Dec 18 2006

Failure Is Not An Option

Published by at 4:36 pm under All General Discussions

It seems Rumsfeld’s replacement is as bullish on Iraq as The Don himself. Gates is clearly laying down the law – failure is not an option. Neither is surrender in any cutsie variant Mad Murtha can conjure up. And that includes redeployment (a.k.a., an organized retreat). So while Bush and Gates play Churchill, the Dems Play Neville Chamberlain and the Islamists are besides themselves wondering when the promised surrender of Iraq (and therefore the entire ME) is going to happen. They are looking for the Dems to bring about America’s failure and demise. Fortunately the Dems don’t run the country, they just run their mouths.

41 responses so far

41 Responses to “Failure Is Not An Option”

  1. crosspatch says:

    One silver lining of the recent Iranian elections might be a ratcheting down of interference in Iraq and Lebanon. I don’t mean to imply that Rafsanjani is a boy scout, but he is interested in better international relations. While the council of experts in Iran apparently doesn’t involve itself in day to day politics, it might be more involved in behind the scenes strategic matters.

    With the new Council of Experts being made up of mostly of a moderate/reform coalition, the current president might start noticing his wings being clipped and the Revolutionary Guard being throttled a bit.

  2. Ken says:


    Desperately wishing to believe the ruling class’s men of gravity have the magic rabbit to pull out of the hat of defeat….

  3. For Enforcement says:

    I understand The Dems ordered the White flags but so far Pres Bush hasn’t approved the authorization. The Dems are sweating trying to find a way to get them without the Pres.
    I heard they’ve asked France for a donation to buy them but the French won’t even commit to that. Seems they are geared only for surrender and already had permanent white flags, They didn’t know we would have to buy some.

    Maybe Ken can get his buddy Jacque to pitch in.
    I saw where Ken said he is an America Firster, meaning he wanted to be the first to wave the white flag.

    Go get ’em Frenchie.

  4. Ken says:

    It doesn’t surprise me For Enforcement wants to “surge to defeat in Iraq.”

  5. For Enforcement says:

    Ken, you should quit reading those communist,socialist(progressive) rags. They haven’t been in touch with reality in years.
    You should’ve seen the O’Reilly report last night. Seems like things aren’t nearly as bad as the formerly MSM wants us to think it is.
    Right French Guy?

  6. For Enforcement says:

    Don’t quit your play school class French guy. I formerly said day job, but I’ve decided you aren’t old enough to have a day job.

  7. Ken says:

    O’ Reilly lied on Letterman a few weeks ago, citing a non-al Qaeda
    affiliated group protected by the US “no-fly” zone in Iraq duing the
    1990s as a bin Laden group extant in Iraq before the war.
    It doesn’t surprise me you believe the phone sex-loving phony
    purveys truth on his show.

  8. For Enforcement says:

    What? don’t you like phone sex? And you’re French? hmmmm

  9. Ken says:

    By the way are Colin Powell and the Joint Cheifs of Staff MSM,
    garrulous goofball? They say we’re “l-o-s-i-n-g,” goofball.

  10. For Enforcement says:

    Oh that’s right, 4th grade, still too young.

  11. For Enforcement says:

    What’s “l-o-s-i-n-g” ? Is that the next article after the one that says Congress “MUST” ?

  12. For Enforcement says:

    Newsweek reported Iraq has the hottest booming economy in the World for the last year? All because they are FREE FREE FREE, and who did that for them? Probably Al Qaeda? right frenchie?

  13. Ken says:

    Powell is a liar who helped lie us into the war (above proof)but he’s right on the obvious. Your “booming” economy is a JOKE. “Free” you cretin?…”free” to be shot, kidnapped, ethnically cleansed , raped,
    in 16 of 18 provinces which have out of control crime rates.

    And “booming” is kind of like the gay lobby saying the heterosexual AIDS rate was booming circa 1987-8 when it went from 3-4%
    of the total victimized grouping.. a 25% ‘boom.”

  14. For Enforcement says:

    I don’t personally keep up with the homosexual community as you apparently do. First you quote Powell as an authority on something, then you say he is a liar, then you say he is right. When you get to 3rd grade sentence structure class, maybe you can make a comprehensible statement out of that.

    The economy in Iraq is a fact, and it was the Iraqi’s that said that their freedom is what allowed it to happen. You won’t find that in the liberal rags, look for the papers that print the truth.

    When you can’t argue the facts, make them up as you normally do.

    remember congress “MUST”

  15. Ken says:

    Iraqis approve of killing US troops by a 61% majority, cretin.
    They have never defined the state of anarchy they live in as “freedom” moron, except in the extreme Kurdish north, itself
    a powderkeg waiting to explode.

  16. Ken says:

    40 percent of a country’s professional class do not leave the country
    in fear and desperation if the country is “free” and possessed of a good economy, you imbecile.

  17. For Enforcement says:

    Iraqis approve of killing US troops by a 61% majority,

    You need to quit going over there polling those people that ‘left’ the country.

    Let me get this right. It’s a powderkeg anarchy ready to explode and Gallup and Zogby are over there doing door to door polls.
    Well, allll rigggghhhhhhttttttttt.
    I see you’ve started limiting your argument to name calling. That’s usually the tactic when you can’t argue the facts.

    Are you ever right on anything?

  18. For Enforcement says:

    Oh, and I don’t mind the name calling, it’s an honor to know that you would like to respond but you can’t think of anything but name calling.

    The product of a truly small mind. Keep it up

    Are you ever right on anything?

  19. For Enforcement says:

    40 percent of a country’s professional class do not leave the country

    So that means a majority, 60% stayed, and that’s because they like anarchy? Isn’t the 60% that stayed more than the 40% that left?

    Who’s keeping the tally on this?

    Are you ever right on anything?

  20. Ken says:

    Let’s look at your vaunted NEWSWEEK piece…Unemployment rate in Iraq as much as 50%/squalorous India’s is single digit by comparison…much of Iraq’s economy increase due to spending on SECURITY, an anarchy which FE revels in as job-creating.

    Egypt’s economic expert quoted in Newsweek piece as saying even in insecure country small “pockets” of economic growth are showing impressive rate increases. Oil profits account for a significant portion of the activity…but said industry has already been characterized
    as corrupt and supporting the insurgency with widespread skimming…like dem profits, For Enforcement?
    The expert goes on to say Iraq is a “terrible” business climate for any Iraqi company-this is the Newsweek piece FE revels in. The article
    concedes in summary much of the growth is in areas which have little to do with a country’s long term future-and laments the sad state of hospitals, education, basic industry.

    Yeah FE, you glory in that “booming economy” of yours as four of ten professional Iraqis vote with their feet, sad to say, as a result
    of your dear leader’s LOSING invasion.