Feb 10 2011

The Faux Panic Of Global Warming

Published by at 8:55 am under AJStrata's GUT,Global Warming

This winter has proven that the world is unprepared to meet the basic needs of its citizens. As the myth of global warming spread among the ignorant – fed by the greedy and power hungry – no one stopped to even think about what was behind the delusion of global warming cries. Let alone the dangerous ramifications of being being duped.

As a niche area of an immature science, too few of us realized the true essence of the matter. We allowed respect for ‘scientists’ to lead us to assume a certain level of openness, a certain level of mathematical credibility and a certain level of honesty. We gave a lot of benefit of doubt to the people behind these myths – initially. All that has been proven to have been misplaced.

The illusion of openness was shattered by a handful of arrogant people who were enjoying some backwater lime light. They rigged the ‘scientific process’ of peer review by journal so no one could challenge their claims. They bullied journals, squelched dissent and hid contrary results. So Goebbels like.

The illusion of mathematical credibility was destroyed when a clear -eaded and rigorous analysis of the uncertainty around their claims produced error bars that dwarf the magnitude of the supposed century-long warming (errors of +/- 3+°C going back in time against a signal of 0.8°C of warming). The fact is, within the ability to measure a global temperature anomaly, the last 100 years has been the same temperature, with short cool and warm periods that actually follow the gyrations of the ocean currents. A sort of ‘duh!’ realization when you consider (a) the mass of water compared to air and (b) the heat content of water compared to air. The engine of our climate is contained in the reservoir of heat captured and being held in our oceans, not in the marginal atmospheric gas called CO2.

And the assumed honesty was lost when the linchpin of the entire argument fell to the admission that tree ring proxies ‘diverged’ from actual temperatures in the modern era after 1960. Instead of admitting this divergence greatly expanded the error bars on tree ring data representing any kind of regional temp (not even a global temp- another fanciful leap never scientifically justified), the ‘scientist’ hid this from everyone by plastering the thermometer record over this scientific truth. They did this because they knew the proxy divergence would destroy the entire foundation of the global warming concept, and the credibility of the environmental movement on the left.

And so it has. Now there is no credibility for these people – they are the laughing stocks who claimed the Himalayan Glaciers would all be gone in 14 years and that snow would never return to England in the winter.

But I still allow some blame of complacency to lie on all of our shoulders. Consider myself guilty as charged on this count. I let the reputation of science past by the greats of Newton, Kepler, Watson & Crick, Tesla, Einstein and many, many others blind me to the fact this crew were poseurs. Al Gore should have been a warning sign of trouble – the guy is basically clueless. If you think Dan Quayle was not too sharp, Gore makes him look like a damn genius.

We should have simply looked at the claims and wonder why was there such a mountain of panic from an ant hill of temperature rise? Think about it folks – they are wetting their pants of a supposed 0.8°C rise in temperature over 100 years! Forget about the fact we have been coming out of a mini Ice Age for 400 years (some warming is expected). Forget the fact there is no way to get this global accuracy today, let alone use sparse data from before the time of wide spread electricity (let alone indoors plumbing) to get a global temperature number over 100 years ago for comparison. Forget about the poor math and the cover up of the data proving they had no claim for long term comparisons. Forget about this handful of arrogant ignoramuses dominating their little backwater of science and duping the gullible.

0.8°C over 100 years?

In the time it took me to write this post this morning the temperature rose 1°C. Every hour in the morning and in the evening the temperature changes by multiple degrees per hour. Every day the temperatures range by tens of degrees, and every year by many tens of degrees. All the while life on Earth suffers through these traumatic conditions!

Perspective is key here. Would we panic if there was 1% more water in the air any given day? Do we care if the low is 5°C or 5.005°C? Remember, this is 0.8°C per 100 years. that is 0.008°C per year. That is 0.0000022°C per day.

Let us compare this to something else to understand how minuscule and irrelevant this claim is. if I started out with 1 cent and increased it by this fractional amount per day (addition, not compound interest) it would take me 44,500 days to get my second penny. That is 122 years.

These so called scientist know this, which is why they had to create ‘models’ that did not assume a linear increase, but used an unproven feedback loop to accelerate the build-up of temperature. In their models CO2 creates out of control green house feedback. Interesting since CO2 is a fractional gas (~3%) while the dominant green house gas – H20 – apparently sits around and does nothing.

We all need to be more skeptical and more demanding of such wild and far reaching claims. The onus stands on those making the claims to have bullet-proof math, data and models. And at a minimum, their predictions have to hold water. Which they do not in this case. The first predictions of runaway warming were made 30 years ago. They interestingly match those being made today in terms of per-decade warming. And yet, they have been proven wrong by history. If you can’t predict results your claims are garbage – science 101.

We should never have given this nonsense anymore credibility than Wyley E Coyote suspended in air in violation of the force of gravity. But at least the Coyote was funny. Unprepared infrastructure has lost lives. This is not something to take lightly, or forgive easily. There is no ‘moving on’ from the farce that has become the IPCC and its industry of deception.

17 responses so far

17 Responses to “The Faux Panic Of Global Warming”

  1. kathie says:

    Thank you AJ, that was magnifico!

  2. Dan Kurt says:

    re: “Interesting since CO2 is a fractional gas (~3%) ”

    CO2 is a really fractional atmospheric gas at 0.03%. Mauna Loa, HI data.

    Dan Kurt

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Meilin Song, Free To Prosper. Free To Prosper said: The Faux Panic Of Global Warming http://bit.ly/dMcdVV :: Strata-sphere […]

  4. WWS says:

    very nice review! One of the saddest parts of this mess is that significant elements of NASA have been behind this from the start. I gather this came about because a handful of True Believers (ie, Hansen and his gang) convinced the rest that going “all in” on this was the best way to assure funding from a polticized appropriations battle which NASA was afraid of losing.

    Whatever the reason the situation came about, we now have come to the point that, sadly, large parts of NASA need to be defunded and those offices closed. The best plan I’ve seen from anyone comes from you, AJ, and your idea for centralizing the myriad of data gathering and analysis offices into one location. You should reprint that, and someone needs to send it to Paul Ryan as a blueprint for the future. You never know how far it could go!

    (Of course the bureacracy will hate it – imagine the pain of cutting 100 different office managers, 100 building super’s and 100 support staffs if 100 similar offices were all centralized! the Horror! the Horror!)

  5. ivehadit says:

    “If you want a free and prosperous people you have to have free markets…”

    “Governments CANNOT CREATE wealth.”

    “Control and command structure/economy/governments cannot create wealth.”

    The United States of America is the text book to emulate to GROW ECONOMIES”.

    “There are those wanting to TAMP US DOWN NOW.”
    -Listening to Rush right now…relates to exactly what the motives are in global warming, imho.

    Remember who created the Chicago Carbon Exchange…look it up. Yours truly in the WH along with all his cronies…and Al Go (re) stood to make GOBS AND GOBS of money charging companies for their “carbon usage”. Such BUNK.

  6. ivehadit says:

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
    -Marianne Williamson
    Also quoted by Nelson Mandela

    Substitute “the United States” for the word, “you” as in “The United States playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people [nations] won’t feel insecure around you.”

    Why is it that obama cannot grasp this? Or does he and will not apply it to the United States…
    We know the answer.

  7. […] more… Selection bias at Politifact? – hotair.com 02/10/2011 Curious. more… The Faux Panic Of Global Warming – strata-sphere.com 02/10/2011 This winter has proven that the world is unprepared to meet […]

  8. AJStrata says:

    Dan, Thanks – those pesky decimal points!

  9. lurker9876 says:

    Commercial space development cannot survive with NASA. NASA has been financing many commercial companies to build their own space vehicles. Some have financed their own.

    But then who can afford those tickets????

    Pete Olson and six other Republicans are working to eliminate the redundancy of climate research and move those funds to NASA AFTER re-prioritizing the mission statement of NASA to focus on human space exploration.

    This 100 billion dollar cut that the House GOP has been working on in the last few days are going to hit a lot of government employees and Washington DC.

    The sad part is that they have partied too much and far too long until they were forced to realize that they’re going to have to look for jobs in the private sector. Only there just aren’t enough jobs because they helped the government increase regulation.

  10. lurker9876 says:

    “If you want a free and prosperous people you have to have free markets…”
    “Governments CANNOT CREATE wealth.”

    “Control and command structure/economy/governments cannot create wealth.”

    The United States of America is the text book to emulate to GROW ECONOMIES”.

    “There are those wanting to TAMP US DOWN NOW.”

    -Listening to Rush right now…relates to exactly what the motives are in global warming, imho.

    Remember who created the Chicago Carbon Exchange…look it up. Yours truly in the WH along with all his cronies…and Al Go (re) stood to make GOBS AND GOBS of money charging companies for their “carbon usage”. Such BUNK.


    Glenn Beck covered this last year, too.

  11. Wilbur Post says:

    The Widdle Prince Chuckie was “blasting” (as the AP put it) us AGW deniers again today, saying we are “playing a reckless game of roulette with the planet’s future”. This from a man whose own “carbon footprint” is bigger than Godzilla’s. If the planet really IS in danger from carbon dioxide, does he really think his buying “carbon credits” is gonna fix it? It’s kinda like fighting global starvation by buying Girl Scout cookies. The man is stuck on stupid.

  12. ivehadit says:

    Follow the money. That’s all this is about, imho.

  13. WWS says:

    Charles’ purpose on Earth is to remind us colonials why Royalty remains an Extremely Bad Idea.

    Thank you, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Monroe!

  14. Brian H says:

    What Charlie can’t face is that we’re always playing roulette on the future. The thing is, you don’t want to go all in on one very low chance bet. Yet that’s what burning down the industrialized world to save it does.

    The desire/need to control everything and eliminate risk causes results worse than the disaster your imagination built up. The Law of Unintended Consequences can have long, bloody fangs.

  15. […] The Faux Panic Of Global Warming This winter has proven that the world is unprepared to meet the basic needs of its citizens. As the myth of global warming spread among the ignorant – fed by the greedy and power hungry – no one stopped to even think about what was behind the delusion of global warming cries. Let alone the dangerous ramifications of being being duped. […]

  16. Kate4 says:

    Cut the EPA’s budget. Cut it in March. Close down the federal government if necessary. Save us now.

    Please go here to read the comments section – why the EPA needs to be pruned, soon. http://tinyurl.com/49v9577

  17. […] AJ Strata declares that climate change cultists have never “stopped to even think about what was behind the delusion of global warming… Let alone the dangerous ramifications of being duped.” > read The Faux Panic Of Global Warming […]