Mar 23 2011
Well, At Least Someone Knows They Are At War
Juxtaposition – a wonderful yet underestimated concept. Also sometimes known as “split-screen optics”. It can be really damning, like today. It seems the NEA is the only group in America actually at war – and of course they are at war with America:
Though reasonable arguments can be made that the collective bargaining measures in Wisconsin, Ohio and Idaho aren’t significantly different from the status quo in other states, there should be no mistake about it – NEA sees them as a threat to its very existence.
“We are at war,” incoming NEA executive director John Stocks told the union’s board of directors last month, outlining a plan to keep NEA from joining the private sector industrial unions in a slow, steady decline into irrelevancy to anyone outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. And like any good war plan for an army under siege, it allows for a defense-in-depth while preparing for a decisive counterattack.
Which means the NEA has a better war plan against the rest of the nation and our fiscal needs than President Obama has against Libya:
Adm. Gary Roughead, the Chief of Naval Operations, said that he has received no guidance on the path ahead for command and control of the no-fly zone, no-drive zone, no-sail zone, arms embargo enforcement, and any other missions currently being managed by U.S. Africom Commander Gen. Carter Ham, who is in Germany. NATO has been battling internally over whether to take command, while the French government’s latest proposal is to set up a “political steering committee” made of Western and Arab foreign ministers…
Geez, should we hand over Libyan operations to elementary school teachers?
Oh the humanity!

It would seem obvious that the NEA is a much more imminent threat against the U.S. than Moammar Qadaffy is!