Aug 13 2006

More Dumb Sound Bites

Published by at 10:05 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

Lee Hamilton was on MTP and made the idiotic claim that resources being used in Iraq were diverting resources from protecting us here – and it was another in a long line of dumb soundbites. The discussion was on the lack of elements in the airport protection. But what in the world are we going to use F/18s and Abrams M1s Tanks for in identifying explosives in passenger bags? The claim resources in Iraq are diverting us from efforts here is laughable. An FBI agent is not a Special Forces soldier (though many military folks do go into law enforcement). We could raise money at any point we need to if there was a need to. But we need a strong economy for the long haul in order to address the long term problem of terrorism. The talking heads are demonstrating their uselessness once again.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “More Dumb Sound Bites”

  1. dgf says:

    “The discussion was on the lack of elements in the airport protection. But what in the world are we going to use F/18s and Abrams M1s Tanks for in identifying explosives in passenger bags?”

    Spot on (as they say), AJ !

    The problem is, is that Hamilton neither said or suggested any such thing. Both Hamilton and Keene were in agreement on the rather commonsense and fairly obvious reality that (a) there are practical limits on spending, which necessarily entail choices being made as to what to fund; (b) the devotion of huge resources to the Iraq adventure necessarily tends to limit the dedication of resources to other campaigns which are (more) directly related to homeland security; and (c) such other efforts have not received from this administration the real attention, concern and funding which they merit.

    While the post shamefully misrepresents this segment on MTP, it does tend to illuminate the “uselessnes” of some “talking heads”.

  2. ivehadit says:

    DNC talking points…I have heard this said immediately after the plot was revealed.

    Iraq is not an adventure as Tom Friedman (who is NO conservative) has agreed. It was our statement to the fanatics that we WILL stand up and fight for what we treasure after our lack of action during the ’90’s.

    And isn’t it interesting how much the terrorists DO NOT want a democratic and free Iraq. I wonder why that is? sarcasm off

    And isn’t it interesting that we have 150,000 or so troops in the HEART of the middle east…with countries now supporting our need to take out Iran(Saudi Arabial, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Turkey, Iraq, UAE, Kuwait……ever heard of the Casparian Guard….pinchers, they are…as in surrounding Iran and squeezing them tight…real tight.