Jan 13 2007

The Pathetic News Media Ignores Our Military’s Heroism

Published by at 11:02 am under All General Discussions

If the news media really cared about America and her heroes, if they really cared about the soldiers who must enforce the policies of this administration, they would honor them regularly with stories of their acts of bravery – and how they SURVIVED. Sydney Freeberg Jr, writing in the National Journal today (H/T RCP), notes that fact the media cannot muster the minimal effort to honor our men in women in harms way and have the occasional story of bravery and success – instead of their pathetic, morbid obsession with body bags (as opposed to addressing the gift of the sacrifice). The first story offered by Freeberg undescores the criminal negligence of our news media regarding our fellow citizens and their personal acts of bravery and honor which reflect well on all of us:

On February 21, 2005, before all of his unit had arrived in Iraq, Army Staff Sgt. Thomas Stone and his advance party of California National Guard soldiers stopped to help another group of soldiers after a Humvee accident in downtown Baghdad. Stone shepherded the other unit’s dazed troops into a proper security perimeter and called in a helicopter for the injured. But as the chopper landed, an insurgent detonated a hidden roadside bomb that shredded nine men. Stone ran back and forth, braving sniper fire, to grab first-aid supplies. Then, as a second medevac helicopter arrived and the survivors braced for another blast — a common tactic of Iraqi insurgents — Stone curled himself around a badly wounded friend, covering the soldier with his own body. “If it goes off, you’re going to be OK,” Stone told him. “Hug your wife and kids, and don’t ever forget me.”

There was no second explosion – but the sacrifice that was offered is one for the history books. This story relfects well on all mankind in how one selffless act is offered in the heat of the moment, with one simple request in return: live a good life yourself. Why is it the news media cannot spend even a fraction of the time they spend whining about this or that do something the should be a minimal part of their job – tell the story of Americans doing it right, doing it for others.

71 responses so far

71 Responses to “The Pathetic News Media Ignores Our Military’s Heroism”

  1. satrist says:

    why do liberals like to hang around people they hate?

  2. satrist says:

    two more of Saddam’s buddies hung…good

  3. For Enforcement says:

    Whoops, I guess Jerr’s too busy crying over that to say anything right now. Sorry your buddies got hung there Jerr, oops, actually I’m not.
    Hang some more of them.

  4. Barbara says:

    Why is Carol bringing up the civil war and Grant on every thread?

  5. For Enforcement says:

    I don’t know, but she thinks he was still alive in 1961. And freed the slaves.

  6. satrist says:

    chuckle…Carol is unique.

  7. satrist says:

    ok, folks. I recorded 24 so think I’ll go watch it now. Nice hangin’ out with you tonight.
    God bless.

  8. Terrye says:

    Or maybe it is because she thinks that all southerners are KKK people. Nice little yankee stereotype there. As we all know there has never been any antisemitism or racism in north of the Mason Dixon.

  9. ivehadit says:

    And let’s not forget that the constitution and bill of rights was written by southerners.

    And let’s not forget our writers and artists! And the University of Virginia…

  10. Carol_Herman says:

    Okey Dokey. There are idiots who think the “first commercial air-conditioned “spaces” were in Beaumont, Texas. While I can remember that the first ones were in movie theaters.

    Where, for a quarter, a man could bring a date, on a Saturday nite, and stay cool through through two movies, cartoons, and a few newsreels.

    But then, again, when I said FDR electrified the south, with the projects done to allieviate the Great Depression; I didn’t think Texas was part of the “south.”

    Here, you could run another test. When the donks used filibusters to stall civil rights legislation (throughout LBJ’s tenure in the majority chair of the senate), he counted SOUTHERN DEMOCRAPS as the filibuster “leadership.” Same white trash, that at home, took water cannons and dogs, to the protests that evenually got Martin Luther King to begin his protests.

    Of course, LBJ was a Texan. After he got kicked out of the white house, by the people, however. He went home. And, Karl Rove started eating his lunch.

    As to the south, their white house claim to fame is jimmuh carter. Only within the confines of the south could a man like that be considered a rocket scientist.

    While our media? I don’t go there looking to see much except propaganda. Not only can’t the media handle heroes, hollywood, too, went out of that business. A whole collection of trash has joined the backwards nature that once came with southern flavors. But has been joined, like hot sauce, by haaarvard. You could miss it. And, you wouldn’t be missing a thing.

  11. Carol_Herman says:

    Funny thing about typo’s. They’re pretty easy to recognize.

    GRANT. 1861. 1961? Finger error.

    But, it’s true. In 1861, Grant won one of Lincoln’s first battles. (It could have been in Missouri. JUST NOT SURE!) But he made sure to FREE THE SLAVES in that area. And, it wasn’t on Lincoln’s time line.

    Lincoln learned a lot during the four years Hallack, and others, mismanaged the civil war battles.

    But ya all’ go ahead and believe what you want.

    Up there with believing that if you give enough monkies typewriters, they’ll produce another Shakespearean theater piece.

    Why is it hard to understand that Grant was a real hero?

    Because there isn’t enough space to explain to people how victors exist in every generation.

    It’s not been a train that the south was on during Lincoln’s terms in office. And, after Lincoln was assassinated, there was about 100 years of coasting, done down south, where very little changed. And, to keep it that way, most of the stuff that turned on the keys of productivity, when to the northern states. (Later on? The south would even lose out on the cotton market; which is labor intensive. And, went overseas. To places like egypt. And, turkey.)

    Today, the question is asked, “why does the media avoid the truth? Why do they choose not to report things, honestly?” Haven’t the facts already trounced them? And, the answer can be found in the past. When the choice is to go with the inbred behaviors. And, facts be damned.

  12. ivehadit says:

    Carol, many of our great founding fathers were from the South. I just won’t go with you on your southern bash. It isn’t accurate.

    And, did you forget about Presidents: NINE of the first twelve Presidents were from the South. One of our best founding fathers did it right, Thomas Jefferson…and he was from the South.

  13. Carol_Herman says:

    Too bad our Constitution had to contain the eyesore of slavery to “appease” a few southern “gentlemen.”

    Yes. Our country was founded on the greatest of ideals. And, ideas. But at the time? It seems if you scratch at history, you’ll find that American aristocrats thought they’d “own” the presidency. And, the new form of government would still be carried around in their hip pockets.

    A good example of this would be to examine the two Adams presidencies. Since, in 1832, in a dying GRASP at holding onto power, (and with Henry Clay’s assistance). There was a disruption caused to the man who WON: Andrew Jackson.) And, the race was tossed into the House. Where the “fix was in.” And, Clay became Secretary of War. A post he enjoyed for four years.

    And, then? Andrew Jackson, the FIRST MAN OF THE PEOPLE, ran again. And, won. Again. This time with enough votes AHEAD, that there was no hanky-panky.

    You don’t get to great ideals in politics, without expecting dirty fights.

    The south? Heck, slavery must have been “worth it to them,” for them to go and shoot their wad.

    The same is NOW TRUE for our media!

    They’re the new elites. Used to the powers of the press. And, telling Americans “how” to vote at the polls. (Where outright stealing isn’t enough.) In other words? Sure. You can steal some races. But not the whole bucket.

    LBJ? Well, if E. Howard Hunt is disclosing new information, he is now saying LBJ was behind the Kennedy assassination.

    But really behind it? I’ve put my money on the Kennedy’s family curse. They seem to run into troubles, far in excess of what normal people endure. Given how they lost some of their own “presidential timber.” Not just JFK, Jr’s., attempts to fly. (Way out of his league in that department!) But also Teddy Kennedy’s liver. He keeps him still able to go to work for Massa2shits. But it’s not really relevant when you look at the size of this country. And, what it really takes to get to great presidential timber.

    Most of the time we get there through surprises. We did with Theodore Roosevelt. Even with FDR. (Since the skills he had weren’t verbal. He was skilled in deal-making. To be sure. And, we, as a nation, were very, very lucky, in that General Marshall came to bat, early, for the Joint Chiefs of Staff.)

    Lincoln’s story is also interesting. As is Reagan’s.) Because these men ran against entrenched machinery. And, won handsomely.

    That’s where you have to give America the real credit. We have the MARKET PLACE. The elites can’t beat the People. When enough people get behind ideas they support.

    Slavery? Never did get supported, except by a few.

    And, all the compromises to it STUNK.

    For the longest time, southerners referred to the Civil War “as that recent unpleasantness.”

    Today’s media? Looks like they’ve hopped into that catastrophe, too.

  14. For Enforcement says:

    Carol, I told you I’m not going to keep correcting your errors.
    “Okey Dokey. There are idiots who think the “first commercial air-conditioned “spaces” were in Beaumont, Texas. While I can remember that the first ones were in movie theaters.”

    I wasn’t talking about the ‘first ones’ I was referring to the first ONE.
    and unless you’re a hell of a lot older than I think you are, you wouldn’t have been around back then. Carrier AirCondioning installed the first commercial unit in a huge church in Beaumont, Tx. That’s a historical fact. not a guess or a recollection.

    You should check things not think them. Texas was one of the 11 states of the Confederacy. (Contrary to popular belief, there wasn’t 13) VA, NC,SC,GA,FL,AL,MS,LA,TX,TN.AR.

    Funny thing about typo’s. They’re pretty easy to recognize.
    GRANT. 1861. 1961?
    (Sure, Then why didn’t you recognize it?)

    (It could have been in Missouri.) Geez, and Missouri wasn’t even in the South. Amazing what tricks your mind can play on you. You must be one of those DUMB southerners you were talking about.

    Let’s see, and the Auto industry moved down south, and the steel industry, what is left of it, is in the South and a hell of a lot of the yankees are moving down south.

    Carol, you are truly one ignorant yankee. If there are many like you up there, I can understand why a lot of them are leaving, moving south, to get away from you.

    You are like a woman I really knew, that flew from New York to Jacksonville, Fl and was truly amazed when she got there to find out that they had paved roads ‘down here’. I asked where she thought the airplane was going to land, a cow pasture. She said ” I hadn’t even thought of that”
    Come to think of it, her name is Carol.

  15. For Enforcement says:

    AJ, you realize you live in the ‘backward’ slave-owning south?

  16. AJStrata says:


    I live in the state that hosted the capitol of the Confederacy! All that was before my time.

  17. ivehadit says:

    And Alabama is now the second largest producer of automobiles in the country, FE!

  18. For Enforcement says:

    I just can’t figure Carol H’s objective of seemingly trying to say the South is full of a bunch of backwards, civil rights hating southerners.

    I don’t recall the race riots in watts a few years ago as being in the ‘south’. Let’s face it, nobody in the US can be real proud of our performance in civil rights until the last 40 years or so. I personally have never done anything I’m ashamed of in that field.

    AJ it was before my time also, I was just referring to what Carol was putting out.

    Can’t figure her out. Just seems she has an ax to grind about the south.
    Carol, were you formerly married to a guy from the south, or what?

  19. AJStrata says:


    I am a proud southerner – that is all I was saying.

  20. For Enforcement says:

    Carol H
    LBJ? Well, if E. Howard Hunt is disclosing new information, he is now saying LBJ was behind the Kennedy assassination.

    You said yesterday this was on Drudge, I couldn’t find it there, so where is it really. I googled it on google news and no luck there either.

    As I said the mob killed JFK, LBJ let the FBI,CIA cover it up. LBJ wasn’t in on it or know about it ahead of time.