Jun 25 2007

Immigration Bill Prediction

Published by at 12:38 pm under All General Discussions,Illegal Immigration

If the immigration Bill is going to pass the cloture vote we know it will be close. I am not sure which way it will go but I think it will pass the cloture 62-37 27. The 37 27 opposed will be mostly the GOP deadenders. If it passes this test it will go through the amendment process and we shall see what flavor of sausage comes out the back end. I still think it has a chance to succeed, which is why the Amnesty Hypochondriacs are in a lather again. It is this or nothing for ten years. So either they lose and America wins some progress or they win and we are stuck with the same old mess for a lont time to come. I think it is sinking in on everyone there are not any more shots at this for some time to come. The perfect bill is not coming to save the day…..

63 responses so far

63 Responses to “Immigration Bill Prediction”

  1. Sue says:

    In other words, I do not think that Sessions and Tancredo have any intention of just enforcing the laws, because they know better. They are just using the issue for their own political purposes.

    What political purposes would that be? I don’t know about Sessions, but you should check on Tancredo before you lump him into that category. His reputation is not one of using the issue for political purposes and he has every intention of seeing the laws already on the books enforced. He was a lone voice in the wilderness not so very long ago.

    And why would they know better? Are you saying that laws are just passed for political purposes never intending to enforce them? If so, why on earth should I support a new set of laws that no one intends to enforce?

  2. AJStrata says:


    Budgets originate in the house – it will be added there.

  3. apache_ip says:

    Budgets originate in the house – it will be added there.

    The Democrats in the house have already started voicing their opposition to the fence. They have NO INTENTION of funding it. I can post an audio link if anyone doubts me.