Tag Archive 'PA-12'

May 18 2010

Critz Burns Burns in PA-12 – But Dem Voters Switched To GOP

The one election I hoped would be the exclamation point on this year’s election fell short. This is not going to be a sure thing for November, but the tsunami rising against the Dems is not as high as one would hope. With 74% of the precincts reporting Critz is over Burns by 54% to […]

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May 17 2010

My May 18th, 2010 Election Predictions

So tomorrow (or today depending on when you read this) there will be primary elections in many states and one key special election in PA-12 to replace the late John Murtha. My predictions are below for PA-12, the PA Dem Senate Primary and the AR Dem Senate primary. Underlying all these predictions is the fact […]

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