Archive for October, 2011

Oct 07 2011

The Passing Of Steve Jobs

Published by under All General Discussions

It took me a while to sort out my thoughts on the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve truly reflects my generation, which is why I think so many of us techno-geeks who began our careers when the internet and world wide web were still being conceived feel his passing fairly strongly. But there is also […]

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Oct 05 2011

Anyone But Barak Obama

A lot of people thought I may have jumped the gun in declaring President Obama a one term wonder after the debacle that was the debt limit debate, but it was not that hard a call. When the man who won on being the post-partisan hope for change failed for the umpteenth time to really […]

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Oct 05 2011

Dumb Democrat Games In DC Will Infuriate Voters

I just keep marveling at how much deeper the Democrats and Liberal Left keep digging their hole with the American voters. First they screw up the mortgage market by lowering standards for loans, that in turn led to mountains of useless loan paper, which then collapsed the financial markets. This caused home values to tank, […]

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Oct 02 2011

Democrats Expose Their Inner Petulant & Vicious Child

Published by under All General Discussions

As the end of Hope & Change looms upon the electoral horizon, and as it begins to dawn on the liberal malcontents who now control the Democrat party that their days in ascension are numbered, the left has a few more immature temper tantrums to go through as they march to defeat in 2012. Take […]

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