Feb 08 2007

Edwardian Idiocy

Published by at 1:50 pm under 2008 Elections,All General Discussions

I fail to understand John Edward’s desires to hold onto two liberal bloggers when in fact emotionally immature liberal writers are a dime a dozen in the blogosphere. To win the Presidency in this highly religious country (I am one of those minority exceptions which doesn’t associate with any religion, but I am deeply spiritual) you must gain the confidence and respect of all those people who hold their faith dear and an integral part of who they are. And throwing your support to two anti-religous bloggers is just not the way to gain that needed confidence and respect of the American people:

John Edwards said Thursday that he was offended by the “intolerant language” of two employees of his presidential campaign, in writings on their personal Web logs, but he said they would remain with the campaign.

“They have both assured me that it was never their intention to malign anyone’s faith, and I take them at their word,” Edwards, a former U.S. senator from North Carolina, is quoted as saying in a news release. “We’re beginning a great debate about the future of our country, and we can’t let it be hijacked.”

The bloggers, Amanda Marcotte and Melissa McEwen, wrote opinions that have since been widely described as anti-Catholic. The opinions were also tinged with profanity.

In June 2006, Marcotte described Catholicism as an “ancient mythology” and ridiculed the belief, held by many Catholics, that Jesus was divinely conceived. In November 2006, McEwen described President Bush’s supporters as “wingnut Christofascist.”

Oh no – there’s no intent to malign this wingnut Christofascists! Not that those poor white surpremacists should feel insulted (See here for all these poor, misunderstood comments). These savage haters of Muslims should not feel any insult or intent to malign their religion simply because the cross is a symbol of hatred. No, of course they shouldn’t. And we all can understand how “odious Bible-thumping” is simply a reference to Christian Rock, not an insult to those who hold their faith dear.

Well, we can kiss Edwards off the 2008 (and beyond) list of potential candidates. As Lieberman showed in deep blue CT, America is not ready for this kind of ‘divisiveness’ as an answer to our ‘divisiveness’.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Edwardian Idiocy”

  1. Joe Buzz says:

    AJ, my spiritual friend. Have you read Ms. Marcotte’s apology?

    “My intention is never to offend anyone for his or her personal beliefs, and I am sorry if anyone was personally offended by writings meant only as criticisms of public politics,” Marcotte said. “Freedom of religion and freedom of expression are central rights, and the sum of my personal writings is a testament to this fact.”

    You see to her dropping porno laced cluster f-bombs is justified unoffensive satire. The back peddling from yesterday’s comments about how evil Mr. Edwards is/was is quite entertaining at Melissa’s blog today.
    Man it is hard to keep up with the emo rollercoaster that is the leftoid political machine.


  2. Joe Buzz says:

    Sorry that “Limbo” link was to yesterday’s emo fest. Today’s feelings can be found by going to here,/a> and scrolling down to “Breifly”

  3. lassoingtruth says:

    You are right. Edwards is milquetoast and the bloggers in question offensive. Just listen to him at the AIPAC convention. Kucinich is the real deal. Go Dennis!

  4. secureourfuture says:

    I read this story, and then followed a few blogs to review what exactly had been said.

    Having read those venomous writings from those two fired and then un-fired bloggers, I can only come to one conclusion:

    They aren’t anti-p***s as much as they are pro-v****a.

  5. Gotta Know says:

    “I am one of those minority exceptions which doesn’t associate with any religion, but I am deeply spiritual”

    That’s me to a tee, AJ. I wonder how many of us are out there.