Nov 15 2006

Extremists Are Rampaging

Published by at 5:42 pm under All General Discussions

While the far right is pushing for party purity and punishment to illegal immigrants (ignoring the entire war on terror issue), the far left is also out to show which party is the most extreme. The troop pullout demands show a liberal mindlessness that is stunning. And the fact the Clintonistas want to purge the Democrats of KosKids, etc, shows their is a purity putsche going on in the Democrat party as well. What in the world is going on in DC? Have these people all lost their minds? The worst thing I heard today was on the Laura Igraham show, and illustrates the intolerance of extremists on both sides. It was the news that San Francisco has banned Junior ROTC from their schools, denying those who want to participate in this marvelous program the opportunity to do so.

This decade will be known as the purity wars. Liberals want purity by banning Boy Scouts, JROTC, religious symbols etc. The far right wants purity in illegal immigration, Arab/muslims, the conservative ideaology. And Al Qaeda wants purity of Islamo fascism….

Where do those of us who want tolerance and diversity go now? As I posted earlier, sanctity of life is not just a right to live. But a right to live out your life, express your life, be an individual. All these forces to tamp down dissent are sickening. Has partisanship consumed our society this much?

49 responses so far

49 Responses to “Extremists Are Rampaging”

  1. Barbara says:

    These people want what they want when they want it. Also, they want their way all the time. Well, guess what, nobody gets their way all the time. How does the extreme right think they can get their way when they failed to vote a republican congress back in office? They couldn’t get their way when we had a congress somewhat sympathetic to our issues. Now we have a congress that will run roughshod over all the electorate. The extreme left thinks if they are loud enough they will get their way the squeaky wheel you know. We now have a congress that will do anything to get elected with no holds barred and the hell with what the people of this country want. After all, they have two years for everyone to forget and the public forgets in two weeks.

  2. crosspatch says:

    Begining of the end for both the Democrats and the Republicans, possibly. Anyone for starting a Common Sense Party?

  3. The Macker says:

    Prior to the election, the SF media was holding forth on how to vote “San Francisco Values.” Talk about an oxy-moron!

    It is still a capital of commerce, but that status is being shared by its neighbors just to the south.

  4. For Enforcement says:


    What? Anyone for starting a Common Sense Party?

    There is no one eligible to join it, is there?

    Saw Kucinich in the House calling for a vote today, today, to cut funding for the war in Iraq and IMMEDIATE withdrawal of troops.

    Now He is eligible for the Far Out Nut party.

  5. crosspatch says:

    “Saw Kucinich in the House calling for a vote today, today, to cut funding for the war in Iraq and IMMEDIATE withdrawal of troops.”

    Interesting how the Democrats complain that Don Rumsfeld should be fired for allegedly not listening to the generals … and then they go and do something like this when ALL of the generals, even the ones that spoke out against Rumsfeld are saying it is the wrong thing to do.

    But Kucinich is a nut anyway and I believe most understand that, even Democrats.

  6. Ken says:

    Strata’s old hook line “surrender to al Qaeda” is ossified; it
    appears the new one might have the word “purity” contained
    within , wherein AJ can boast of his impurity.

    Reality: it’s ruling class versus non-ruling class, the latter being
    temporarily (in history’s eyes) inchoate. Since the ruling class
    (eg Clintonistas, Strata “moderates” etc.) is hopelessly corrupt and decadent, let’s take our chances with a mixture (best we can
    do till the dust settles) of the non-ruling.)

    ROTC banning…AJ, that’s the domestic blowback of a war
    which lies were (unlike eg Vietnam) exposed before the shootin’

    Let’s hope we can save the Scouts and apt religious symbols
    from the American versions of the French Revolutionaires.
    (See, FE, some things French I don’t cotton to.)

    The patriots want America to own its own ports, preserve its
    founding ethnic core without which there is no America,
    maintain strict neutrality -from a distance-in the Middle East,etc.

    Strata’s “diversity” is the political/sociological version of
    tossing hot banana peppers and several extra shakes of cayenne into a benign pot roast and hoping for the best.

  7. For Enforcement says:

    Don’t know why this story was in news today, I saw it a couple months ago. Maybe it was proposed then and passed now.
    Of course the Fed Gov should withdraw all Fed Funds and the Supreme court should rule it’s unconstitutional. (as it is)

    But it’s in Pelosi’s area so it’ll be okay.

    Ken, you said; ” AJ, that’s the domestic blowback of a war
    which lies were (unlike eg Vietnam) exposed before the shootin’
    started.” I see you don’t know your VietNam war history either.

    and; it’s ruling class versus non-ruling class, what country are you in? I thought it was France? you sure you’re not in China?

    and:”The patriots want America to own its own ports, preserve its” maybe you ought to look up who “owns” the ports in America now.

    Look that up and take a dose of tacks and maybe you’ll get a little sharper.

  8. For Enforcement says:

    Uggggghhhh just saw a complete total moron, idiot on News. Sen Levin.

  9. The Macker says:

    “preserve its founding ethnic core without which there is no America,” – This line is not only offensive but ignorant.

  10. Enlightened says:

    I think Levin is a bit less deranged than Kucinich, but the loony left is superbly represented in congress these days. It’s almost too unbearable to watch morons hitting themselves in the head with stupid sticks.

  11. Ken says:

    Offensive to anti-white bigots?

  12. Ken says:

    For Enforcement

    You finally got me. Substitute “oversee directly” for “own.”

  13. crosspatch says:

    “It’s almost too unbearable to watch morons hitting themselves in the head with stupid sticks.”

    Well, there is some light at the end of the tunnel. We can only hope that if we survive the next two years, the people will get such a dose of the moronic left that the center will come back to the Republicans in droves. Having Democrats in charge for a while might be just what we need to remind people why we kicked them out before.

  14. For Enforcement says:

    Talking about ignorance, I was ‘accidently’ tuned to CBS when Katie Couric came on. I normally change channels quickly but alas I heard her say about Barack Obama, while he didn’t have much foreign experience, he did vote against the Iraq war. Obama started his term in the Senate in Jan ’05, Two years and two months ‘AFTER’ the Iraq war vote. Who the hell is she trying to fool. She thinks we are uninformed or something.

  15. the good doctor says:

    What is going on? I have stopped watching the news. These idiot democrats are parading around like if it was a reunion of the high school goverment. They are saying the most ridiculous stuff. Look at the Pelosi/Murtha mess. She is making a mockary of the speaker should not get involve in the election of the mayority officiers. She is even calling people into her office that won’t support Murtha and threatening them. I hope Murtha wins so that they get exposed for what they really are.Also now Murtha is so currupt but no one put this foward before the election. I guess he is good for just basic corrupt general democratic congressman.

    The Reps are not doing any better. Martinez??? I am from Florida and have met Martinez. He has no personality or charisma. He is a yes boy to Bush that’s why he keeps getting appointed. Trent Lott ??
    I thought he was a racist and to top it all incomptent. That’s what they said in the past. Frist was no better.

    In the meantime we are facing probably the biggest threat of our lives. I fear our soldiers are going to pay the price. What a mess…

  16. For Enforcement says:

    Trent Lott ?? See, that’s where bogus stories get started. Lott made a statement when they were honoring Strom Thurmond when he retired from the Senate about Thurmond running for Pres in 1948 and that he would have made a good Pres. well Thurmond had run on the State Rights ticket and most considered it racist because it was in the South. Truth is Thurmond was very much (after that time) not a racist. After all ‘Sheets Byrd” gets a pass for being the leader of KKK. But Lott was a good leader until Pres Bush threw him under the train for his remark. Nobody threw Sheets under the train when story came out on him.

  17. kathie says:

    I have a theory about why there are so many far left and far right nuts out there. When the planes hit the World Trade Center it was like the American population was thrown up into the air like confetti. Some of us returned to earth to contemplate what had happened, others are still floating around in the air. They grabbed power hoping that that would ground them, with that power they are creating a lot of noise grasping for ground they are too noisy to find. Does any one think that Murtha’s idea of bringing the troops home will help this country and the was on terror. What then happens to Iran, Al Queda, Hezzabolla on the one side and the USA, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan for instance, on the other. If we kick out all those who cross the Southern border, what happens to the millions of jobs that they leave, what happens to our soul as a country? There are many issues that face us at the moment that are bigger problems then we have faced in a long time. Lets hope that the noisy lot (on the computer and in the government) hits the ground soon!

  18. Steve_LA says:


    With all due respect, some of the extremist behavior in the Republican part is not only on issue of immigration, it’s also on other issues near and dear to the social conservative wing of the party.

    A few examples of which there has been little to no nod to the middle:

    The Terry Schiavo affair
    The South Dakota Abortion ban
    The constitutional gay marriage ban

    There are conservative points of views on all these matters which fall short of going to the mat for them, those views have for the most part been rejected as not being conservative enough.

    Not to start a fight on these issues, but a Libertarian/small c conservative point of view on these issues was abandoned by the 109th Congress, after the re-election of President Bush in ’04. Even leaving aside what used to be a Republican touch stone from Reagan’s time, the 10th Amendment, what passes for conservatism today is just substituting a push to one extreme for a push to another.

  19. crosspatch says:

    Byrd has so many skeletons in the closet it isn’t funny. The only thing keeping him in power is a bunch of hillbillies who are tickled pink that a WVA Senator has so much clout. That’s the only reason they elect him. Not because he agrees with their cultural values, but because he brings home the bacon … and a lot of it too. I also imagine the Democrats will keep him there as long as they can, possibly on life support if need be. Heck, they might even try to keep him there after he dies.