Nov 10 2006

Liberals Unleashed

Published by at 2:27 pm under All General Discussions

As I posted yesterday Germany did decide to charge Bush administration officials with war crimes.

A lawsuit in Germany will seek a criminal prosecution of the former Defense Secretary and other U.S. officials for their alleged role in abuses at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo.

The plaintiffs in the case include 11 Iraqis who were prisoners at Abu Ghraib, as well as Mohammad al-Qahtani, a Saudi held at Guantanamo, whom the U.S. has identified as the so-called “20th hijacker” and a would-be participant in the 9/11 hijackings. As TIME first reported in June 2005, Qahtani underwent a “special interrogation plan,” personally approved by Rumsfeld, which the U.S. says produced valuable intelligence. But to obtain it, according to the log of his interrogation and government reports, Qahtani was subjected to forced nudity, sexual humiliation, religious humiliation, prolonged stress positions, sleep deprivation and other controversial interrogation techniques.

So the guy was stripped down and told to squat for a while. Did it save lives? Yes it did! So who wants to die so an terrorist doesn’t have to face humiliation. Remember what we all wrote about the Geneva Conventions. The way they are written means we could be limited to “please’ and ‘pretty please’, so as to not offend these vicious killers we capture.

And not to be done by their EU counterparts, the Democrats feel safe to test the waters by investigating (and therefore further exposing) the NSA’s Terrorist Surveillance Program. The Dems are addicted to the subpoena.

It should be clear to everyone that an administration that allows war crimes is one that could face impeachment for high crimes. Will the Dems do anything to protect our President (he is OUR President whether you voted or him or not)?

Al Qaeda is cheered by the news the Dems are coming to surrender to them, the Europeans are ready to charge us with war crimes against the people targetting them for annihilation, and the Dems want to expose the terrorist defenses we have in place to stop attack. The voters did not give the Democrats this kind of mandate. Now they have to say something about what they plan to do – the run a third of the government now.

51 responses so far

51 Responses to “Liberals Unleashed”

  1. Jacqui says:

    We will be attacked now in the near future and the Dems, Dail KOS and will probably be celebrating with Al Qaeda – they will probable help them plan the attack. If Americans don’t wake up these people on the left will kill us all.

  2. kathie says:

    Where is Kosovo in relation to Germany. They just declared Turkish as their national language. I think Osama’s plans have just sped up.

  3. kathie says:

    Add to the above, the Ottoman Empire is on the move.

  4. Carol J says:


    I also heard that one of the “prosecution” witnesses about Abu Ghraib is none other than former Brigadier General Janice Karpinski!! The one who should be held MOST accountable for what actually DID happen at that prison is going to betray her country and testify against her former boss. Ms Karpinski is a disgrace to her uniform and a traitor to her country…plain and simple.

    This is a HORRIBLE turn of events! There’s an attack coming and all people seem to care about is punishing the United States who are the last hope for this planet. I’m just sick with worry.


  5. Limerick says:

    ‘The Dems are addicted to the subpoena.’-AJ

    Yep. The Presidency is no longer an American post for all of us it is a partisan post used only for partisan power.

    The only bright spot I can find in this story is the fact that Germany has been fighting us tooth and nail in the last few years to NOT withdraw troops. They need them to help the economy there and I don’t think that Merkel would let something like this go through. Schroeder would, but Merkel seems to have a pretty level head on her shoulders.

    The Dems, however, need to send a strong message to Europe right now that actions like this will get them nowhere.

  6. Ken says:

    “You can’t handle the truth” as Nicholoson once said.

    But allow me to impart a parcel.

    The techniques of abuse were taught largely to the US by Israeli
    “experts” in the Arab culture, purportedly stressing humiliation.
    Of course this “expertise” hasn’t squashed “terrorism” against
    Israel in fifty years, but that’s another story.
    The point is, what Strata belittles, according to the “experts”
    is worse than more painful techniques to the Arab.

    And Strata…”did it save lives? Yes it did.” Two things wrong here.
    One we are asked to take the word of a regieme which has already been less than honest about the war. Two, prove it, AJ.
    Three, no it didn’t. When the torture was exposed, the Iraqis
    joined the insurgency and/or grew in sympathy for it in droves.

    With the net result of worse losses for the US.

    Finally Strata says Europeans are turning on us rather than
    the people “targeting them for annihilation” forgetting about
    the truce in effect offered by bin Laden for countries which
    took no part in the Iraq misadventure.

  7. Karig says:

    Do we actually have some sort of treaty that makes it legally plausible that Germany can just prosecute people in THIS country? And if we do, maybe it’s time to let the rest of the country know about it, because I imagine it’s going to be a big surprise to an awful lot of people.

  8. Karig says:

    Oh look, it’s Ken, here to tell us it’s all about the JOOOOOOOOOOS.

  9. Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse…

    The ACLU calling for investigations and the Center For Constitutional Rights pushing for War Crime Charges! I told you it was coming!
    Just days after his resignation, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is about to face more repercus…

  10. Jacqui says:

    The liberal nutters on the left in Europe and in the Democrat Party persecute their political opponents – always have and always will -they hug a terrorist and destroy their political enemies. They accuse others of “fear and smear” while in reality it is the own MO. If we don’t try to nip all of this in the bud it will destroy this country.

  11. ama055131 says:

    It is only obvious that the old western europe has forgotten who there
    friends are,I am sure many of the eastern european countries would be thrilled to have us move our bases to their countries with money
    that would be generated they would be doing cartwheels!

  12. djl130 says:

    I find Ken to be annoying

  13. Limerick says:

    1977…CBS News…
    (Studio) West German commandos rescue hostages held by hijackers of Lufthansa jet at Mogadishu, Somalia, airport. 3 of 4 hijackers are killed and West German officials report that 3 urban guerrillas, whose release from prison was condition of release of hostages, have committed suicide.

    hmmmmmmm…I wonder how and why these prisoners of West Germany suddenly were able to commit suicide. Sounds like we need an investigation and charges brought.

  14. the good doctor says:

    Don’t answer Ken. Just tell him to take his liberal ass somewhere else.
    Why is he here? to bug you. These are very angry people you are dealing with. So f-ck ’em.

  15. The Macker says:

    • Germany started WWI and allied with the Islamic Turks
    • Germany financed the Reds in the Russion Revolution
    • Germany started cheating on the WWI peace accords right away
    • Germany started WWII
    • The Arabs allied with the Nazis in WWII
    • The Arabs drove the Jews out of all the ME except the protected Palestine
    •The Germans effectively allied with Saddam Hussein
    •The Europeans still resent us for saving them multiple times
    • Ergo,
    We should choose friends that we can trust.

  16. Iowa Voice says:

    Germany Seeking Charges Against Rumsfeld, Others…

    This ought to make the nutroots happy:

    Just days after his resignation, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is about to face more repercussions for his involvement in the troubled wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. New legal documents, to be filed next wee…

  17. patrick neid says:

    i think it’s important to get the facts right about drudge’s sensational headlines. the 12 losers bringing the suit went court shopping. they found germany with the appropriate loophole. the general in question is desperately hoping for a carteresque type pardon from hillary down the road.

    from wikipedia:

    On May 5, 2005, President Bush approved Karpinski’s demotion to colonel from the rank of brigadier general. Her demotion was not officially related to the abuse at Abu Ghraib prison. The allegations against her were for dereliction of duty, making a material misrepresentation to investigators, failure to obey a lawful order and shoplifting. Karpinski had failed to inform the Army as required when filling out an official document about an earlier arrest on an Air Force base in the US on a misdemeanour charge of stealing less than US$50 worth of cosmetics from a military store.

    this case will give proof to the adage—“the inmates are running the asylum”. it can only hurt the dems……..

  18. Ken says:


    So you agreee with me America should stay out of European affairs
    from now on, allying with none, opposing none?

  19. Terrye says:

    Germany did not bring the case, the case was filed in Germany. And this is not the first time some idiot tried something like this either.

  20. Gigword says: is a useful resource for articles about anti-Semitism by people who refer to themselves as progressives.

    Ken’s view of Israel is not as new as he thinks. Although Ken’s view of Israel is very fashionable within the Democrat Party, on America’s college campuses, and in Eurabia, the most amazing group of people who agree with Ken are people of Jewish heritage who vote Democrat.

    Michelle Malkin has a comment called, “Before you go ballistic on Germany” that has information as follows:
    “The German government isn’t filing the lawsuit. It’s 11 Iraqis and a Saudi who went court-shopping and filed in Germany because the country “provides ‘universal jurisdiction’ allowing for the prosecution of war crimes and related offenses that take place anywhere in the world.” A previous lawsuit was filed on similar grounds and was dismissed. Yes, Germany has its share of weasels. But German Chancellor Angela Merkel isn’t one of them and outrage at the country is premature.”

    An excerpt from an article in is as follows:

    The British war effort was at the outset ambivalent, indecisive. From ’36 to ’39, when the Palestinian Arabs, upset by the influx of Jewish refugees from Hitler, started a three-year Intifada, the British Mandate authorities in Palestine alternated between grudging support of the embattled Jews and outright sabotage of their efforts at self-defense. On one hand, they made Jewish arms illegal, and forced the Hagana people to hide their store of antiquated rifles under kibbutz manure piles. On the other hand, they assigned one of their most brilliant field officers, Orde Wingate, to be a kind of T.E. Lawrence of the Jews, and to train them, in his Special Night Squads, in the arts of irregular warfare.

    However, as the Brits mobilized for the coming war against Hitler, their policy makers resolved their ambivalence in favor of appeasing the Arabs, and outright hostility to the Jews. Together with Hitler, they acted so as to create the maximum tally of dead European Jews.

    Thus, just before Hitler invaded Poland and intensified his own war against the Jews, the Brits – by imposing their strict White paper policy against unrestricted Jewish immigration to Palestine – became Hitler’s de facto collaborators in that war. The Brits, who were about to declare war on Germany for the sake of the Poles, at the same time allied themselves implicitly with Hitler’s war aims in regard to the Jews. Even as Hitler turned occupied Poland into a killing ground for trapped Jews, the British White Paper of 1939 restricting Jewish immigration locked them out of Palestine – the one refuge especially created (by the Balfour Declaration of 1921) to take them in. The Brits have never owned up to this, but they bear a responsibility for the Holocaust that is second only to that of Nazi Germany.