Tag Archive 'Success'

Nov 14 2008

Do The Dems Dare Lose The War On Terrorism?

In an interesting addendum to my post below on how far President Bush was able to change the world after 9-11 there is a new poll out from Rasmussen which shows 60% of Americans believe we are winning the war on terrorism. Voter confidence in the War on Terror has reached its highest level ever, […]

24 responses so far

Sep 04 2008

Success Has A Million Fathers – Biden Tries To Claim Victory In Iraq As His Own!

Joe Biden illustrated a very lame example of twisted logic as he tried to claim the Bush success in Iraq was what Obidenama had always been supporting. He tried to claim that today we see the result of the Obidenama plan in the fact security has been achieved and political reconciliation has developed as a […]

13 responses so far