Nov 07 2006

Steele Will Win, With Allen

Published by at 7:35 pm under All General Discussions

National Hotline is reporting huge turnout in MD and Va, and the black Democrats are flocking to Steele. As I predicted. Northrup takes lead. Goodbye Dems…..

CNN is so glum. The reality is hitting.

BTW, a hearty “Hello” to my fellow bloggers downtown from wild and wonderful Herndon, VA!

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Steele Will Win, With Allen”

  1. Dc says:

    THATS IT….YANK IT…YANK IT….Set the hook! Start pulling. Don’t let ‘er off.

  2. Mark78 says:

    Allen up 15% VERY EARLY via FOX
    VA – U.S. Senate
    2% Precincts Reporting
    George Allen (i) Republican 46,208 (57%)
    Jim Webb Democrat 34,141 (42%)
    Glenda Parker Independent Grassroots

  3. Limerick says:

    GA 12…..Rep up 3% in VERY early vote.

  4. Mark78 says:

    MSNBC has Allen up by 9 points with 9% of the vote in.

  5. Terrye says:

    Poor Hostettler is getting whipped, but I have to say we could do worse than Ellsworth.

  6. PMII says:

    Keep the updates rolling – Fox just went out on my cable service here in Carroll County – MD

    Go Steele!!!!!!

  7. Limerick says:

    Foley/Negron up 12% in early

  8. Mark78 says:

    Drudge has Allen down in VA with 15% of the vote in.