Nov 14 2005

From The Duh! Files

Published by at 11:58 am under All General Discussions,The Duh! Files

Kathleen Blanco has been named one of the worst Governors in the Nation by Time Magazine [hat tip Michelle]. Anybody dropping by The Strata-Sphere would know that by know.

But Time really rakes the indecisive and back stabbing Blanco over the coals. But first Time needs to begin their piece with an outright lie:

Failures aren’t born. They’re made. Before Hurricane Katrina, it wasn’t the job of Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco to plan for the evacuation of the elderly and poor from New Orleans. Afterward, she wasn’t in charge of the federal response. But it was her job to give her constituents heart by looking decisive, steadfast and capable. Even if she wasn’t.

Actually it is the responsibility of the state to develop, practice and execute emergency preparedness plans with FEMA and the Feds. The fact Blanco and Nagin went off script even before Katrina’s rains reached shore is testiment to how badly Louisiana let down its people.

Now to the basting of Blanco:

When it mattered most, Blanco appeared “dazed and confused,” says Bernie Pinsonat, a bipartisan political consultant in Baton Rouge, La. When NBC’s Matt Lauer asked her whether it was hard to find words to reassure the public, she tried to muster optimism, then circled back to despair. “You know, our people out here are so fearful. They’re so worried … It’s a nightmare.”

And that was at her high point!

Blanco, a Democrat, was always cautious and deliberative.

Yep, she is lost with a level of deliberation that is stunning.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “From The Duh! Files”

  1. Larwyn says:

    Did it mention the appointment of James Lee Witt as FEMA Director
    Louisiana? Recall Jamie Lee dissapeared within 5 days after being
    hosted and celebrated by LSM, with his “we could have done better”
    meme. Then as truth began to come out POOF! Jamie Lee dissapeared.

    Close ups of JLW are not kind – face appears to show ravages of
    alcoholism. (First hand experience with uncles of husband.)

    Roy McGovern was on CSPAN this morning – sadly, I only caught
    last few minutes as morning chores “cannot be ignored” so only
    way to discipline myself is to not turn on computer until I have
    accomplished all responsibilities.

    CSPAN should replay – but understand they also make available on
    their site. Hope you take a look.

    He was on torture and “School of the Americas” and how the little
    lies – like Jessica Lynch being raped led to mistreatment of prisoners,
    blah blah blah.

  2. AJStrata says:


    No it did not mention Witt.

    Thanks for the tip on McGovern.

    And I do have email – We just never had time to get it on the site!