Nov 01 2006

Apology Not Accepted

Published by at 6:42 pm under All General Discussions

Senator Kerry keeps demonstrating how he and his party look down and dismiss the sacrifices of our brave men and women. This issue started because he implied (deliberately or accidentally) that those who fought and died for this country in Iraq were uneducated dupes who should have ‘tried to be smart’. Then he said it was a joke about Bush being dumb and uneducated getting us stuck in Iraq. Implying those who believed as Bush did that Iraq was a worthy cause (which Kerry echoed and a Democrat led Senate confirmed in a huge vote supporting the Iraq war) are just as dumb and as uneducated as the guy who led us into Iraq. Like somehow that made all the difference in terms of making the insult acceptable.

Now Kerry further insults the people of this nation and the brave heroes who have died in this nation’s cause, by not even having the decency to submit a sincere apology. The insincerity of the apology indicates that Kerry really does hold our military in low esteem. First, the window for a sincere apology was yesterday, before polls and political pressure was applied. Second, a sincere apology is given in person, eye to eye. It is not shoved out on a website because the Democrats are afraid Kerry may say something even more revealing. That is also an indication this is not sincere and simply a callous political CYA move. And Third, a sincere apology comes from the heart, not your staff. We have no idea if this is Kerry’s words, let alone his sincere beliefs. It doesn’t sound like him and there is no proof he did not just tell a staffer to write something up and get it out so, as CNN let slip, they can hold this story from bleeding over into a new day. An apology of this magnitude needs to have no caveats, rejoinders, diversions or other clutter. It should be said without ANY reference to Bush or the election – that would show sincerity. None of the comments from the Dems have had that critical feature.

And that is the fourth reason the Democrats are not being sincere at all. Hillary Clinton said defending our war dead from derision and insult was ‘a distraction’. The Democrats and liberal media keep saying this deflects from Bush’s Iraq war record. Excuse me, but we all know what the war record is in Iraq. It is the Democrats and Liberal media who cannot take the time to properly defend our war dead. It is these lefty partisan vultures who cannot take the time and muster the sincerity to make sure it is clear to one and all those who died on foriegn soil believing they were sacrificing for this country are truly honorable people.

No, the apology is not acceptable because it is not real or sincere. It was delayed to check polls overnight. It was made under pressure. It was not made in person. There is no indication it was Kerry’s true feelings at all. And it came with calls to not be distracted from the Democrat message. Kerry never apologized once for his disparaging comments from the Vietnam War, so I doubt his shallow little ego was able to muster one now. And you do not say your sorry because people took your words the wrong way. You say your sorry for using the wrong words. I have a better idea, why not vote the Dems out and see if they are still sorry for what happened, or whether they start blaming the reps and the American people for having the audacity to stand up for their fallen neighbors. No one insults our fallen heroes without hearing from me. I don ‘t care if you are foriegn or domestic, insulting those who gave it all for this country is a declaration of war, in my opinion. Bring on November 7th. Let’s end this ugly party’s credibility in this nation once and for all. The liberals have been belittling the credibilty of our military for so long, it is the least the nation could do but return the favor. Vote “Yes” for our military heroes in November – vote against the Dems.

More at Michelle Malkin’s as many of us are just not buying. Sadly too many are.

36 responses so far

36 Responses to “Apology Not Accepted”

  1. Kerry’s Non-Apology To The Military…

    Update: Kerry Non-Apology Rejected by Pro-Troop Organization
    Wow! Just got this email from Move America Forward
    “Your non-apology is not accepted, Senator Kerry.
    “John Kerry ha…

  2. Christoph says:

    If we accept Kerry’s apology, can we then state that it’s our fault and the military’s fault (those bastards!) for misinterpreting John Kerry who, as everyone knows, has no record of attacking American servicemen?

  3. Christoph says:

    From the Imus appearance this morning, approx. 6:40 in…

    … the quotable Kerry:

    “John McCain says we oughta send another hundred thousand troops over there. First of all, we don’t have another hundred thousand troops. Secondly, uh, if you send them over there, uh, it’s going to do exactly what’s already happenned, which is attract more terrorists, more jihadists.

    “Our own generals are telling us that it’s the numbers of troops that are the problem and the fact is that that’s what’s adding to the number of terrorists in the world.”

    I see, so it’s the U.S. military that is the problem. There are simply too many of them. And this creates terrorists and jihadists.
    [posted on another thread here and elsewhere earlier today]

  4. For Enforcement says:

    Just saw an ad by Gen Wesley(don’t know no better) Clark. His statement: So if you see a commercial telling you to be afraid of terrorism, remember, it’s because of Iraq”

    So let me get this straight, Iraq caused 9/11?

    terrorism wasn’t around BEFORE Iraq? Is he completely out of his mind, or is it politics?

    we report, you decide

  5. Christoph says:

    Wesley Clark is actually out of his mind. Politics doesn’t explain it with him. I’d try to find another example. He really is insane. Now back to John Kerry who is very sane, just cynical, elitist, and insulting to people who serve(d) honorably.

  6. az redneck says:

    Is it just me, or has anyone else started to hear a deafening silence from the most vocal of the Dem leadership? Have they all been asked to shutup & disappear? Are they starting to learn?

  7. trentk269 says:

    What else would you expect from a guy who can tell the rice from the shrapnel when it embeds in his a** ?

  8. DaleinAtlanta says:

    DEVASTATING on Kerry:

    Wednesday, November 01, 2006

    Kerryism [Victor Davis Hanson]

    Kerry surely must be one of the saddest Democratic liabilities around. Some afterthoughts about his latest gaffe, which is one of those rare glimpses into an entire troubled ideology:

    (1) How could John Kerry, born into privilege, and then marrying and divorcing and marrying out of and back into greater inherited wealth, lecture anyone at a city college about the ingredients for success in America? If he were to give personal advice about making it, it would have to be to marry rich women. Nothing he has accomplished as a senator or candidate reveals either much natural intelligence or singular education. Today, Democrats must be wondering why they have embraced an overrated empty suit, and ostracized a real talent like Joe Lieberman.

    (2) How could Kerry possibly claim that he was thinking of the uneducated in the context of George Bush, who, after all, went to Harvard and Yale?

    AJStrata: Read the whole thing

  9. The Macker says:

    ” Bring on November 7th. Let’s end this ugly party’s credibility in this nation once and for all.”-

    You are a patriot, AJ

  10. the good doctor says:

    Kerry is an elitist moron. Lurch doesn’t have a drop if dignity. He would sell his mother to get to the Whitehouse. He is toast after this fiasco.

  11. AJStrata says:


    It is not proper form to post an entire article. It is best to link with a snippet. Thanks!


  12. Christoph says:

    Thanks for respecting others’ intellectual property rights, AJ. I approve.

  13. kathie says:

    Most of the democratic party is filled with elitists. They hate the military because the military requires discipline, following orders (60’s people hate orders), it requires believing in something bigger then self like country. The elitists want “it” now and it needs to feel good. By their definition only a moron would join the military. It is the elitists that insist that you not stay married or keep a baby one second past happy.

    The elitists want the war over so they can reduce the military and spend the money on domestic things. Kerry’s words were exactly what he believes. MSM tried to explain what he meant, what is there to explain, his words are as plain as day. If not it is his responsibility to add the words he left out. When the whole world prints your words you had be better say what you intend to say.

    I must say these people make me sick. I think I’m watching too much politics. The democratic party is so selfish, so self absorbed, so anti American, so ego-centric, so thoughtless, it is absolutely pathetic.

    Please vote Nov. 7th., vision needs all the help it can get.

  14. Apology NOT Accepted…

    What AJ Strata said (bold emphasis is my own)…

  15. UrbanGrounds says:

    John Kerry Issues a “Non-apology” Apology…

    The Left still doesn’t get it: The military hates them almost as much as the Left hates the military.


  16. UrbanGrounds says:

    John Kerry Issues a “Non-apology” Apology…

    The Left still doesn’t get it: The military hates them almost as much as the Left hates the military.


  17. Concerned says:

    Just think about it… let’s say it is just weeks prior to Democratic National Convention with Kerry, Clinton, Gore, Dean wanting the nomination and Kerry “told his joke”… what would the other 3 (and others) be saying right now about Kerry???

    They are all silent just hoping it blows over and no one notices. Kerry has hurt all of them and they know it and we will see the results next Tuesday.

  18. archtop says:

    Right on, AJ!

    Funny that Kerry didn’t even have the decency to say his apology in person, unlike yesterday when he couldn’t wait to get to the TV cameras so he could lash out against everyone from President Bush to Tony Snow. How pathetic!

    We may well accept his apology but we will NOT forget!

  19. DaleinAtlanta says:

    roger that AJ, thanks!

  20. owl says:

    Thank you for writing that the apology is not accepted. That chest beating, strutting thing that shouted “I apologize to no one” yesterday, would not do it even this morning on Imus, should have understood that thousands all over this country are still waiting for his apology for 1971. That is why we KNOW he really meant it, even if it slipped out. He even had the gall to comment on that this morning but now he has to put this non-apology out on a website? Never knew he was camera shy. Gutless.