Apr 11 2007

Duke Lacrosse Case Not Over Yet

Published by at 7:03 am under All General Discussions

Word is out the case against members of the Duke Lacrosse Team will de dropped soon, but that should not be the end of the case. It is time that idiot prosecutor felt the true meaning of justice and was indicted for misuse and criminal negligence in the exercise of his powers. If we don’t start punishing zealous prosecutors when they go this far overboard, they will just go out and push the envelope a little farther next time. Their path to higher office is through us the people, and like with this case that could be a bad thing.

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Duke Lacrosse Case Not Over Yet”

  1. BarbaraS says:

    Why is it taking the NC authorities so long to settle this case? The DNA does not match. Ergo there is no case against these boys. I don’t know if the girl was raped or not, but it evidently did not happen at that house. From what I have read there is no evidence or DNA there either. If it happened, it happened in the parking lot when the accuser was out cold from either booze of drugs or both. And since the DNA collected was from unknown men this is evidently what happened whether voluntary or involuntary. Duke University was too quick to jump to conclusions. I would certainly never recommend sending anyone to this college. It costs too much money for its students to be treated so cavalierly.

  2. Sensible Mom says:

    Duke Rape Hoax Over…

    I wonder if the media will make as much of this race baiting episode that nearly led to the ruin of three young men as they have about Don Imus’ comments.

  3. The Sandbox says:

    Duke Lacrosse Rape Case Dropped…

    Looks like the wheels of justice turn pretty slow in Durham:The office of North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper will announce that he is dismissing all charges against three Duke Lacrosse players, ABC News has learned from sources close to…