May 08 2008
Scratch Another Top al-Qaeda Leader! – Never Mind ….
Major Update: US says Masri not captured. – end update
al-Qaeda’s forces in Iraq have been spending the last year, since President George Bush decided to implement General David Petraeus’ counter insurgency strategy that had by this time last year turned the Sunni Province of Anbar, the center of al-Qaeda’s operations in Iraq at the time, into a model of an al-Qaeda free Iraq. From this time last year until now al-Qaeda has been chased out of all its strongholds leaving it with its last toe-hold in the Northern Provinces of Iraq around Mosul. Today we have excellent news on the war on terror as another al-Qaeda leader has been captured, further decimating al-Qaeda’s ability to operate in Iraq:
The leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Ayyub al-Masri, has been arrested, according to media reports quoting the country’s defence ministry.
Masri, also known as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, was detained in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, the reports said.
The US military in Iraq said it was currently looking into the reports.
The Egyptian-born militant took over the leadership of the group from Abu Musab al-Zarqawi shortly after he was killed in a US air strike in June 2006.
Masri is believed to have helped Zarqawi form the first al-Qaeda cell in Baghdad following the US-led invasion in 2003.
After becoming leader, he vowed to “continue what Sheikh Abu Musab began” and avenge his death with attacks that would “turn your children’s hair white”.
al-Masri had promised a return of al-Qaeda this month with renewed attacks which really have not transpired. Why this is such a huge blow to AQ is the man was captured, which means he is going to be interrogated and lots of intelligence will be in his possession for the US to identify and destroy the remnants of al-Qaeda’s dwindling forces in Iraq. I would not be surprised if the coming weeks see large numbers of AQ cells captured or killed. AQ truly is on its last legs in Iraq. While it has taken longer than many of us had hoped, each time one of these top leaders is caught AQ suffers major setbacks. At their current strength this could be a blow they don’t survive. At least we can hope!
Thank God we did not listen to the Surrendercrats and run away from Iraq or al-Masri would be running a major fighting force right now, working hard to inflict attacks on the West comparable or worse than 9-11. Instead he is now sitting in a cell undergoing some aggressive interrogations so Iraq and America can stop his thugs from shedding any more blood.

Put that man on a waterboard.
But, but al Qaeda in Iraq is not the same al Qaeda who attacked us on 911. AND we brought them to Iraqi when we came. I say who cares where they are or why, they are all the same mind set, and we need to get them before they get us. Iraq is a far better place for al Qaeda to plan then Afghanistan, easier to get to for the Saudis, Egyptians and other bad guys. I say go America and Iraqi’s!
Where did I leave that waterboard?
AQ and other Islamic terrorist organizations have shown a remarkable resilience over time. Even if we defeat them in Iraq the basic organization is still active in other parts of the world. Also, they are receiving assistance from states such as Iran and Sryia. As much as I am pleased to read about this and other successes, we still have a VERY long way to go.
Based on past experience , I will wait for positive ID on him, there have been too many false alarms
Every day I go to Fox to see if we have bombed Iran yet. Just a matter of time. I don’t want the governemnt to bomb the people just the ayatollahs and Ahmanidiot and strategic areas like the training camps, possible nuclear sites and infrastructure. I think the Iran people would rise up if this was done. The leaders are despised in this country and are cruel to dissidants. It would be nice to send Code Pink over there on a good will tour, yes? Let them find out what happens when people disagree with the government. Oh….wait. I Forgot. They agree with the government. Therefore they would be greeted with open arms and a ticker tape parade.
It’s worth noting that al Masri was in Baghdad, unfettered, in 2002. The capital of Iraq…a year before the U.S. invasion according to both former CIA director Tenet and Lt. Gen. William Caldwell.
He wasn’t alone either. He was with a number of other jihadis plotting attacks on U.S., Israeli and Egyptian targets.
As much as I’d like to believe this…I’m not so sure it’s been confirmed. Given that up front…I’ll say…..knowing what I know….if they DID in fact capture him…they would not confirm it for a while (for obvious reasons).
Let’s hope he is captured – we could be denying we have
any knowledge of his capture to give the waterboarders
time to do the job.
Let’s not send him to Gitmo. He’d be a lefty cause celeb
Let the Iraqis deal with him.