Dec 14 2006

Pretending To Be President

Published by at 11:08 pm under All General Discussions

US Senators needs to remind themselves they are not elected to be President and lead foreign policy. We know the Democrata like to pretend they are all knowing and all powerful – but the rest of us know what results from naive and uninformed meddlers.

58 responses so far

58 Responses to “Pretending To Be President”

  1. Barbara says:

    Dodd said they needed to go to “hot spots” not just “garden spots”. Well, it is my opinion they don’t need to go to any spots. They represent a certain state and should represent the people of that state Those people elected them not the rest of the country. The idea that a senator or congressman can go to a foreign country without being sent by the president and try to make foreign policy is a crime. Senators and congressmen are not national figures they are local figures representing their state and their state alone. I don’t care what side of the aisle they are on. They are spending our money on their foolishness. Congress – both houses – are getting too big for their britches and think they are above the law and evidently have no restraints on them at all. They are, in fact, free agents.

  2. The Macker says:

    These people truly are the “enemy within.” They are attempting to get leverage on the President, using “fact finding” as a pretext. They are creating fissures in our foreign policy for their own advantage and it’s contemptible. Foreign governments will treat them as the”useful idiots” they are. Unity is not in their lexicon, only political advantage.

  3. MerryJ1 says:

    Does anyone know whether this Bill Nelson trip is connected to terrorist-connected ME bragging a few weeks ago about “discussions” with Democrats? In any event, ditto to above comments; I think it’s well past time to repeal the 17th Amendment.

  4. MerlinOS2 says:

    It is one thing if the president requests the assistance of someone to be a back channel route to put a message forward.

    But this seems to not fit that idea.

    I won’t go much beyond that or I will tear off on the rant I did when sending my response to this man who his one of my senators.

    All fifteen pages of it.

  5. MerlinOS2 says:

    It seems we have had members of government devolve into three classes


    God help us.

  6. MerlinOS2 says:

    We pay millions of dollars to elect these guys and gals.

    We hope that somehow somebody that we consider worth all that money can be the best of the rest.

    I will not go on more since I just sent the other day a 15 page rant to this man who is one of my senators.

    I only repeat that because one of my comments seems to have been eaten here but may still show up.

  7. MerlinOS2 says:

    I really told this guy how he had stepped beyond his pay grade.

    But I better restrain my self or else on this subject I could all to easily post 60 or 70 replies here and that is not a good thing.

    Simply put wrong is wrong.

    Hopefully I will let it rest at that.

    Nuff said.

  8. the good doctor says:

    I am still upset at the Reps for not helping Harris instead we end up with useful idiot Nelson. He has not helped Fl in anything. At least Harris would not be conducting foreign policy on her own.

  9. jerry says:

    Yeah, those Congressmen should just sit in DC and agree with the President… that sure is what I pay them for. There was a poll out yesterday showing that Americans would rather have Congress set foreign policy than the President – a perfectly rational position considering the mess we’re in and the supine Republican congress’ travesty of oversight. If you want to know why the country is in such perilous danger today, it isn’t 911 – it’s Congress leaving a dimwitted President in the hands of a limited number of seriously flawed advisors.

  10. Carol J says:

    Okay, I heard this morning that Kerry is (0nce again) on foreign soil, doing his traitorous worst, and calling for “discussions” with Syria and Iran. We’ve been down this road before. Kerry and people like him haven’t learned a damn thing from the wholesale slaughter of 2.5 million human beings after Vietnam. This war will have no Paris peace talks to run to for cover of anonymity so they now travel to all our sworn enemies openly and humiliate us with their talk of surrender and defeat! Just like their “heroes” Clinton and Carter.

    So far they haven’t been stopped or even slowed down and it will only get worse! They won’t be punished, no matter how outrageously they behave, so they just escalate their treachery! On the contrary, they have been rewarded for it by the voters!


  11. Barbara says:


    There is such a thing that we laughingly call the Constitution. The Constitution is not a living instrument that can be changed according to the whim of anyone, either the citizens or congress or the president. This is an instrument written in stone and that stone says that the president shall make foreign policy. The founding fathers made sure that congress could not conduct foreign policy or run a war for good reasons. The only thing congress can do re foreign policy is provide the money, approve treaties or declare war. There is no difference between John Kerry going to Paris to talk to our enemies than some senator or congressman. They are all private citizens. It is not in their job description to guide foreign policy. What they are doing is a crime according to the Logan Act.

  12. Barbara says:

    Also their job is to sit in Washington and make laws. I have never noticed that they all say yes to the president. On the contrary.

  13. Karig says:

    Amazing counterargument, no? We’re talking about senators holding talks with the heads of other states, something they are forbidden to do, and somebody pops up to imply that the issue is merely ***disagreement*** with the President. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, kid, but some people who once agreed with the President on the War on Terror managed to ***disagree*** pretty vehemently with the President on immigration WITHOUT sending a delegation down to Mexico to pretend to represent the United States and hold talks with the President of Mexico.


  14. Ken says:


    Mark my words. Syria and Iran hold all the cards due to the mistakes of your dear leader. And you will be chagrined as you witness the ongoing capitulation and comprtomise with both, who certainly have a right to more influence in their region than does the Empire.

    And another thing–the Executive usurpation of policy for the past several years in tragic symbiosis with the abrogation by the
    Lesgislative branch is about as un-conservative a phenomenon
    as politically pssible in America-and Nelson’s actions should have been duplicated and raised in 2002 before Bush was allowed to unleash his illegal war.

  15. Ken says:

    Does anyone remember how a few weeks ago Strata was taking heart in reports that claimed Sunni tribes were turning against al Qaeda
    inco-operating with the government?


  16. Barbara says:


    Why don’t you call us crusaders and be done with it?

  17. Ken says:

    Well Barb, the most neutral agency in Iraq says it regards the US forces as more dangerous than the insurgents (above)

  18. For Enforcement says:

    Look at those links from the useful idiot. One from the WaPo and one from CBS, undisputedly two of the 4 most UN-American liberal rags in the US. And he claims to be an America Firster. The only thing he is for America First on is surrendering. Take a flying leap Muslim guy.

    Jerry, The founding fathers in this country were wise beyond their times. Rule by acclamation will never work. A government controlled by acclamation of the people. So, how does that work?
    Do we get up each day and vote on the internet who we want to run foreign policy that day?
    Do we have a vote each day on whether we should enforce speeding laws that day?
    Do we vote on whether we all get free gas that day, paid for by the government?
    Just how far do you want this “government by poll” to go.
    Do you want your neighbors to vote on who gets to sleep with your wife that night?
    I mean hell, it’s a popularity contest. To be controlled by those who are the prettiest, or loudest, or stupidiest.

    The World Trade Centers get flown into by terrorists. Do we ask for a vote by internet on whether to declare them heros or enemies?
    Do we get an hour to vote or just 30 minutes. What the hell, let’s require everyone to carry a voting device on their person at all times. Then when the line at McDonalds is too long, we can just vote to require them to hire more help. Or just fire the ones they have.
    Your doctor makes you wait to long, have a vote on whether he should be fined or have his license lifted?

    We don’t need judges, let the people vote. No one ever votes on emotions, they always carefully considers the facts, right?

    Hey, this could be a good thing, huh, let’s go for it.

    Useful idiots.

  19. For Enforcement says:

    First line from that link.
    “Incoming NYT Ed Page Editor Says ‘Its Becoming Likely’ Paper Will Call for Troop Withdrawal from Iraq
    Fri Dec 15 2006 17:29:02 ET’

    Is that ever the laugh of the day?
    Is there any doubt that that position was a requirement for getting the job of Ed Page Editor?

    Those people are real clowns.
    And count on ole Drudge to link to every negative article they write.

  20. Ken says:

    For Enforcement is the perfect dodo to satisfy himself with a
    blunderer who has a 27% approval rate on the war. The Constitution, Jerry, says Congress must declare war, but as you infer correctly,
    Congress abrogated its duty-and in Vietnam too. Editor and Publisher
    says more than half of all families whose sons and daughters were killed in Iraq now oppose the war. To Neaderthals like “For Enforcement” they too are “un-American.” Thank God his kind
    has dwindled to one in five from the former three-quarters
    approving when the war commenced in 2003.