Tag Archive 'CBO'

Feb 09 2009

Keep The Pressure On, Spread The News, Kill The “Stimulus” – Updated!

Published by under All General Discussions

Major Update: Finally, the Washington Post has exposed the major fraud behind the fake panic to get a bill quickly, when in fact we could wait weeks since the Federal Acquisition infrastructure is in no position to absorb this much spending all at once: The Obama administration’s economic stimulus plan could end up wasting billions of dollars […]

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Feb 08 2009

Congressional Budget Office: No Need For Stimulus Package

Published by under All General Discussions

Well, well, well. It seems someone in DC has been keeping secrets from the American people. One has to guess that liberal law makers teamed up with the liberal media to promulgate the lie that we need to spend (actually borrow against future generations) $1 trillion to save the economy. It is a lie, because […]

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