Jan 24 2012

Romney NOT A Working Class American (Heck, He’s Not Even Working)

Published by at 10:46 am under 2012 Elections,All General Discussions

Update: Even the WSJ is beginning to see the light:

That’s the real lesson of South Carolina’s Saturday primary, where Newt Gingrich, the Che Guevara of the right, always interested in leading a rebellion, smashed Mr. Romney, the Harvard M.B.A. interested in carefully calibrated, data-driven change. The South Carolina story—and the story going forward from here—isn’t so much Newt vs. Mitt as it is the insurgents vs. the establishment.

In fact, that has been the story of the Republican Party since the tea-party uprising began in 2009. The drama now will play out anew in the remaining Republican primary calendar.

Sort of obvious, but I am glad others are beginning to wake up and smell the frustration. BTW, the WSJ also garners the best summary of this primary election cycle:

As for the current GOP field, it’s like confronting a terminal diagnosis. There may be an apparent range of treatments: conventional (Romney), experimental (Gingrich), homeopathic (Paul) or prayerful (Santorum). But none will avail you in the end. Just try to exit laughing.

Sadly, I can’t laugh off this mess.A great opportunity ws offered up by the serial failures of Obama, Reid and Pelosi – only to squander it with The Damnable 4. – end update

No wonder Mitt Romney hesitated to disclose his income tax returns. Technically he does not work since nearly all his income is through investment profits:

Mitt Romney offered a partial snapshot of his vast personal fortune late Monday, disclosing income of $21.7 million in 2010 and $20.9 million last year — virtually all of it profits, dividends or interest from investments.

Emphasis mine. Clearly, this is not someone who represents Main Street. He is currently unemployed, but not in  way that connects with Main Street. They guy is set for life and for generations to come. Must be nice. How do I get  Big “FILL IN THE BLANK” out of my way so I too can reach my personal end of the rainbow?

Romney is not like Herman Cain, who worked his way from the lower middle class to the upper class. Cain is someone I can relate to and assume he understands how hard it is to break free of the legislative chains that hold entrepreneurs downs. Romney is a corporate raider who made millions the easy way – the Haarvaaard way. He bought out struggling companies, leveraged their assets with massive debt, took his profits and left ruin and destruction in his wake. I want no connection with him. I am a small business owner, not a corporate raider.

Romney is a vulture, not a creator. Vultures have their purpose in nature and economics, but they are not what someone wants in a national leader.Will he dismantle big government, or twist it to help Wall Street? Does he even understand what the average person has to deal with? Not likley.

Sacrifice? Others sacrificed for Romney to gain his riches.

Innovation? Others provided the core product and services for those rare instances when Bain turned a company around instead of using it as a vehicle to collect millions and then run (what a great ironic coincidence to have Mitt’s Bain actually be his political ‘bane’)

Olympic Savior? I guess if it were not for him none of those dedicated athletes would have been able to compete?

I hear echos of Al Gore and his infamous Internet every time Romney lays claim to Olympic success.

In this instance, Romney is the epitome of Bullying Big Business who likes to implement Big Government solutions when in office. So how is this model going to beat Big Government Obama and his Bullying Big Business connections???? This is just not computing. It definitely is not uplifting and energizing.

Romney is about as far from the Tea Party ideal candidate as you can get without being a liberal Democrat. The Tea Party is a Main Street USA (small business, not big business) phenomena. It is opposes Big Government and is barely tolerant of Big Business (and their hooks now embedded in our political process). The Tea Party movement also distrusts Big Labor. Big is bad – individual is good. Helping others is good, destruction and suffering is to be avoided at all costs.

The Tea Party is all about enabling the individual, protecting the small business from Big Labor, Big Government and Big Wall Street conglomerates. It is Libertarian movement.

It is not Romney. And that is why he is failing. The disconnect between the establishment candidate (Romney) and the 2010 electorate is wide and glaring. And that is why Newt is gaining. Because as far as he is from the Tea Party ideal, he is miles closer to the 2010 backlash voter than Romney ever will be.


105 responses so far

105 Responses to “Romney NOT A Working Class American (Heck, He’s Not Even Working)”

  1. jan says:


    I hope that one of your posts above wasn’t a swan song, as your POV is as important as anybody elses, and provides a viewpoint diferent from the majority here. It’s healthy to have counterpoints offered.

  2. crosspatch says:

    And the point isn’t what Gingrich was or wasn’t doing in the Spearker’s chambers. The point is the personality type that would allow Newt to do the things he did and say the things he said against Clinton while he himself was engaged in exactly the same behavior. So he may no longer be cheating on his wife. Fine, so he cuts out that one behavior. But I believe he STILL has the same personality he had before. He has no problems lying. He has no problems living a lie. He feels no emotion and conveys no emotion when he is caught flip flopping on things. It is as if he himself has even forgotten what position he said he held in the past. He presents all the personality traits of a psychopathic narcissist. I wouldn’t trust a single word that man says or believe in a single position he claims he holds because he could change his mind tomorrow and it is all out the door.

  3. ivehadit says:

    One thing overlooked: Who has picked/semi-endorsed the winner in Iowa and SC? Sarah Palin.

    I got news for everyone, she is stronger than you think. I would not discount her influence in November. I am not necessarily a fan of hers but she has influence.

    The dems are loving the divisivenes if not for the mere fact that they can more easily “do what they do, if you know what I mean” if republicans are demoralized, imho.

  4. crosspatch says:

    Obama and Gingrich are polar opposites when it comes to politics but they are peas in a pod when it comes to personality. They are exactly the same personality type and have pretty much the same background. Academic and politician with no experience running anything at all.

    Not a swan song, but after this thread, I’m not commenting on the Gingrich thing anymore. I feel people are making a huge mistake, people who I think are good folks. More importantly, I see the potential of Obama being re-elected if Newt is nominated and I can’t stand to see that happen. This is for my country, too.

    On the other hand, I don’t feel it is wise to allow the debate on the issue to devolve into one big “amen” session echo chamber, either.

  5. crosspatch says:

    I think Palin has a lot of influence, particularly among a segment of the electorate that has been too silent in recent years. She energizes women to become active and be heard. She draws huge crowds wherever she speaks.

    I think Gov. Paling is a very powerful force.

  6. crosspatch says:

    I’m dating myself here but asking Clinton Democrats to vote for Newt Gingrich is like asking Reagan Republicans to vote for Tip O’Neil after Iran Contra.

  7. ivehadit says:

    And CP, I think Trent Telenko nailed it in his comment on one of the threads here about the “unspoken for Right”…I think that was the term he used. He wrote about how obama picked up on the “unspoken for Left” in ’08 and rode that wave. As Trent said, there are twice as many on the Right as on the Left who like what Newt is saying. It’s what they want heard and no one has been willing to speak for them…or fight for them. And that includes me.

    Either candidate is fine with me if they are willing to jump on this wave and cut Washington down to size. And beat the democrats at their own game. It’s time for America to move forward again..yes, a sort of revolt, if you will.

  8. jan says:

    Gingrich: The Republican Clinton.

    Newt is the Republican Clinton — shameless, needy, hopelessly egotistical. The two former adversaries and tentative partners have largely the same set of faults and talents. They are self-indulgent, prone to disregard rules inconvenient to them, and consumed by ambition. They are glib, knowledgeable, and imaginative. They are baby boomers who hadn’t fully grown up even when they occupied two of the most powerful offices in the land.

  9. crosspatch says:

    I agree that Romney has a communications problem. The problem is that he is a cerebral nerd that is very logical in his thoughts. The sort of emotionally rousing speeches that Newt gives don’t come naturally to Mitt. Newt will always rouse emotions and get people fired up. Mitt won’t. He needs someone to stump for him who can. I believe Mitt would make a better President than Newt but Newt gives a more rousing speech than Mitt.

    Who I think might “get” Romney but might be afraid to come forward is Allen West. West CAN make some very rousing speeches. Romney needs people on his side who can bring the fire and brimstone like Gingrich can. I’d like to see West campaign for Romney, I notice he hasn’t endorsed anyone yet. That is telling. Gingrich is campaigning in his state and he has not yet endorsed him even though he is a Tea Party man. I think maybe that is because he understands Mitt.

  10. crosspatch says:

    Romney is going to give you a very logical, very unemotional argument and expect you to weigh the argument and make a decision. Newt is going to get you all emotional, if possible, without putting himself on the spot on too many specifics of issues.

    And I agree, he is sort of like Clinton in many ways, but he is more like Obama, in my opinion, personality wise.

  11. ivehadit says:

    From Drudge:


    OBAMA 50% NEWT 48%
    OBAMA 50% ROMNEY 48%

  12. ivehadit says:

    And one last thing that every expert salesmans knows: Almost all sales are made on emotion and justified with logic. (really all sales, but just to hedge the bets…). I have told this to some inside Romney people…

  13. Redteam says:

    jan, yeah CP has been around a long time. I’ve agreed with him much over the years. Unfortunately he’s taken to crying a lot lately because some people don’t agree with him on Romney, I wish he’d take it like a man.

    CP, not sure what the intent of the link to Rubio is supposed to provide for us. He crucified Crist, but now he’s supporting him? and he thinks Romney is a conservative? wow! I thought Rubio was slightly intelligent, I guess not. (please don’t cry over this)

    You need to quit pushing the Dims and lame stream media pick for the nomination. Let the Repubs decide for themselves.

  14. crosspatch says:

    It’s not so much that I am upset that people don’t agree with me on Romney. That isn’t the problem. The problem is Newt. Anybody but Newt. Newt Gingrich assures a loss if nominated. Like I said, if you don’t like Romney, fine, back Santorum. I can respect that. I can’t respect backing Newt.

    Newt is the problem.

    Like I said, running Newt Gingrich would be as stupid as the Democrats running Tip O’Neil. He would get 100% Democrat support, but lose the election by 15 points.

    Same will happen with Newt and we are stuck with four more years of Obama.

  15. crosspatch says:

    “He crucified Crist, but now he’s supporting him? ”

    No, he crucified Chris but is supporting ROMNEY.

    Newt tried to say that because Romney was using the same campaign organization that Christ did that Romney was somehow a carbon copy of Christ. (idiotic comparison to begin with) so Rubio stepped in to defend Romney against Newt.

  16. Redteam says:

    This is just a joke I read:

    Two guys are sitting around talking about politics.

    One of them asks the other, “So why are you a Republican?”

    “Because my daddy and granddaddy were Republicans,” was the man’s reply.

    “What if your daddy and granddaddy were horse thieves?”

    “In that case, I guess I’d be a Democrat.”

  17. Redteam says:

    “He crucified Crist, but now he’s supporting him? ”

    “No, he crucified Chris but is supporting ROMNEY.”

    That reference was to Rubio crucifying Crist but now Rubio is supporting crist who is working with Romney.

  18. Redteam says:

    CP, would you provide a link to the story about this: I never heard that story before.

    “while he himself was doing the exact same thing in the speakers chambers (and got caught IN the Speaker’s chambers getting a BJ). “

  19. lurker9876 says:

    So why did the Republicans move away from Newt when he was in trouble? It has to be something in addition to his personal issues.

    I lived under Clinton and Newt but I wasn’t really paying much attention to Newt.

    I just hope that even if Newt wins, everyone will still come out and vote for him…just to kick Obama out of the office. That’s what we should be preaching.