Tag Archive 'Massachusetts'

May 01 2013

Our First Electoral Test for 2014: The “Know-It-All” vs. The “Do-It-All”

[Image Source] Boy, you could not set up a more polarizing race than the one brewing in Massachusetts. And I don’t mean political poles, I means reality poles. I was born and raised inside the beltway. I am one of those rare NoVa natives who understand the world of DC, but being from across the […]

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Jan 27 2010

The DC Insanity Takes Hold Of The President

They claim there is something in the water here in DC, has been for decades. Something that turns normal, well meaning human beings into arrogant idiots (a nasty combination if there ever was one). It doesn’t happen to everyone, but it happens to a lot them. The Watergate idiocy, Clinton’s intern problem, congressional bribes and […]

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