Jul 11 2006

More Al Qaeda Snuff Films

Published by at 9:34 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

I resist posting on the Al Qaeda snuff films because that is simply playing into the desires of the snuff film makers. But since this one (graphic warning I suspect) is all over the web I will comment on it. The ‘logic’ behind this act is stupid. The only ones who will be shocked and intimidated are the liberal left in this country, who will use this film to dance their surrender-dance. The right in this country, who are comfortable with guns and applying some butt-whooping when necessary, are just going to redouble their efforts to win in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because no matter what the situation is in those countries, they are terrorist magnets which pull wannabe terrorists from all over the region to become walking targets for our military. So who cares, in the end, if the strife continues in those countries if Al Qaeda keeps pouring their treasure and blood onto battlefields far from our homes and children and into our shooting galleries? This kind of attempt at intimidation simply hardens my resolve and I am sure many more Americans. Because the minute we release the pressure over there, these whack jobs are coming here. Make no mistake, they would prefer to be blowing up Churches in US cities instead of Mosques in the ME. So the result of this PR stunt is just the opposite of what the terrorists must have predicted because they focus on the minority views at CNN and the BBC (which dominates news information in the EU and ME) and the Jack Murtha. The terrorists will regret this act because there is no Clinton in the WH who will run from the streets (like Somalia). There is a true Cowboy there now – who is deadly serious.

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