Nov 07 2006

Dem Hopes Hanging By A Thread

Published by at 6:18 pm under 2006 Elections,All General Discussions

Checkout this news on key (read top risk) 11 House seats by Fox:

Fox News’ poll of 11 key House races shows Democrats leading in six, Republicans leading in three, and ties in two.

These would be ‘need to win’ seats for the dems (which we know they will win some). These are also exit polls – not ballots. If the Dems are only assured to win 6-8 of the top 11, that means the rest are probably falling out of reach. Think of the RCP top 13 seats which are thought to be goners, and the dems only getting half of them! I am wondering with the turnout numbers we are seeing and the fact the Dems are not putting away all 11 ‘key’ races if the Dems can win the House. Of course, I could be the one being pollyannish!

One response so far

One Response to “Dem Hopes Hanging By A Thread”

  1. Dc says:

    Ease up their strata…just keep letting the line out reeeal slow. That’s it. Don’t yank on the first nibble. Just let it go on out.