Archive for December, 2009

Dec 22 2009

Democrat Lemmings Head Over The Cliff

Boy, you really have to be a zealot to vote for something the public disapproves of by huge margins: As the Senate prepares to vote on health care reform, American voters “mostly disapprove” of the plan 53 – 36 percent and disapprove 56 – 38 percent of President Barack Obama’s handling of the health care […]

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Dec 21 2009

‘Tis The Week Before Christmas, And The Liberal Democrat Economy Sucks!

It’s very hard to be upbeat this Christmas, what with over 10 months of failed job stimulus behind us and the promise of another 10 months of the same ahead. Because of rampant liberal madness in DC we the American people now owe extra trillion dollars, with another trillion coming this next year. We the […]

22 responses so far

Dec 20 2009

A Liberal Con Worth Billion$

The concept of man-made global warming could easily be seen as a complex con meant to create a myriad of liberal billionaires. Why? Well simply because the liberals espousing man-made global warming (based on fatally flawed and unprofessional science) have already amassed fortunes based on the fad of AGW, and are poised to become the […]

11 responses so far

Dec 19 2009

The Main Reasons AGW Is Pure Science Fiction

One of the interesting things about Climategate is how it has really exposed the pathetic math behind the hypothesis of man-made global warming. Sadly, a lot of us assumed the PhD proponents of global warming were performing sound science based on solid mathematics and statistics. But as more and more professional eyes have reviewed the […]

17 responses so far

Dec 17 2009

Obamacare: Left Says Kill It, Right Says Kill It, American People Say Kill It

The Democrats need to wake up and read all the smoke signals heading their way. As of today the only ones still trying to save Obamacare are the DC Democrats. We all know the GOP want to kill Obamacare, but now the liberal/progressive wing want to kill it as well: In a stunning reversal of […]

14 responses so far

Dec 17 2009

Statistical Tricks 101 – How To Create Runaway Global Warming

“Hide the decline” or “The End of The World is Nigh!” – whatever you want to call it, what we see happening with the IPCC and man-made global warming is simply horrible mathematics. With 100’s of billions of dollars on the line it could also be considered a criminal deception. For those who don’t understand how […]

8 responses so far

Dec 17 2009

Drone Hack In Iraq Not That Important

Hacking can be bad, but what happened in Iraq with the hacking of US drones is not nearly as threatening as the drama queens in the news make it out to be: Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they […]

12 responses so far

Dec 17 2009

Nation’s Number Of Unemployed Still Expanding

Don’t trust statistics unless you know exactly how they were generated and what the error or uncertainty is in the number. And always question a surprise positive jump in any number when it comes from an administration in desperate need of a surprise jump in that number. Take November’s lost jobs number – it seemed […]

5 responses so far

Dec 17 2009

Hide The Decline Comrade!

Sorry for the lack of posting today, been on travel all day. Russia just threw a huge monkey wrench into Copenhagen by becoming the first nation to claim the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia manipulated the raw Russian measurement data to create a fictional view of climate in that huge […]

10 responses so far

Dec 16 2009

Global Warming Talks Retreating Into Nothingness

The great socialist, liberal, progressive, left (pick your preferred label(s)) movement has run its course. Being made up of fictional fantasies one would typically find in a Disney cartoon land (corporations bad, humanity bad, nature under attack, liberals saving the day with platitudes, etc), it is no surprise this thin tissue of unrealistic, simple-minded ‘policies’ […]

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