Jun 29 2006

Terrorists – Can’t Try Them, So Fry Them

Published by at 10:03 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

The US Supreme Court has determined Criminal Courts are the only venue to prosecute our wartime enemies. Well, if we can’t try them without exposing more national security details to the enemy through (our? their?) the press we will just have to kill them. Bring on more virgins! Maybe we should just release them and hope they have learned their lessons? It may be less dangerous than exposing our defensive programs and efforts in court.

For serious discussions on this Twilight Zone ruling check out the great round up at Michelle Malkin’s.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Terrorists – Can’t Try Them, So Fry Them”

  1. sgerber says:

    You are wrong – the Supreme Court left open the possibility of court martials, not just criminal courts.

  2. Supreme Court Rules 5-3: No Military Tribunals, Bush Overstepped Authority…

    Just in from SCOTUS Blog
    The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that Congress did not take away the Court’s authority to rule on the military commissions’ validity, and then went ahead to rule that President Bush did not have authority to se…

  3. The Heretik says:


    Military justice denied. Bush loses on Guantanamo case: Hamdan v Rumsfeld.
    In a 5-3 decision, the court said the trials were not authorized under U.S. law or the Geneva Conventions. Justice John Paul Stevens wrote the opinion in the case, called Hamda…

  4. Terrye says:

    I heard that some Senators are saying they will pass legislation to solve the problem in keeping with the Consititution so that tribunals can used after all.

  5. Rob says:

    Now the Congress will have to come through and authorize military tribunals as an alternative to giving away all our military secrets in a civilian court trial. Gitmo has in some ways been a very agressive response to the terrorists. Congratulations to President Bush for taking this approach instead of the limp wristed politically correct approach that brought us 9/11. Now the Congress will have to come through and be as firm in its approach to these terrorists. Its stand up and be counted time!

  6. Decision '08 says:

    Hamdan Reax…

    Good roundup at Pajamas; the MinuteMan; AJ…
    (hey, that was 8 words – maybe I could start subbing for Atrios! “Ooopen thread”…no, wait…”Opppen Threde”…dang, I guess it’s harder than it seems)…

  7. The Supremes…

    Con una decisione a maggioranza (5-3 con l’astensione di John Roberts che si era già espresso pubblicamente sul caso), la Corte Suprema degli Stati Uniti ha stabilito che a Guantanamo l’amministrazione Bush ha violato la legge americana e la Convenz…