Oct 16 2006

Jihad Is Free Speech, Constitutional Right?

Published by at 11:29 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Want Dems in charge of Congress next year? Thinking of sitting out this elections because your conservative wish-list was not fulfilled? Thinking of just walking away from the political process? Well it could be a dangerous idea. We know the Dems want to surrender Iraq to Al Qaeda, tear down our most successful defensive monitoring efforts, and supply lawyers to terrorists now in jail. But did anyone think the Dems would find Jihad to be a religous form of free speech and a constitutional right [H/T American Thinker]?

Democratic strategist and former Michael Dukakis campaign manager Susan Estrich, and the former American Civil Liberties Union president in Massachusetts, Harvey Silvergate, recently joined the attorneys representing two alleged Boston al Qaeda funders. [….]

…the suspects’ attorneys also argue that such charitable giving, to support the jihad and mujahideen, is rightfully tax-exempt under U.S. constitutional protection of religious freedom. Moreover, they compare their support of Islam’s “holy war” to the Jewish National Fund (JNF) appeals for tax-deductible “donations to finance the purchase of bulletproof vests, helmets and firetrucks in connection with the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict.”

The way the Dems are going it will be illegal to even think of fighting the terrorists soon. We will only be allowed to be lambs to the slaughter.

10 responses so far

10 Responses to “Jihad Is Free Speech, Constitutional Right?”

  1. Is Jihad Free Speech?…

    God forbid you pray in the name of Jesus before opening up a townhall meeting! That would be, in the eyes of the left, violating the Constitution. But what about supporting jihad against the U.S.? Well, according to some on the left that would be p…

  2. More from the Unholy Alliance…

    Just think: in a couple of weeks, people are probably going to elect the party of these people to the majority in Congress.

    Democratic strategist and former Michael Dukakis campaign manager Susan Estrich, and the former American Civil Liberties Union…

  3. Ken says:

    You’ve got it backwards, Atarts. What you don’t have merely hyped, that is. Israel is a terror-state, as its Lebanese invasion once again established. The way for America to drastically reduce terror-in-return then, is to force Israel to abide by UN resolutions.

    As for al Qaeda “taking over” Iraq, this little shell game of yours
    isn’t going to help the Grand Old Prevaricators who use it.

    Al Qaeda types comprise perhaps 10% of the total insurgency,
    the balance of which will drive it out as soon as the occupiers

  4. trentk269 says:

    This actually good news- it means that the only people who will be voting for the Dems in the future will be guys like Ken.

    Not exactly a majority, know what I mean?

  5. The Macker says:

    Stay on it!

    Ken thanks for your repeated votes of confidence in the terrorists.

    Bernard Lewis (Middle East historian) said that if Churchill had had the internal opposition that Bush has, he might have lost to Hitler.

  6. Limerick says:

    Ken is the follower of Jean Marie LePen. Here are some details of his parties leadership:

    ‘Le Pen, who is presently 68 years-old, founded the Front National in 1972 as a coalition of extreme right-wing groups. Among those who made up the leadership team were men like the late convicted war criminal Pierre Bousquet, who edited the FN magazine Militant; Francois Brigneau, editor of the FN daily Present, who was a member of the Vichy militia during World War II, and Waffen SS member Jean Castrillo, the former editor of Militant.’

  7. joeg2006 says:

    That’s just too scary! Especially when their kids are learning that ” title=”being a jihad warrior is more than just taking part in military service per se; it is also a Muslim’s religious duty that constitutes the fulfillment of a religious commandment for the sake of Allah, an act loftier than any other.”>being a jihad warrior is more than just taking part in military service per se; it is also a Muslim’s religious duty that constitutes the fulfillment of a religious commandment for the sake of Allah, an act loftier than any other.

  8. joeg2006 says:

    sorry… wanted to cite something:
    I was saying that it is scary when their children are growing up learning that:

    “…being a jihad warrior is more than just taking part in military service per se; it is also a Muslim’s religious duty that constitutes the fulfillment of a religious commandment for the sake of Allah, an act loftier than any other.”

    Source: http://blog.technonllc.com/index.php?/archives/9-The-Al-Jihad-Booklet-used-by-Hizballah.html

  9. Ken says:


    Would it be “scary” if Christian youth were told to be warriors for Christ not only in serving in the military but as part of the
    “fulfillment of a religious commandment?”

  10. Barbara says:


    It may have escaped your notice, but the Chrisitan religion does not advocate joining the military. Au Contraire, it advocates turning the other cheek when slapped.

    Warriors for Christ means spreading the word of God not killing everyone who disagrees with you. And that is their religious committment.

    But then why even try to explain anything to extremists.