Apr 23 2007

Reid: Cut Funding For Troops

Published by at 12:33 pm under All General Discussions,Iraq

It seems Harry Reid is on his own little political martyrdom mission:

Defying a fresh veto threat, the Democratic-controlled Congress will pass legislation within days requiring the start of a troop withdrawal from Iraq by Oct. 1, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday.

The legislation also sets a goal of a complete pullout by April 1, 2008, he said.

In remarks prepared for delivery, Reid said that under the legislation the troops that remain after next April 1 could only train Iraqi security units, protect U.S forces and conduct ”targeted counter-terror operations.”

Folks, this is less money than either the Senate or House voted on individually Both of the stand alone bills funded the war into 2008 – now they only fund it to Oct 1 which is mush less than before. So we can now honestly say the Dems are cutting the troops’ funding. Ried has lost his mind it seems.

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “Reid: Cut Funding For Troops”

  1. DaleinAtlanta says:

    AJ; yes, he has lost his mind, and for this former Marine, they are nothing less than Traitors!

    And for all those Leftists out there, that take umbrage at that, tough luck!

    Based upon your “rules” set down, by the likes of John Kerry and Murtha (two more Traitors!); I EARNED the right to use that word, because I wore the uniform!

    However AJ, where you and I differ, is that you are the eternal Optimist!

    You think President Bush, will somehow “win” this issue, and get the funding, and that the Leftists will cave, and the American people will back the President.

    As for me, my life experiences make me the eternal pessimist, I’ve seen this refrain before, the traitors like Reid and Murtha and Kerry, WIN, because of the support and connivance, and enabling of the MSM and the Hollywood crowd.

    And, because, frankly, the Bush Administration did not do, what it needed, PR-wise, EVERY SINGLE DAY, to ensure that the American people understood, and supported this war.

    They ceeded the battlefield to the appeasers, the traitors, and frauds like Joe Wilson, Nancy Pelosi, the Murtha’s the Kerry’s, the Reids.

    As a result, we “lose” this war, the President loses this funding battle, the “American people” do not back him, and the US is irreparably harmed, not only this clash of civilizations and religion, which is what this GWOT REALLY is, but also, for the future, for any President, who NEEDS to exercise US Military power!

    AJ: if it turns out I’m wrong, I’ll come back here and eat crow, when you post about it..

  2. Terrye says:


    Bush might as well veto. But it is not fair to fault Bush because Reid is an idiot. I know that the Democrat who ran and won in my district swore he would have no part of something like this.

  3. MerlinOS2 says:

    April Fools day as a withdrawal date?!, was this intentional or just an inside joke?

  4. MerlinOS2 says:


    As a past Bubblehead and Birdfarm Ghetto sailor I echo your conclusions.

  5. ivehadit says:

    We are all frustrated witht the Maoist/stalinist tactics of the Left and the media.
    One problem for the President is that he cannot come out everyday and take on these traitors. If he did, he would dilute what power he has to reach people, not to mention elevate those idiots to his level. It is a fact now that instead of 3 commercials to really reach people, it now takes over 12 hits. Triple just to get your attention. People would start tuning him out completely if he were hammering away everyday…and it would not befitting of the Office. Granted, those who SHOULD have been doing this, like senators and congressmen and the RNC failed miserably, imho. And add some talkshow hosts to the Bush bashing like Laura Ingraham and there you have it.

    It is a sad state of affairs when you have a shameless internal enemy who has nothing to lose…

  6. MerlinOS2 says:


    I worse comes to worse and we back out of here the damage will be more than a little. Not just to the people in Iraq, for whom it will be horrendous. But all the dems are saying we have lost face in the international community by our stance. They ain’t seen nothing yet like it will be if we bug out.

    But of course that is just exactly what they want.

  7. Terrye says:


    They want that now, but if they win in 08 they will have to deal with the results. It might look a little different then.

    And that is what they always said. The Democrats said they should win when Kennedy was running because Eisenhower had hurt our image abroad. same old crap.

  8. MerlinOS2 says:


    Their goal is “off the plate before 08”.
    They don’t want to inherit something they have perverted from being America’s war which has now been shouted out by the MSM enablers as Bush’s war.
    Gal if you keep talking with good grasp about Eisenhower I’m gonna loose the image your only 29.
    Ain’t anything sacred any more?