May 08 2007

Viva la Difference!

Published by at 6:55 am under All General Discussions,Bin Laden/GWOT

OK, I do not speak French so hopefully LKStrata can fix my post title if necessary. Just a short comment on the elections in France, and all of this is from watching the coverage by Fox’s Special Report last night (can you tell I am not too engaged on this matter?). Fox noted that a Zarkozy went out of his way to send America a signal: France is our ally again and we can count on them. This would not impress me until I saw the Frenchman in the Street clips with people in the crowd echoing the same sentiment: they were sick of the America bashing.

If that is the result of this election then I am glad to hear it and thank George Bush for being strong and showing France that our war on terror is not a power play but an act of survival. The effort to reach out to us is appreciated and I am willing to end my personal boycott of things French based on this new tone. I know Zarkozy has to turn back a myriad of socialistic policies killing the French economy. He will get some done, but it will take years to turn around. But the rebuilding of our alliance is huge, and is another signal to al Qaeda the leftists have overplayed their hands and we are in this to win. The Surrendercrats do not have the support they think they have. So Viva la Difference!

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