Oct 05 2006

Maybe The Dems Should Focus On Issues And Not Surprise Scandals

Patrick Godfrey at American Thinker remarks on what a poor October Surprise this entire Foley mess may be. Well, I think it went better than the Dems and media expected, for the short term. But I agree that, with four weeks to digest, this scandal is quickly losing its impact as Dems overreach and some Reps panic. The political middle is waiting for all the swooning to end so we can discuss national issues about defense and the economy. So I have one suggestion for Democrats desparate to win some elections this fall. Why not spend less time trumping up overblown scandals and actually present ideas on how to win in Iraq, protect this country from attack, deal with a global economy and deal with the immigration problem? You might putting some energy into these subjects could provide better results at the ballot box.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Maybe The Dems Should Focus On Issues And Not Surprise Scandals”

  1. az redneck says:

    That’s good advice for panicking Republicans!

  2. carol johnson says:


    “So I have one suggestion for Democrats desparate to win some elections this fall”

    ix nay on the ugessions say! LOL
