Nov 07 2006

Hostettler Loses

Published by at 8:00 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

No surprise there. One of my 8 I gave Dems (out of the toss ups). Watching Northrup.

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “Hostettler Loses”

  1. Limerick says:

    FOX…..Chacola down 18 with 26% reporting

  2. For Enforcement says:

    Allen back up with 30% in

  3. For Enforcement says:

    allen up even more now

  4. For Enforcement says:

    up by 2 with 43% in Allen

  5. HaroldHutchison says:

    Sodrel also down in IN.

    This is not looking good…

  6. Terrye says:

    Sodrell neck and neck I heard. Ky is also very close.