Tag Archive 'Obamacare'

Jul 04 2010

Obama’s New America

Liberals run on silly fantasies. Fantasies about the great, all-knowing, all-wise government bureaucrat being the saint compared to the sinner corporations. The idea corporations reward and foster innovation and success while the bureaucrats reward time in should tell you all you need to know about that fantasy. Liberals believe the fantasy that government gouging of […]

18 responses so far

Jun 21 2010

Our Government Has Lied To Us

I know I will get slammed for the comparison, but some times the acts fit the crime. The Obama administration’s PR campaign is mirroring the PR campaign instituted by the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. I am saying mirroring, not identical. We have yet to hit the point where political opponents are more than […]

31 responses so far

Jun 19 2010

Half Assed Administration

Remember the stimulus bill that was supposed to save the economy? Remember how it failed miserably (since around 90% of its ‘shovel ready’ money was not even spent by January 2010). We have yet to see how bad the health care system has been screwed up by liberal fantasies, but we now know very few if […]

23 responses so far

Jun 17 2010

The Lie Of Obamacare – You Can’t Keep Your Current Insurance

When candidate Obama discussed health care he generally gave the impression he could cover the uninsured, lower costs for everyone and enhance the quality of health care without disturbing anyone’s current health care plans. He Lied. The proof he lied is now coming out as the real impacts of Obamacare begin to be put in […]

15 responses so far

May 25 2010

Insipid Arrogance Abounds In Today’s Politics

It has become very tough to blog these last few weeks as two forces of arrogance collide in our political national theatre. The one which is most troubling is the group who which has to be deemed as the better of two lousy choices. This group is the far right. You can identify them as […]

35 responses so far

May 16 2010

The Power Of Freedom Always Trumps The Incompetence Of “Hope & Change”

As many may have noted my blogging has dropped off a bit recently. Mostly this is due to an increased cadence at work and trying to survive the Obama economic mess. But it also has to do with a realization that this country and planet are going to be suffering through months of tough times […]

14 responses so far

Apr 30 2010

Why Obamacare Will Fail In The Courts

Mandating consumers to purchase services from an industry involved in the formulation of the mandate, with requisite penalties on the consumer for failing to make said purchases, is clearly an example of special interests run amok. That is the main point of this excellent article on how the liberals are trying to force Americans into […]

13 responses so far

Apr 14 2010

Democrats Could Face Historic Wipeout This Year

Democrats have a lot of reasons to be concerned about this fall’s elections. Mostly, the economy sucks and will continue to suck for the every day citizen for months (if not years) to come.  Unemployment is stubbornly stuck near 10%, and the weekly job reports have been running in the same narrow band of 400,000+ […]

16 responses so far

Apr 12 2010

Repeal Obamacare, Repeal Congress

In case there are any more delusional democrats still deep in denial (I love alliteration) Rasmussen has begun a tracking poll on the Congressional Democrats’ signature, historic achievement to date – Obamacare: Three weeks after Congress passed its new national health care plan, support for repeal of the measure has risen four points to 58%. […]

4 responses so far

Apr 12 2010

NY Times: 2010 Dems Can Be Saved By Dollars & Disinformation

Published by under All General Discussions

The NY Times is out spinning madly today trying to explain why the Democrats are not going to suffer massive and historic losses this election cycle. With between 8-10 senate seats in serious trouble, the NY Times is clearly in deep denial – as is their partner the Democrat Party. I especially loved this line: […]

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