Jul 02 2007

The Stench Of al-Qaeda

Published by at 10:16 am under All General Discussions,Iraq

Warning: Graphic Images

Michael Yon is reporting from Iraq on the brutality and cold-blooded nature of al-Qaeda. You can almost smell the stench al-Qaeda leaves in its wake – which is why the Muslim street is rising up against al-Qaeda, and not us. Please remember to donate to Michael’s mission and his great work in Iraq.

11 responses so far

11 Responses to “The Stench Of al-Qaeda”

  1. Cobalt Shiva says:

    The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.

  2. biglsusportsfan says:

    I hope everyone emails this Yon article to their friends and post it in forums they frequent.

  3. dave m says:


    What about Senator Lugar? Good timing on his part. non?
    Let’s pull out and let AL-Qaeda do this to most of the world.
    How badly does his most recent “defection” affect the funding
    bills that have to come up after September?

  4. AJStrata says:

    Lugar and Voinivich are serious problems. They will not make a veto proof majority, but they are a problem. And no dounbt they are upset with the GOP and their strong arm tactics over immigration. They probably see no reason to support the GOP when the GOP turned on them as they did all proponents of the immigration bill. I think it is wrong, but it is not unexpected. When the conservative alliance was destroyed we knew the result would be bad for Iraq. The hypochondriacs did not care who they pissed off. So here we are.

  5. thecentercannothold says:

    The Center Did Not Hold

  6. Boghie says:

    Shouldn’t we stop fighting in Iraq?
    I mean, al-Qaeda was in Afghanistan in 2001!!!
    And, obviously al-Qaeda was in America in 2001!!!

    The Democratic strategy reminds me of Willie Keeler’s baseball maxim:

    “Hit em where they ain’t”

    Brilliant, simply brilliant.

    Why seek out al-Qaeda where they are when you know where they were a decade ago or whatever…

  7. thecentercannothold says:

    How about America forcing the Jewish expansionists off the west bank of Palestine? A suggestion from every Arab/Moslem government as a way to reduce al Qaeda recruitment.

  8. Soothsayer says:

    Or remove some of the troops from the 737 bases in 130 countries . . . specifically troops stationed on Islamic soil . . . which required every Believer to join in defensive jihad against the occupation.

  9. Terrye says:


    That is so stupid. We have the Sixth Fleet at Dubai, it is one of the largest of our naval bases. We have troops all over the world and the truth is the world is more stable because of it.

  10. Terrye says:

    BTW, I am not sure Lugar would actually vote to pull troops out. I think he is trying to put pressure on the administration. I don’t think that is a good thing, but he is not now nor will he ever be, Hagel.

  11. Terrye says:

    I wonder if people have any idea how more stable the world really is today than it was before the US became a super power. The world wars, the regional wars,even the religious wars were worse. The number of people who have died in this decade is far less than those who died in the 90’s even when almost a million died in Rwanda alone.

    Imagine a world where an entire nation is wiped out. 1 million died in the Mexican revolution a century ago. The Communists in China and Russia and Viet Nam and Cambodia killed more than 100 million. The numbers are staggering.

    There is trade because the US watches the seas. Whenever there is a disaster the US is the first to respond. Never before in history has any nation protected so many.