Sep 09 2008

Obama’s Pig Statement – Election’s Over

Major Update (and probably the last on this post): What we have here is a clear case of premeditated political suicide and armed plagiarism (was this Biden’s part in the crime?):

The key to realizing the plagiarism, and to realizing that the entire riff was pre-scripted, is that Obama begins to tell the joke wrong.Obama started in with Toles’s “Exce-“, but quickly realized that he didn’t start the joke correctly, so he went back and filled in the preamble to the joke, and then he returned later to Toles’s “Except” once again.

All of this was pre-scripted, right down to the lipstick on the pig.

Lipstick was the liberal talking point of the day:

Carnahan: ‘There’s no way you can dress up that record even with a lot of lipstick
By Ben Smith
September 09, 2008, 03:08 PM

O-Bomba blew it in a fit of hate and anger. Nuff said.

Updates Below: Note how the denizens of Kos (home of the vile smears about Bristol) and the crowd at the event ‘got’ Obama’s meaning. The tone deafness of the panicked defenders fail to recognize how everyone on the far left  ‘got it’ well before the the repulsion rose up against Obama. It is sad to see his vaunted campaign end like this, but the warning signs about the neophyte were all over the place for anyone to see. – end

Dude, what were you thinking? After your shafted an icon of the women’s movement in your grasp for power in the Illinois state senate – not even letting the voters have ANY options as you threw all your opponents off the ballot through lawsuit maneuvers – you think you would know better than to attack a woman with a gutter joke. After you pried into the life of a divorced mother so you could expose her divorce records to the world, even over her objections to protect her kids, so you could chase the challenger from the US Senate race, you would think you would know you were living on borrowed time with women. After you smeared Hillary Clinton out of the primaries with the help of your immature mail friends in the news media (Mr. Tingle leg to name one), you would think you realize that was your last chance to diss women.

But no – your greed for power is so consuming, your ego as shallow as it is arrogant, you had to use the lipstick joke knowing full well it would be inferred as an innuendo-slam against Governor Sarah Palin. You had to go for the crude sexist slap:


Barry, ever hear the phrase ‘men are pigs’? You are the kind of male that makes that phrase ring true with 90+% of women. Thanks for nothing cretin, but my sex (male) is much more honorable and respectful than you would make it out to be. Are you trying to impress women or repulse them? Clearly you have a lot of growing up to do, and you will have about 16 years to do it in since we can now safely expect women in this country to give the McCain/Palin team the keys to the White House for next 12-16 years.

Go home Barry and explain to your daughters what you did. See if you would find it funny if some arrogant jerk called them pigs. Go home Obama, and rethink your life. 

Update: I tested this on the ladies of the house and they are not amused. Given Palin’s clearly self deprecating joke about Hockey Mom’s and Pit Bulls, it is clear any sane, mature person would stay far away from the connection. DJStrata noted how Obama was wiping his brow before he delivered the clearly staged throw away line as if to say “do I really want to do this”?

I have been watching state polls where blue states are going purple (WI, MI, PA), Dark Blue going light blue (NJ, WA) and purple states going red (OH, VA). This tells me the avalanche in the private polling must be down right frightening. Why else do this?

This smells of a Hail “Screw You” Marry pass if I have ever seen one. And the other side just intercepted and is running unopposed into the end zone to win the game. Obama panicked and listened to some emotionally stunted liberal consultant when he tried to use this line (and the week old dead fish in the newspaper was not any better – which is the rest of the quote).

DJStrata and LJStrata are going to see Palin tomorrow in Northern Virginia – and I expect the Barracuda to do some severe slicing and dicing of Obama over this one. Another sexist pig is going to be laying in the ditch crying his eyes out after meeting the Barracuda. I can’t way to see her response.

BTW – if the audience there got the message this was aimed at Palin I doubt seriously this was some kind of mistake. It was deliberate, and all the feigned ignorance by the media will not fix Obama’s fatal mistake.

Update: Hugh Hewitt reminds us of the time Obama gave Hillary the finger in a well used hidden jester:

The crowds get the signal just like a catcher gets the signal from a pitcher. Obama seems to have some serious insecurity issues about women if has to stoop to this 3rd grade taunting. Then to follow it up with that Eddie Haskel “what – me?” crap! Dude, the ladies have all seen it before many times.

Update: Shock and disgust from the Land of the PUMAs. But the juvies at Daily Kos got the message loud and clear without a translator: Palin = Pig, McCain = Rotten Fish. Are they sorry? Hell no they want more!

You want to sling mud at us, we’ll throw ten times the mud at you….

hum…who cares? they are both pigs!

Pigs are fine animals, clean and intelligent.

They have nothing in common with Cain or Unable.

Palin introduced the Lipstick and pitbull meme…

Surely someone with her political EXPERIENCE ought to have been able to predict the very obvious rebuttal.

Now they cry “sexism”?  Wow.  If lipstick isn’t a symbol for the female gender, I don’t know what is!!  

No She’s an Evil Cow!!! 

And on and on it goes, they got the message Messiah – loud and clear.  If the Kosians figured it out then it was pretty damn obvious what he meant.


America, just look at the classless community Obama has organized for us, and just think what he could do to ‘change’ America if given the opportunity? When your little girls grow up they too can be the object of juvenile ridicule by insecure liberal fascists. This IS how the Jews were treated for a few years – before the Nazis started rounding them up and gassing them. They were ridiculed and belittled, so that when the time came there was no sympathy, not compassion, very few willing to sacrifice themselves to stop the hate. Make no mistake – this group of liberal trash is turning into something very dangerous.

Update: Liberals think examples of other poor behavior will save the Messiah – clearly they are wrong. Even worse, they think it is Sarah’s fault Obama tossed a pig reference her way! Get this whacked logic:

Maybe Gov. Palin shouldn’t have been so quick to call herself a pit-bull in lipstick. She’s the one who injected gender quips into the race with that statement during her RNC acceptance speech.

Maybe if “woman’s name here” hadn’t been so independent her husband wouldn’t have beaten her? Maybe if “woman’s name here” hadn’t been so seductive looking she wouldn’t have been raped? Maybe if Sarah Palin had not made a self deprecating joke Obama wouldn’t have had to refer to her as a pig????

It is about high time the liberals take responsibility for the own lack of self control. Obama meant it and it was a deliberate throw out line to try and make a subtle (if not subliminal) point. And it came out loud, clear and repulsive.

Obama threw his campaign into the gutter all on his own – don’t blame Sarah. The damage is done.

Update: How bad is this mistake? watch Biden and Hillary and the other Democrats and see how much they are willing to personally stake on the event. Some radicals are in to the end and will sink to any low to grasp onto the dream. But many will back off to save themselves.

BTW – all the back and forth in the blogosphere between left and right, ignore it. They don’t represent America, their votes were locked in years ago, and they are numb to the invective which turns off Main Street America. Obama failed the common decency test. He is afraid to say clearly what he wants so he hides it behind a crude analogy. Then he pretends he didn’t mean it while he snickers behind his hand.

Well, I am laughing straight in his face. Palin is not a victim of O-Bomba – that’s impossible since she just won the class and respect award for being higher than the gutter. People who think this was more of an attack against Palin than an implosion of Obama and the left missed the point entirely. Obama just proved he is not ready for prime time. Palin wins the ‘experience’ test hands down because Obama disqualified himself. He tried to cheat and break the rules (of common decency). That is why this is over. 

I am bummed today because America’s election process went into the tank because Obama couldn’t perform to the minimal standards. He fatally tripped up and we have 2 months of watching the agony in front of us. McCain/Palin win over a dumb-ass technicality. And I worry about the Obama girls and how they will be impacted. Look, there is no pleasure here in the Strata-Sphere that Obama screwed up so badly. But the reality very few in the moderate middle will see any reason to vote for him now, and lots to vote against him. This is a junior senator mistake. He was simply not ready to be under this kind of pressure.

32 responses so far

32 Responses to “Obama’s Pig Statement – Election’s Over”

  1. kathie says:

    Obama can do a great speech off the teleprompter, like I said before, you were a community organizer and you talk like you would to the community in South Side Chicago. Be careful man!

  2. crosspatch says:

    As Glenn Reynolds wrote from a reader’s email: Obama’s Macaca Moment. His “lipstick” crack just alienated every single one of the potential Hillary women. Obama is losing it. Judging from the look on his face, the set in his jaw, Obama is really angry. I am sure he expected a “bounce” for McCain after the convention but I think what has happened here has completely shocked him. He’s scared and he is in a panic and he is blowing it. He apparently doesn’t respond well under pressure and allows emotion to override logic. Exactly the kind of person you don’t want with their finger on the nuclear trigger.

    The most important thing is that Palin is a popular figure. When you insult a popular figure, the fans of that figure turn on you. Even people who are on the fence will see his words has having a certain lack of class.

    And finally, women everywhere are going to seriously resent the “lipstick” comment no matter how it was meant. They will experience it as sexist. It doesn’t matter how it was meant, it will matter how people experience hearing those words.

    Obama has just blown up his own campaign.

  3. AJStrata says:


    have the sexism is from ignorant, classless comments were the guy just doesn’t get it. Compare that to McCain, who is gaining incredible respect for having the self confidence to let a woman on his team who will and is overshadowing him.

    It is over. Completely and irreversibly over.

  4. lurker9876 says:

    Say, AJStrata…what’s up with Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and Cynthia McKinney?

    And how much of a factor would they play in this election? I understand that Ron Paul still has a following but how big is this base?

    I am hoping that Ron Paul and Bob Barr will have no effect to this election that Ross Perot had many years ago…

  5. AJStrata says:

    Ron, Paul and Cynthia who???

  6. PSGInfinity says:

    Glenn should write about it:
    “The latest Carnival of Clowns is up!”

  7. Toes192 says:

    This video will go viral… When Obama lost his nerve and refused Hillary, the old guy went for the jugular as a warrior will always do… and chose a pit bull with lipstick… Our pitbull, **hole. And btw, sir, most of us men really LIKE lipstick… 🙂

    And our Sarah ain’t blinking.

    ♥ The Timid man ♥ will spend the rest of his life wondering why he rejected the obvious road to victory…

    People, do NOT relax and although I am tempted to say game over… Be Relentless… showing or promising no abatement of severity, intensity, strength, or pace…

  8. crosspatch says:

    I like this idea … mail the Obama campaign a lipstick:

    And even the “fish” comment is an insulting name for women among gay men. I live near San Francisco so I get more exposure to the gay lexicon than maybe other people do. BOTH comments were aimed at Palin, in my opinion. He basically called her a pig who is foul between the legs. That is nasty. He is toast.

  9. crosspatch says:

    Oh, and I wanted to post a reference for the fish thing but figured two links would get me tossed into the spam bucket.

    fish===n. (derogatory) a woman; pl. fish

  10. crosspatch says:

    Well, it looks like the second link got tossed into the spam bucket anyway.

  11. kathie says:

    This is from Woodward’s book, now this is a real President. Woodward was complaining that Bush didn’t communicate with the military well. You be the judge. Now this is a man!

    Bush told Keane to deliver to Gen. Petraeus at a time when Petraeus was struggling against superiors who did not support what he was trying to do:

    I respect the chain of command. I know that the Joint Chiefs and the Pentagon have some concerns. One is about the Army and Marine Corps and the impact of the war on them. And the second is about other contingencies and the lack of strategic response to those contingencies.
    I want Dave to know that I want him to win. That’s the mission. He will have as much force as he needs for as long as he needs it.

    When he feels he wants to make further reductions, he should only make those reductions based on the conditions in Iraq that he believes justify those reductions. These two concerns that we are discussing back here in Washington — about contingency operations and the needs of the Army and the Marine Corps — they are not your concerns. They are my concerns.

    I do not want to change the strategy until the strategy has succeeded. I waited over three years for a successful strategy. And I’m not giving up on it prematurely. I am not reducing further unless you are convinced that we should reduce further.

    Sorry to change the subject, but this President has always acted well.

  12. Jacqui says:

    I’m an old bird and somehow this video has the look and feel of the “Dukakis in a tank picture” that along with the Horton ad pretty much produced a landslide for his opponent.

    Now, you know this will be used and if you want to know how desparate they are getting on the Dem side the race card is coming out again…”community organizer” the NY gov says is code work for “black” That is new one for me.

    You can’t talk about Obama associations, you can’t mention his middle name and now you can’t tell anyone he was a community organizer..don’t you like how the Dems define free speech?

  13. AJStrata says:

    CP, You just have a gift for hitting the spam filter.


  14. […] Various bloggers hysterically rush in to attack Obama. […]

  15. Toes192 says:

    Hmmm. I wonder if ♥ The Timid man ♥ would have the guts to make that crack in front of our first Dude up here… Mr. Todd Palin…

    I think not.

    heh… I stole about three of your lines at Aj… Dang, you get inspired sometimes…

  16. SallyVee says:

    Take a look at my new favorite t-shirts:

  17. crosspatch says:

    The t-shirts are already out


  18. Toes192 says:

    Crosspatch…. Just noticed your lipstick comment… I got a tire gauge for a McCain donation… Says “Obama Energy Plan” on it…

    but… I do not think we should let the Senator off the hook with this one… Senator Obama just handed us a gift… Keep it serious and hammer him with it…

  19. crosspatch says:

    Toes, what McCain should do tomorrow in Fairfax county is have Palin (or his wife, either way works) in bright red lipstick plant a big old smooch on his cheek and give his speech with that lip print on there like a badge of honor.