Nov 07 2006

KY, IN & VA – And Juan Williams

Published by at 7:16 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

Watching CNN’s results (they are buying into the exit polls while Fox is dismissing them) I see Northrup in KY with 37% of the vote in trailing 48-51%. I would expect to see it much worse if there was truly a wave out there. Hostettler in IN is losing 30-70% and yet CNN is not calling this. The other IN races look to be holding. The wave is not materializing for the Dems yet. And Juan Williams just did some abysmal math on Fox. Fox is watching 11 key races, which I assume are in the RCP 13 which are assumed to go dem. Juan noted like I did Dems are poised only to get 8 of these. But he said they should then get 8 of the toss ups and then 8 of the leans Rep! Silly. If the dems do not take all 11 of the ‘key races’ their chances die off quickly.

One response so far

One Response to “KY, IN & VA – And Juan Williams”

  1. smh10 says:

    KY 3 with 50% Northrup is up 50-49.