Nov 10 2011

Left Wing Smear Machine Cannot Keep A Good Man Down

Published by at 10:03 am under All General Discussions

Last night’s debate was interesting. Perry imploded (again, and with a bigger bang). Romney was invisible and irrelevant. Newt was Newt. The ‘also rans’ failed to make an impressions.

And Herman Cain won the support of the crowd. When Maria the flaming liberal went after Cain on the sexual assault crap, the crowd reacted angrily (heck, you should of seen the response on our house). And when they what’s-his-name-NBC-anchor tried to get Romney to back stab his fellow Republican, the crowd got even angrier (as did a lot of households watching I am sure).

And then Maria decided it was time to get back to substance – and the crowd cheered.

Spontaneous support for Herman Cain, which means no one but a left winger is buying the charges anymore.

But is that a clear indication Cain has survived this test? Nope – but Quinnipiac has a bunch of polls out that do!

  • Florida: Cain 27, Romney 21; +6% Cain
  • Ohio: Cain 25, Romney 20; + 5% Cain
  • Pennsylvania: Cain 17, Romney 17; tie

These polls were taken through Nov 7, which means at the height of the smear campaign against Cain. Cain still leads Romney. Cain is still the preferred choice. Cain will survive.

22 responses so far

22 Responses to “Left Wing Smear Machine Cannot Keep A Good Man Down”

  1. kathie says:

    Cain was good, and I don’t mind Rick Perry. I like his energy.

  2. […] see Michelle Malkin, the Right Scoop, Strata-Sphere, and The Other […]

  3. Layman says:

    Oh my god, AJ:

    “Romney was invisible and irrelevant”. Are you kidding me??? Sir, I suggest a quick trip to the emergency room for an antidote to the Cain Coolaid you’ve so obviously been drinking.

    Seriously, I like a “BOLD PLAN”” as much as the next guy and I thought Cain acquitted himself well – until he started becoming a parody of himself. But your total dismissal of Romney shows that you are no longer an objective observer commenting on reality. If this is your intention then great. Embrace it and own it. But you’re starting to remind me of the guys still on the Perry bandwagon. No matter what the reality they think their guy is still the best and refuse to acknowledge anything or anyone else.

    My prediction: Cain is gone inside of 90 days and it comes down to Newt vs. Romney.

  4. AJStrata says:


    Romney ain’t going to win. Get over it. He’s Obama light and really a bit of a dullard.

    Policy wonks are so yesterday.

  5. AJStrata says:

    LOL! I guess Layman didn’t digest those polls before posting.

    Like I made them up or something!

  6. Frogg1 says:

    Report: Kraushaar will not do press conf. unless anonymous accusers also participate

    Smells like dead fish.

    She is either using this an excuse ‘not to come forward with details’ which don’t support her claim; or, those behind the smear are saving it for another attack on another day.

  7. Frogg1 says:

    Would if Cain’s strategy to hit the early primary states hot and heavy early to secure strong support…then spend time in the second tier of primary states in the months leading up to the actual primary elections works?

    New Polling Data Spells Disaster for Mitt Romney

    “Despite constant attempts by media, the leftist machine and the GOP establishment to smear Herman Cain via baseless claims, the tea party candidate continues to dominate in three key primary states….

    If Herman Cain were able to hold on to Iowa and win Florida and/or South Carolina, he would certainly be able to continue on past Nevada and would be VERY competitive in a lot of red state’s where he has support and a strong following. Mitt Romney’s goal, obviously, is to try and keep this from happening. The less opportunity any other candidates have at surviving beyond Nevada the better. If Romney gets into mid-February facing a strong conservative with momentum, he’ll suddenly be in the midst of an uphill battle.”

  8. Frogg1 says:

    “What if….” not “Would if”.

  9. Redteam says:

    I agree with Layman slightly. Newt will be the nominee, but I’ve been saying that for a while. Cain will be out within 60-90 days, he must have the worst manager/spokesman in Block that i’ve seen in campaign management.
    Cain has had nothing new for a while, and I’m disappointed that he still hasn’t put his 999 plan on his website, still only an outline of something he is planning to have one day, called 999.

    As for Perry’s brain freeze, that’s nothing and i’m surprised anyone is saying much about it other than as a comedic moment. Everyone has done something similar at one time or another. I agree with getting rid of those three departments, Education, Commerce and… uh, uh, whatever. Oh yeah, energy.

    I have nothing against Cain, seems like a fine person, but I just don’t think he’s going anywhere..

  10. oneal lane says:

    What a difference 20 years has made.

    In 1992 candidate Bill Clinton was in the same boat. Allegations of sexual indiscresions were in the news. The Democrats on the defense saying it would not effect Clintons ability to lead, the GOP on the attack. Fast forward 20 years and everything is turned around and the two sides are playing each others opposite parts.

    I guess if the truth was know most everyone in Washington would be guilty of these kinds of things.

  11. Redteam says:

    oneal lane:
    I think there may be a significant difference. In 1992, those weren’t so much allegations against Clinton. They were pretty much true stories, it’s just that the media and democrats downplayed them as unimportant( and you really can’t disagree with that, ethics and morality have never been important to liberals and democrats)
    So far as we know at this point, these are only allegations against Cain. we haven’t seen any evidence at all that there is any truth to any of the stories.

  12. Frogg1 says:

    The Real Scandal — by Thomas Sowell

    “The real scandal in the accusations against Herman Cain? is the corruption of the law, the media and politics.”

  13. kathie says:

    I like Herman Cain lots……I wonder if he has depth in enough areas of government. I would be willing to give him a try. I don’t believe the accusations for a second.

    Newt is a nonstarter for me. He is good on the issues, he has thought through everything, not a President I would like to vote for.

    Perry has had a rough start read Byron York, good analysis I think. I still really like him. Maybe because I would like Washington to be as inconsequential as possible in my life . I think he has the right idea on immigration.

    Forget the others.

  14. Frogg1 says:

    Herman Cain Announces HUGE Fundraising Numbers

    “The Herman Cain Campaign reports receiving over $9 million of financial support from Cain backers since October 1st. Twenty-five percent of these newly received contributions have come in the last ten days.”

  15. Layman says:

    The charges against Cain are a crock and all clear thinking people are right in rejecting them and supporting him. However that support will only carry him so far.

    My simple assessment is that Cain is a one note performer – actually two if you consider “A BOLD PLAN” and 9-9-9 as separate notes (they’re not). If he can come up with more coherent answers to debate questions he might edge out Newt as the anti-Romney. I haven’t seen any evidence so far that he is capable of that. If he can’t, his 9-9-9 mantra is going to get really old.

    Then again, if you think 9-9-9 is the solution to Europe’s economic woes…

  16. Layman says:

    AJ: I like Newt and have actually contributed to his campaign so my support is real. However I will fully support whomever gets the GOP nomination and there is a chance it might be Romney. We need to keep our eyes on the prize – actually three prizes. 1. Get rid of Obama. 2. Take the Senate. 3. Expand our lead in the House. Hopefully all three with Conservatives.

    You may not like the idea but a President Romney passing bills sent to him from a Conservative congress isn’t too bad a thought.

  17. lurker9876 says:

    I wish they would leave Perry alone with his oops. It happens to everyone.

    About two years ago, my brother and I attended a AFP summit in Austin where Perry spoke to us AFTER dinner AND after Steve Crowder’s comedy show. My brother told me afterwards that Perry sounded slurred and more emotional than any other time. My brother thought that Perry had one drink too many.

    I see that Karen Kraushaar refuses to give press conferences unless the other two come forward … as she must be thinking numbers make a difference. The other two have not returned her calls.

    Unless they come up with something real, it’s no surprise that Herman Cain hasn’t been abandoned by the grass roots movement. Amazing how he was able to make 9 million, 999,000 in the Iowa fund, polling high and way ahead of Romney.

    Newt’s catching up but just wait and see how he will be attacked.

    The poll numbers also show that Bachmann could start moving up the ladder again.

    Wow…such dramatic changes….

  18. kathie says:

    Just saying, Perry had a great interview with Greta tonight.

  19. Frogg1 says:

    Another National Poll done on Nov 8th has Cain ahead:

    Herman Cain 24%
    Mitt Romney 20%
    Newt Gingrich 19%

    But, Gloria Allred was on Hannity tonight and I get the sense she has only just begun.

  20. lurker9876 says:

    What did Gloria begin? You meaning that she has more coming?