Nov 07 2006

Late VA Call

Published by at 7:51 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

I remember 2004 as being one of those nights where a blind person could have called VA hours before they did. Allen’s lead is standing and, as it does, it makes it impossible for Allen. BTW, someone shut Kristol up. Even an ex-democrat, independent, RINO like me is more a republican than that fool.

12 responses so far

12 Responses to “Late VA Call”

  1. Mark78 says:

    Drudge is showing Allen down now. Ouch. He’s one of the top races I am watching.

  2. Limerick says:

    Thank you AJ…..I have been trying to get him off Fox for months!!!!!

  3. TomAnon says:

    Check out FL-16

  4. Steve_LA says:


    I don’t get the whole Allen as a contender for President talk that was going on before this Senate run. I believe you are from that neck of the woods, so maybe a few words on what the big attraction was for Allen as Presidential timber.

  5. For Enforcement says:

    Well, down here in La, Allen has been for a while, one of the more attractive people for ’08. Who else is there?

  6. AJStrata says:


    I never took Allen or Warner seriously for President! Nuff said.

  7. Steve_LA says:


    I just did not get the whole Allen as Presidential material, the missteps in this campaign sort of confirms it to me.

    Was his support coming out of the Social Conservative Wing of the party or what?

    LA…what part of the state? Long time ago I was from CENLA.

  8. Terrye says:

    Kristol is pissed Rumsfeld was not fired, he thinks that if people loved Bush the Republicans would be doing better.

  9. smh10 says:

    I suppose Bill Kristol should turn that around and say that if some of these Republicans had backed the President on a few issues they may not find themselves in the situation they are in. He just gave Rep. a good excuse if they lose..blame George Bush.

    I lost a lot of respect for Kristol a long time ago and I agree Terrye, he is just spouting sour grapes because the administration did not bow to him.

  10. Steve_LA says:


    The long knifes are already being sharpened as we speak. Look for a Blog Swarm from the Right on the question of “Why we lost” over the next week.


    Read Meat sites like RedState will blame RINOS, and urge turning even harder Right on Social Conservative issues.

    RINO sites will argue about a return to traditional small government, fiscal conservative principles and moderation on the social conservative issues.

    I’d be interested in what AJ thinks where the core issues and battleground will be in the GOP, which IMHO carries over to the race in ’08.

  11. shield says:


    We ain’t goin’ to lose … republican turnout is huge.
    Dem turnout is pathetic…lol

  12. Steve_LA says:


    OK, sorry guy, Republicans are heading for a fall, you can argue how much they deserve it or not, but as Sgt. Joe Friday used to say “Just the facts Ma’am”.