Mar 03 2008

A Great Analysis On The Surge And Awakening

Published by at 8:06 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Engram at Back Talk has some excellent analysis on the drop in violence in Iraq, noting two important points: where the bombing of the Gold mosque ignited the violence and how the Surge and Awakening movement have brought back a relative peace. Here are two of the charts contained in the analysis which is best just read in its original form.

Note how we are now sustaining levels well below the period leading up to the ignition point, when the violence flared up.

What I also found interesting was a chart that showed the casualty lines extending upward to illustrate the Obama/Clinton/Surrendercrat option proposed back in early 2007. It is an excellent reminder of how things would have played out so disastrously if the nation had followed the Surrender path instead of the Bush/McCain path we have been on to this day.

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