Jul 28 2005

Good One Captain Ed!

Published by at 9:19 am under All General Discussions

Ed Morrissey has a great post on the leftward fringes going on another one of their daily conspiricay binges, this time about Roberts and FL 2000. Read the whole sad story. But the reason I posted a congrats to Captain Ed is for coining what will be a staple phrase on the conservative side of the aisles.

Josh Marshall, in a failing attempt to remain rational, declares that it’s “[n]ot quite disqualifying, perhaps.” John at Americablog smells a payoff. So does Susie Madrak. Lambert at Corrente, meanwhile, suspects that Roberts played a key role in a conspiracy involving Rehnquist, or possibly Antonin Scalia for some weird reason, to corrupt the Court — and then accuses the Republicans of wanting to fight Florida 2000 all over again.

Kool-Aid spill, aisle 1!

Geez, my sides are still hurting! I guess if you conspiracy binge all the time, you run the risk of spilling your Kool-Aid once in a while…

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