those who turn against her. We may yet find out what’s in some of those FBI files.

    Just when you thought that Republicans were the experts at eating their own, the Donks show that they’re equal opportunity eaters. Kick of your shoes and pass the popcorn.

  13. Soothsayer says:

    Ah, Merlin,

    1. You can take your infantile insults:

    fold ’em five (5) ways and put them where the moon don’t shine.

    2. The way I understand how this blog works is – AJStrata runs it – and if he really doesn’t want me to comment, he can ban me. In the meantime, I don’t really care what runs out of your piehole.

    3. Didn’t you ever learn not to talk about peoples’ moms? There’s an ugly word for boys who prefer the real mom

    Have a nice day.

  14. gumshoe says:

    “Is this arrogance or insecurity? Or arrogance born of insecurity?

    Left by dennisa on February 22nd, 2007”

    the arrogant are insecure,by definition.

  15. lurker9876 says:

    Heck, Gore tried to run his campaign without Clinton’s help. Bush was elected twice and fairly.

  16. MerlinOS2 says:


    Aj has a high wall you gotta scale before he bans, the only thing that has saved you.

    Ya know your kinda cute when you get mad.

  17. MerlinOS2 says:


    You are an bit strange in one way. You seem to be so anti-gay but are so reluctant to say it outright and only throw out near misses and trembling words like it scares you.

    Why do you feel so threatened?

  18. MerlinOS2 says:


    May I suggest you read Mortal Allies by Brian Haig.

    It is a story about gay rape of a South Korean soldier.

    Many issues are examined with surprising clarity and insight.

  19. MerlinOS2 says:

    2. The way I understand how this blog works is – AJStrata runs it – and if he really doesn’t want me to comment, he can ban me. In the meantime, I don’t really care what runs out of your piehole.

    You got it right buds, I’m only trying to grease the tracks to send you on your way.

  20. Terrye says:

    Sooth is a moron and he is hanging his hopes on Obama. Obama is pure, he don’t believe in war, he is a man of peace…..all the world needs now is love sweet love…….